UFO or TR-3 Black Manta
A friend sent me a video of an alleged unidentified flying object. No observation date and only with the place reference (Sigmaringen, Germany)
I have captured several images to enlarge and for that I have filtered them with the Final Cut Pro program. UFO or secret plane?
Fouche has worked for 30 years in the United States Air Force and in all government programs in the defense industry. This position led him to be in secret areas, such as Area 51 among many others, where he discovered several classified secrets.
In 1998, Edgard Rothschild Fouche, an expert in national defense, in the middle of a congress in the state of Nevada, published important information that remained classified between NASA and the United States government. It is a new anti-gravity aircraft technically called TR-3B. This ship was only used for testing, far from public view because until then it was only an experimental prototype. However, Edgard says that without declaring it, the US air force made planes of this style that secretly fly over the skies, so that everyone thinks they are UFOs. Fouche described the TR-3B’s anti-gravitational propulsion system as follows: “It is a plasma-filled circular accelerator ring called Magnetic Field Disruptor, (MFD or Magnetic Field Switch) that surrounds the rotating cabin of the crew, it is well beyond any technology imaginable … The plasma, based on mercury, is pressurized to 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 RPM to generate a superconducting plasma with the result of the interruption of the force of gravity. The MFD generates a magnetic field vortex, which interrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on any mass that is in the vicinity, at a percentage of 89%. This means that the “G” force is reduced by 89%. The MFD that has the TR-3B causes the vehicle to be extremely light and can perform maneuvers that no other aircraft could … My sources say that the possibilities are limited only by the physical resistance of human pilots. Which is really a lot, considering the 89% reduction in mass, G forces are also reduced by 89%. The crew of the TR-3B could comfortably support up to 40G … reduced by 89% the occupants would only feel 4.2Gs.
A UFO sighted in the American sky in 2010. The detail of the silhouette, highlighting two ailerons on its surface, gives a clear indication that it is not an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but the TR-3B.
The thrust of the TR-3B is provided by three multimode thrusters mounted on each corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3B is a vehicle that flies below mach-9 until it reaches 120,000 feet of altitude (36,000 meters), above that altitude, nobody knows how much it can reach. “
In the United States this triangular aircraft that was seen in 1990 in Belgium has been in service since 1994, when the project was still being evaluated and tested by the organization. This aircraft was built based on retroengineering or reverse engineering. The system is used to analyze in detail the anti-gravitational engine and propeller systems of extraterrestrial ships captured by the Yankee government. This process (reverse engineering) is also used for aircraft from other captured nations or other technological implementations. In summary, Edgard warns that the United States is using new technologies that they have not declared, either to preserve military supremacy over the rest of the world or that they do not want to declare where they have extracted such technology. Would they have stolen extraterrestrial engineering? The important thing is to emphasize that this really exists and that the triangular UFOs of the sky could be an American plane that invades foreign lands and keeping its purpose a secret
An interesting article by Miguel Pedrero on the subject published by Space Mystery of Year Zero
On July 12, 2019, this interesting article about the triangular aircraft patent was published.
Maybe it’s a naive question. The inventor of the triangular aircraft.
Does Salvatore Cezar Pais have an “extra” contact so that the United States government is interested in your projects?
The strange triangle photographed by NASA