UFOs in the Mar Menor (Spain)

“And suddenly a large sphere emerged from the waters and furrowed the night, illuminating it completely.

Galán Vázquez
23 min readJan 16, 2021

How many times have I heard stories like this, of this type. How many times have I heard witnesses who have seen this from a ship, from an airplane, from the shore, on a road that passed near the coast. There are prone areas and one of them due to its characteristics has been in the press lately, for other reasons … of … ecological issues, how damaged or not that sea is. The algae, the nature that covers it, the species, its danger. Let’s talk about the Mar Menor, well, the Mar Menor has another dimension that is not told so much, which has to do with precisely this type of apparition. And it is not easy to have diverse testimonies, from different points of view, on land or in the open sea, who have encountered these things. That they are not fantasies, that they are there, that will have to be investigated. By the way, you knew that the first chronological case investigated by the Ministry of Defense and the Air Force in Spain occurs here. Well let’s find out, we analyze the strange apparitions, the UFO phenomenon and a place so limited, so special, as beautiful as the Mar Menor …”.

This is how the journalist, researcher and presenter Iker Jiménez commented in his Fourth Millennium program on Sunday, January 10, 2021, one of the many exciting stories about the frequency of UFO observations in the Mar Menor.

On his website he defines it like this:

UFOs in Murcia: they claim to have seen the red Mar Menor and a sphere emerging from it.

We spoke with witnesses to learn everything about the UFO sightings in the Mar Menor de Murcia.

The witness of the observation was jogging through San Pedro del Pinatar. Image “Fourth Millennium”

‘Cuarto Milenio’ has the testimony of a direct witness of this event. He tells that he was running through San Pedro del Pinatar when he noticed that the water of the Mar Menor was illuminated red. He realizes that 20–30 meters from the coast there is something submerged, from which that light emanates. Soon she begins to see a rather large red sphere emerging from the water, about 15–20 meters in diameter, rise up and disappear from her sight. It is not the first time that someone claims to have seen something like this. We travel to the area and speak with experts who share other experiences related to sightings around the Region of Murcia.

The witness observes a powerful red light in the interior of the sea. Image “Fourth Millennium”
The sea is illuminated from within by a red light. Image “Fourth Millennium”

These are the observations related by the witnesses to the Fourth Millennium: “In a beach area, I had gone out for a run and was in an area of the municipality of San Pedro de Pinatar. At that moment I arrived at the mouth where the beach is and the amazement is impressive, I find the sea completely red, lit red, and I realize that some twenty or thirty meters from the coast there is something submerged in the water that emanates that red light.

The light comes from a sphere that rises to the surface of the Sea. Image “Fourth Millennium”

When I had been there for about thirty or forty seconds, I began to see a red sphere emerging from the water, quite large, it would put it at about fifteen or twenty meters in diameter. And begins to come out of the water very slowly. It begins to rise and each time it gets smaller in the sky and gets lost, it gets lost in the distance. It was something that was out of logic. Something that was not normal.

(We do not know the identity of the witness because he did not reveal himself in the television program)

The light rises and rises. Image “Fourth Millennium”
The light is lost in the sky. Image “Fourth Millennium”

Witness: Antonio Joaquín Mellado (Captain of the Merchant Marine and civilian pilot)

Antonio Joaquín Mellado (Captain of the Merchant Marine and civilian pilot). Image “Fourth Millennium”

In the south of Múrcia, in the Mar Menor area, there have always been people who tell, testimonies and stories of objects coming out of the water, usually red. This area has always been commented on… of sightings and it is a hot area. The Mar Menor is a hot area. They called me from the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center of Cartagena, telling me that a driver who was going down the highway to the highway that goes from Cartagena in the direction of Cabo de Palos because in Osobúdia he saw a red flare, as a distress signal, a pyrotechnic distress signal and therefore we left at approximately twenty to nine or a quarter to nine from the port of Lopaga, I got to the southern part of the Isla del Barón, approximately five hundred meters from the southern part of the Isla del Barón and we stopped the boat, We started to whistle with the ship’s horn and flash the lights and then I sent two sailors to the bow, also by the whistles of the vests so that they would beep and listen. Well, we are standing still and it has not been a minute when we suddenly begin to hear a bubbling of water, as if water…; I have to say it like this … as if the water were boiling, and then one of the sailors turned and asked me: Antonio, what is this? and I stared at him and said “look, I stared like that, I have no idea what it is, but this is not what we are looking for, so let’s get out of here because this is not what we are looking for.

And then we went to the northern part of Isla Perdiguera and I see a light between Isla del Barón and Isla Perdiguera, and I remember I approached a fishing boat that was close to it, I asked him to please go down to the machine to speak with the skipper or captain, a person appeared on the bridge and then I asked him, look, we are looking for something since eight o’clock, a call to rescue has come in, from a flare that has been seen around here? have you seen anything? And then what that man, that fisherman told me, that, come on, I don’t have to read it anywhere, that has accompanied me all my life. He told me verbatim looking into my eyes, “If what you are looking for is a flare, you can get out of here.” He says “We were at eight thirty or eight twenty in Punta Mata Gorda (where I came from) and suddenly the entire center of the Mar Menor, the entire center, has started to glow red and at the moment it has started to come out like a bright red, blood red sphere, which has started to rise, to rise, to rise, to rise and has risen for about three or four hundred meters, it has been there for a few seconds and suddenly it has missing”.

“And suddenly the entire center of the Mar Menor, the entire center, has started to light up red and at the moment it has started to appear as a bright red sphere”. Image edited digitally by @galanvazquez the original is from the video of “Cuarto Milenio”.
Google Earth Pro area map

Witness: José Armengol

José Armengol relating his observation to “Cuarto Milenio”. Image “Fourth Millennium”

“This happened in 2013, at half past twelve, I saw objects come out in the sky, a sphere the size of a car, a red sphere and another color in the middle and it changes color in the center, I go down the highway and I start taking pictures, and there were four more cars also stopped, watching and recording and in two minutes and soon everything disappears “.

Image of what was captured by José Armengol’s camera. Image Source: Fourth Millennium video
Image of what was captured by José Armengol’s camera. Image Source: Fourth Millennium video
Image of what was captured by José Armengol’s camera. Image Source: Fourth Millennium video

Testimony of Antonio Zapata Historian and official chronicler of Los Alcázares:

Antonio Zapata Historian and official chronicler of Los Alcázares. Image “Fourth Millennium”

“On August 6, 1962, where the Air Force itself, in its internal records, speaks of a flight officer, from the General Air Academy that is very close to Los Alcázares, in the municipality of San Javier, speaks of a light fixed on Cabezo Gordo. El Cabezo Gordo is a very particular mountain that we have here next to us. And of the strange movements that that light makes on the mountain, how it moves and the official’s own testimony says that it is not compatible with any aircraft that he knows. It is a testimony that he is not the only one, let’s say official, because after that August 6, 1962 there is some more, also with lights on the mount of Cabezo Gordo.

Pages of the declassified file of the Operational Command of the General Staff of the Intelligence section. Image @galanvazquez
Chany Escobar. Psychologist and Special Education teacher. Image “Fourth Millennium”

Testimony of Chany Escobar’s observation:

“Well, that happened about 25 or 26 years ago and well, a friend and I decided to go out and walk around the area, we always like to go on excursions, it was a beautiful day, a totally clear day, it was sunny, good temperature. And then we decided to go to an area that is leaving the Urrutia, towards Los Nietos, which they call the beach of lo Poyo. We took the car, we passed the Urrutia, we took a path that goes to the beach, I stopped the car, parked and there was a moment when both of us … something caught our attention, and we both turned our heads forward towards the Sea , and then we saw a luminous sphere of a centimeter and a half in diameter, a very powerful white light, very strong, very … dense. And then we saw how that sphere was approaching us. And all of a sudden he got in, went through the glass, like there was no glass, went straight on at the same speed and did a lean, a downward angle and got lost between the gear lever and the handbrake. Then we looked at each other and were quiet for a few seconds, what was this? We didn’t say it could have been for the best… .no !. We both knew that this was not comparable to anything we knew, we had it very clear. We went home and the next day I get up to go to work as usual, I go out, I walk in front of the car, I look; and looking at the glass on the windshield of the car, I realize that the glass was burned out. Of course that was like a reality slap that tells you “Hee! This happened!”

And suddenly it came in. Image “Fourth Millennium”
He continued in a straight line towards us. Image “Fourth Millennium”
Looking at the glass on the windshield of the car, I realize that the glass was burned out. Image “Fourth Millennium”

The first sighting of a UFO declassified by the Defense Ministry was at the San Javier Air Base.

A flight officer from the San Javier air base spotted the first case of a documented UFO in Spain.

Google Earth Pro area map

It was on August 6, 1962, when the flight officer of the San Javier air base observed, looking at Monte del Cabezo, “a powerful light, like an airplane landing light, but without producing a beam, more or less at the distance of the Cabezo and about 500 meters high ». It is the account of the first documented episode of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) of which the government of Spain was aware.

This is the account of the officer of the Military Academy of the Air.

The first document the Ministry received came from the San Javier officer, who recounted in the report: «Believing it was a reactor approaching the field to land, I quickly returned to the tower. The controller replied that no aircraft had established radio contact to land.

When I insisted that he look at the Monte del Cabezo, he replied that he saw a light but that he thought it was a star (…). I looked at the light again and it was indeed motionless, in the same position as before. After a few moments (the powerful light) began to move quite quickly from right and left and, what is more strange, from bottom to top, thus making a series of evolutions that certainly could not be carried out by a conventional aircraft, no reactor “. After this case of a UFO sighting, others preceded on the 7th and 13th of the same month in San Javier.

Three years later, the flight officer of the General Air Academy reported the statements made by three noncommissioned officers assigned to the AGA regarding the observation of a luminous object when they were heading from their home to the base.

In the case of Mazarrón, information from the Army Information Service confirmed that a unit (during an exercise carried out at dawn in the El Garrobillo area) observed a powerful red light that followed them for two hours.

The description is as follows: «It was a set of a red light that sometimes went out, with two slightly greenish white lights that came on sporadically flying without any specific formation. They observed him for about 15 minutes in front of the Rambla de Pinilla. Back at the camp, they found him in the vicinity of kilometer 13, still on the road, at a height of 8 to 10 meters. They walked towards the set of lights but it was also moving. The following night “nothing abnormal was found,” adds the report.

The Ministry of Defense has published in digital format the 80 declassified reports of ‘UFO Files’ that occurred in Spain, which include those that occurred in San Javier in 1962 -the first dated at 1,900 pages- and in 1965, and those of Mazarrón in 1978 .

Declassified UFO file of the Spanish Air Force (BCEA) Central Library of the Air Force

The witnesses who reported the strange phenomena and those who have related their own experiences to ‘La Verdad’ do not allow us to think of adolescent suggestions either. Military personnel from the San Javier General Air Academy, an airport operations supervisor and a civil guard have not doubted what they saw. Of course, 64 years after the first of the celestial presences documented in the Region, they still have no explanation, which still leaves as many questions in the air as possibilities open to the Universe. Why is it that almost all the experiences reported are concentrated in the 60s and 70s? Are we no longer interested in interplanetary visitors? How many witnesses to sightings have kept silent for fear of being taken for crazy?

The first ‘UFO file’ declassified by Defense relates the strangeness of the Flight officer in the tower of the military air base of San Javier on August 6, 1962. After 10.15 at night, the soldier walks to the pavilion of officers for dinner when, looking towards the Cabezo Gordo, a powerful light surprises him at about 500 meters high. He runs back to the tower to order the controller to turn on the runway lights in case it is a plane that wants to land, but the controller informs him that no plane has requested a runway.

Seeing the motionless light, they think it is “a star.” Image @galanvazquez

When they see the immobile light, they think that it is “a star” when, suddenly, they see it swing rapidly from right to left and from top to bottom, “evolutions that certainly could not be carried out by an airplane or a jet”. informs the officer in his news part of the AGA. “I have spent more than two years assigned to a helicopter unit and making night flights and certainly did not give the impression of being one of them,” reaffirms the military.

Shot in the foot The confusion produced by the mysterious light caused even more confusion on the ground when, a patrol corporal looking down at the supposed UFO, had the trigger hooked on his belt when he got up and a shot was fired in the foot.

The next day, the light returns at the same time and with identical oscillations, which is repeated again on August 25 of the same year. The Chief of Intelligence of the General Staff specifies in his report that “the trial of the witnesses, several of them category A, can be considered totally reliable, even with regard to the abnormality of the movements appreciated. Neither witnesses nor recollection of comments can be found at the San Javier military base due to the age of the events. Some active military men acknowledge having heard experiences of strange phenomena, although dated decades ago and without much relevance.

The aviation historian Marcelino Sempere explains that “in those years some American planes carried out night photography practices in the area, where they threw flashing flares into the air. Were the strange lights seen in August 1962? Hard to know.

Three years later, shortly before dawn on November 16, 1965, three noncommissioned officers left their homes in the Ciudad del Aire to go to work at the La Ribera base. One of them gets off the bike, stunned, to see a luminous circle of about two kilometers in diameter and a halo of one kilometer moving in the direction of Alicante. The confusion at this kind of giant “full moon” makes him hide under a palm tree. At the same time, the other two soldiers get out of the car to look at what they describe as “a luminous disk with a faded color halo heading towards Elche.” They call the home of a lieutenant colonel, but the UFO disappears.

J.J. Benítez in La Ribera.

This contact some time later led journalist Juan José Benítez, who was preparing a publication on UFO sightings, to the coastal town. The author of the famous saga ‘Caballo de Troya’ collected the testimony of Jesús Moreno, who for 42 years has been Head of Security and Operations Supervisor of the San Javier airport, now retired. Together they searched for the Cocheras brigade who saw the flying saucer from his bike, but were unsuccessful, although Moreno has had his own ‘UFO files’.

«One quite dark night in 1975 I saw from the airport runway a very bright pink line that remained in the sky for about an hour and a half over the Cabo de Palos area. It was a line about 80 centimeters long -in his sight- and about 12 centimeters above the horizon ”, recalls this retired professional, who after a lifetime ordering air traffic knows how to distinguish the contrail of an airplane from something ‘unidentified’ . He assures that «I spoke with the control tower, which manages the Air Force, and they made the consultation. We were told they were ice clouds reflecting the fire from the Algerian refineries. I understand that if you have to give an explanation to something that does not have it in your security jurisdiction, try to give one, but I was not satisfied. On another occasion, he recalls that “someone warned me and when I looked towards the Big Head I saw a kind of luminous train car, very bright. Nor did they give us an explanation, and then a camera was not at hand like now.

The former flight supervisor believes that “we pay little attention to the sky, but I am alarmed that we know of cases from those years and not from later ones.” “We all know it was frowned upon to see strange things,” he reflects on the scarcity of reported cases.

Another case in El Garrobillo

Another report, made public by the Ministry, offers the account of the sighting of a UFO in the month of July 1978 in Mazarrón. The official document refers to the fact that the event “occurred in El Garrobillo.” However, the aforementioned district is located between Águilas and Lorca. ‘Nobody here knows anything about that. We are not aware of an extraterrestrial sighting, probably because the military that came at that time were not natives of these towns, “say residents of El Garrobillo and Mazarrón.

Back at the camp they found them still on the road, at a height of eight to ten meters. Image @galanvazquez

According to the declassified document, the event occurred at dawn on July 14, when two soldiers from the Air Force, on night duty, carried out “a coup de mano” in front of the Rambla de Pinilla. In the silence of the night, the soldiers observed a flashing red light that followed them from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m. They also saw two white, “slightly greenish lights that came on sporadically” for about 15 minutes. Back at camp they were found standing still on the road, at an elevation of eight to ten meters, according to the report. The soldiers decided to walk towards the lights, but they were also moving forward. «The light accompanied them to the Bivouac of the Cía. It was quiet and lit the walls of the reservoir red. ‘The military gave part of what their eyes saw, and the following night a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, including the antenna of the meteorological station, but the troops assured that it was not the light from the antenna that they had seen and that “They were not confused.”

Night patrol

Mazarrón continues to be a territory of frequent sightings of unidentified flying objects. Juan Soler, a retired Civil Guard agent and former mayor of Leiva, assures that he saw a UFO on the night of June 14, 2000 in Puntas de Calnegre. «My colleague José Gutiérrez and I were going on a night patrol. In the Casa del Abogado spot, we glimpsed a light at the top of Marina de Cope. At first we thought it could be the Army, but no, because these comrades always warned when they were going to fly over our area», says Soler between shocking silences.

The object began to move away and lose height; she believed she was going to sink into the sea. Image @galanvazquez

“That object did not emit any noise, and it was like a gigantic rugby ball, with red, white and greenish lights,” explains Soler. And he continues: «It looked like a comet and was about 150 meters away. When we saw that the device was not making violent signals, we took our flashlights and gave them signals. At that moment the object began to move away and lose height; I thought it was going to sink into the sea. ‘ Suddenly, emerging bubbles caught the attention of the agents, who saw “a kind of submarine, about three meters in length” emerge. They wanted to tell their colleagues what was happening, but the patrol car stations stopped working. It was then that his eyes realized “how the flying object landed on that kind of submarine. They got together, climbed a few meters and flew together in the direction of Cabo Tiñoso ». By then, this agent had performed more than 2,500 services, and he has never seen anything like it before.

A chronicle of Alexia Salas and Juan Ruiz Palacios Monday, 7 November 2016, 07:56

Posted in Foro Ciudad.com. 27–10–08 17:10

Hello everyone. I am writing to you from the program ASI ES LA VIDA WITH IRMA SORIANO of 7 REGION DE MURCIA TV. Has anyone from Cartagena, San Javier or Murcia or, more specifically, from La Manga, seen or knows of someone who has ever seen a UFO in the area ??? It would be of great help, you can answer me in: l.pvehi@gtmtelevision.es

A response of interest to investigate

Hello, I am from Murcia, I do not want to say my name, I have some events that happened to me, I am afraid to tell it because of what they can say, the typical thing when you say that you wake up in a kind of aircraft or UFO, and when you see a good little animal I’ll tell you one, I’ll tell you a little, It was 12:40 to 1:10 in the morning heading to the port of the chain, it was Wednesday or Thursday, I am in doubt because I still have memory problems of those moments, it is as if my memories of that day were erased, I was alone on the road and on the phone talking to my girlfriend, currently she is my wife, we always spoke on the mobile phone and it was heard badly and I see the sign that I have 500 Mtrs to go, to divert to the other road, It was poorly heard and a very powerful blue and bright light like the lengths of a truck I thought of a truck they dazzled me through the rear view mirror and everything inside the car, I tell my girlfriend, I tell him when I arrive I call you, he says ok, I see that light above I look to my left through the window there is no one and the traffic light and with a lot of sleep while I sleep between my almost closed eyes I feel and I see that I pass over the sign, I am flying, I wake up at 6:48 a.m., going down the port where it says Corvera San Javier, etc., I turned around and as much as I could with my car I got home I got out of the car, my clothes were wrinkled, badly on, strap without putting on a bad shirt buttoned and open, pants badly on, zipper open, well as if someone had dressed me without knowing how the clothes are correctly put on, That was a few years ago I can’t know when, how curious I have been remembering almost a year everything or almost everything, it is as if I daydream what I am remembering and it scares me, what I see is to say I am calm and I see some faces, light bodies sky some objects flying good things words conversations and it scares me a lot because I’m remembering a lot, and the most I remember is a conversation of interest, for everyone and for good I don’t want to say anything else it’s strong but I don’t know who I have to say and tell about this, it’s hard for me, I have been trying to contact Iker Jimenez, but I have not been able and I repeat it scares me in case they return not the one who was reassuring me but the other one is scary, I repeat it is scary I don’t know what to do I’m confused I try to get this out of my head but it’s like if my memory wanted to replace what was lost so much time, I have lost about 5:30 hours supposedly, well if we are in contact and you are serious, these are things that cannot be told so easily, thanks for listening to me a greeting and those who do not believe as I did not believe, until it happens and really, They are not laughter, the people who have gone through the same thing as me or worse, have my affection and my offer, luck, thanks a cordial greeting.

Excerpt from the Fourth Millennium program January 11, 2021 On the observations of UFOs in the Mar Menor


US Navy is running top secret programme to detect alien spacecraft under the ocean, UFO expert claims

Leading astronomer and ufologist Marc D’Antonio says that he witnessed a USO — unidentified submerged object — while aboard a navy submarine in the North Atlantic

Emma Perry, Digital US Correspondent Wyoming 19 Sep 2017,11:04. Update: 14 Oct 20017, 1:12

THE US Navy is running a top secret programme to detect unidentified submerged object — or USOs — beneath the sea, according to a UFO expert.
Marc D’Antonio, an astronomer and chief video analyst for UFO organisation MUFON, said he witnessed what he believes must have been an alien craft travelling at impossible speeds while he was on board a US Navy submarine in the North Atlantic ocean.

Marc D’Antonio says he witnessed Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) in the North Atlantic ocean Credit: John Chapple

Marc then heard a naval officer ordering the sonar operator to log the unidentified object — which was travelling at “several hundred knots” — as part of the “Fast Mover Programme”.
Currently most submarine and torpedoes can only go up to 40 knots — due to the resistance of the water.
The Russians reportedly have a torpedo that can go in excess of 200 knots — but a speed of “several hundred knots” would appear to be impossible for human-built crafts.
Marc, who runs a special effects company called FX Models that undertakes Naval contracts, said: “As a thankyou for doing some work for them Navy asked me if I wanted to go for a ride in a submarine so I said yes.
“Once we got under I was sitting in the sonar station and the sonar operator was sitting right next to me.
“Submarines are loud — people think they are very quiet and it’s true they are on the outside because the sound doesn’t get out. But inside you hear fans, noise — it’s a constant din on a sub.

Marc was on board a US Navy submarine when he saw the USO

“I was sitting there zoning out a little because I was sea sick and all of a sudden the sonar kid shouts ‘fast mover, fast mover’ and I’m jolted awake — thinking ‘What’s happening? Is it a torpedo?’
“The executive officer comes out and the operator shows him the path of the object and the officer says ‘How fast is that going?’
“And the kid said ‘several hundred knots’. I start to lean forward to listen in — and the officer said ‘Can you confirm it?’
“So he goes to another sonar machine and confirmed it wasn’t a machine anomaly — it was real. I thought ‘Wow that is incredible’.
“When the sonar guy said ‘What do I do with this?’ the officer said ‘log it and dog it’ — in other words log it and bury it.”
Four years later Marc said he was doing some more contract work for the Navy when he spoke to a senior naval figure about what he saw.
“I asked him ‘Can you tell me about the Fast Mover Programme?’” Marc explained.
“He looked at me and said ‘Sorry Marc I can’t talk about that programme’.
“So he basically confirmed to me that the programme exists — he said everything without seeing anything.
“What that told me was that USOs are common — we even have a programme in place to classify and log and determine the speed of them and it goes into a vault.”
Marc made the claims at the Devil’s Tower UFO Rendezvous in Hulett, Wyoming — where UFO enthusiasts from around America met at the site of Close Encounters Of The Third Kind rock to discuss alien-related findings.
He also revealed he is currently working on a project with Close Encounters visual effects supervisor Douglas Trumbell, which he hopes will scientifically prove the existence of alien life.

Marc is currently developing a project to scientifically prove the existence of alien life. Credit: John Chapple

The pair have been designing UFO detecting ground units which they hope to eventually place in countries all over the world.
Marc, who also runs the SkyTour LiveStream YouTube channel where he takes viewers on live tours of the night sky, is currently testing the units in his observatory.
He said: “The UFOTOG II system will bring ufology into the 21st century by marrying real science with standard observation.
“The system will look for phenomena in the sky and if it finds something that isn’t a satellite, a plane, or some known object that we can access in a database, it will alert us by sending a message via GPS satellite to our cell phones.
“We’ll make all the data we collect open and available to everyone.
“We are open minded and believe that visitation by an advanced alien race is not a scientific improbability.”

Sailors aboard the guided-missile destroyer the USS Roosevelt. Since 2017, the DoD has acknowledged that military service members have had encounters with strange, “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAP. (Image source: The Department of Defense)



Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE