UFO observations in the Huesca region (Spain)
Again in contact with the readers of “Stendek” after a long parenthesis during which I did not stop considering the possibility of being able to offer them some new study related to the UFO Phenomenon, I dare to suppose that the present work, carried out at Database obtained directly and personally on the ground of the events, may be of interest to some readers.
Not giving in the Observations that we are going to relate factors or essential elements of absolute novelty, it is worth remembering, once again, some of the conclusions that the joint or globalized examination of various UFO manifestations allows to deduce in a general nature, taking into account the possible concurrence of variants in form rather than in substance that may result in the masking of any of said conclusions or general constants as they refer to the manifestations (Observations) of the UFO Phenomenon.
We could state, among others, the following:
a) The evident lack of aggressive spirit.
b) The unequivocal desire to “be noticed” that UFOs sometimes manifest.
e) A certain fixation of the UFO in relation to certain subjects or witnesses, that is to say, it seems to be as if the UFO sometimes chose specific people as the main recipient of its presence, displaying before them a varied range of resources that constitute the details that concur in each Observation.
d) An obvious limitation in terms of the proposed degree of communication or contact, which is generally reduced to the mere and insistent presence of the UFO with its evolutions, lights, changes in appearance, as the visual perspective, noises, trails vary. , etc.
e) The deep psychological resonance that for the witnesses of one of these “singularized” observations, that is to say with specific recipients, implies the fact of the lived experience.
f) Sometimes it is possible to speak of an authentic change in mentality or personality, in the sense of greater tolerance, understanding, awareness, etc.
g) A strong desire, mixed with an indefinable fear on many occasions, to be able to live again the experience of a UFO observation (we are referring, in general terms, to Type 1 observations, that is, they are landings or observations to very low height.
h) Verification that in certain areas UFO manifestations occur repeatedly and in the course of a few dates. Then the observations in the area in question cease, although they can reproduce after a more or less long period of time.
i) The various sensory appreciable factors or components may be considered to have a secondary phenomenal character and are, in addition, very varied and versatile, for example the presence or absence of lights, brightness, colors, silence or noise, this is, various forms, movements (conventional or not), speeds, modes of appearance and disappearance, physical or physiological effects, the detectable constant, and that underlies all this, is that there was a UFO observation there.
j) The fact that it is correct to state that probably for each UFO observation that witnesses give knowledge or explanation to third parties, there are many other witnesses who do not comment “with anyone” what they have had the opportunity to see.
k) The great luminosity sometimes prevents specifying details about “what may be” in the center of the luminous mass. On other occasions, on the contrary, the presence of a solid body (dark, illuminated, bright or luminous) is clearly appreciated inside the observed luminous mass.
l) In areas where numerous UFO observations have occurred, or continue to occur, people become familiar with it and end up accepting it as something enigmatic but true and admissible.
m) In the cases of persecution or monitoring, and in many other cases, there are practically instantaneous UFO appearances and disappearances in a high percentage of observations.
n) There is a predominance of observations made at night.
We could obviously increase this relationship with other conclusions as constants to be deduced from UFO observations considered globally or in large numbers.
In any case, very concrete results can be expected, in the aforementioned sense, as a consequence of the very important and meritorious work to which some scholars of the UFO Phenomenon are dedicating, all over the world, their time and their best efforts. We are referring to the fact that the processing of data referring to thousands of UFO observations is being carried out, in order to be able to give the material obtained the appropriate treatment by means of computers or computers of the detailed study of all of which can be deduced Hopefully, the constants exist under such a huge and varied avalanche of data.
Let us wait, then, for the results of these works, the most promising, without a doubt, of those that have been carried out to date in relation to this topic, and let us turn to what in particular is going to constitute the reason for this work.
It is about exposing a set of UFO observations that undoubtedly turn out to be, individually and globally considered, of great interest, not being able to ignore the fact, fundamental, and very important, that for the purposes of credibility, some are enhanced and supported others, due to the chronological and place concomitants that all of them concur. This is what is interesting to highlight with this study. The area in which the observations that we are going to describe were made is that constituted by the city of Huesca (capital of the Spanish Province of the same name) and a region around it that we could delimit by means of a circle whose radius was about 20 kms.
The dates on which the Observations took place constitute a period of 48 hours, as the central nucleus. Also included are some UFO observations that occurred around the same dates, with time differences not exceeding one week in relation to the aforementioned central nucleus of observations, which we can single out as corresponding to the night of April 1 to 2, 1976 (that is, Thursday night to Friday).
So let’s start with the story:
a) First trip of the witnesses:
It would be 10:30 pm on April 1, 1976; Three friends came in a car (whose names are: Antonio Perelló (Electricity Technician), José Alastruei (Master Mason) and Angel Llorente (Electricity Technician)), coming from the town of Alrnudebar and heading, along the N-125 road , towards Huesca. About 5 or 6 kms. from that city, they began to see, to their right, a strange light that seemed to move at a regular height over the fields near the road, and with a distance, with respect to the three witnesses, of about one km. What they were seeing as a body or mass with great luminosity seemed as if it was following, with alternatives, the trajectory of the car to which we have referred. In other words, they saw said luminosity approach or move away, lag behind or go ahead with respect to the vehicle in which the witnesses were traveling. This action that we now show, would turn out to be characteristic in the movements of the light source (or light-emitting body) that, during several hours of a busy and unforgettable night, would try to follow the witnesses involved in the UFO Observation. (See sketch of these core displacements in figure 1).
Highly intrigued and surprised by the presence of the unusual light, seeing that it was moving northwards and apparently in the direction of the N-136 national road (to Sabiñánigo and Jaca), they decided to cross Huesca capital and try to follow the displacement of the UFO. This is how they decided, as more convenient, to take the local road that leads from Huesca to the town of Apiés. After about 11 kms., That is, at the exit of said town, they stopped the car and were able to observe the source or luminous mass that they were following, proposing to obtain more details and a better knowledge about the nature and characteristics of the UFO. It is noteworthy that all the way they continued to see the UFO, with alternations of momentary disappearance and prompt reappearance, which seemed as if in reality, and so to speak, was setting the tone for the way forward.
In the Apiés area, and later also in some other point of the route that the witnesses made in this first trip, as will be indicated, they were able to observe the UFO at a relatively close distance (less than 1 km in any case), sometimes moving and in others stopped. When it was stopped, at a height that they cannot specify but that they estimate would not be higher than 200 or 300 meters, they could see that the UFO had a mode of slight oscillating or reciprocating movement in both vertical and horizontal directions. The aspect that it offered was something like a gigantic arrowhead, that is to say a luminous mass possessing a shape similar to a gigantic arrowhead, that is to say an elongated or spindle-shaped body. (see figure 2). The UFO was totally and uniformly luminous, of a reddish-orange color, and it seemed that near the edges of the luminous mass a few more luminous points could be distinguished, something like if there were some as light sources distributed over the outer surface of the UFO in the area of its edges more specifically.
The size was very large, “enormous”, the witnesses agree, their assessments ranging between 20 and 50 meters in length and 10 to 20 in width, depending on the distance at which the UFO was found, which varied according to It has been said, in the various moments of observation. The position was rather oblique, that is, with the narrowest part, which could be called the front, located higher than the base, which could be wider. Following the UFO movements on this first trip, they reached a point on the N-136 highway called “Km-3”, where a well-known bar is installed in the area.
From there they perfectly saw the UFO and even stopped a car, which was coming down the road in the direction of Huesca, asking its occupants to give them confirmation about what they were actually seeing, that is, an extraordinary and unknown mass of light that it made, in addition, seemingly random displacements. The occupants of said vehicle, which had the Huesca license plate (whose registration has not been possible to specify in all its data), confirmed the existence of the UFO and added the comment that it was “something very strange that they had never seen there and that they did not know what it might be. “
From there, the 3 witnesses, always following the UFO, crossed Huesca again and took the N-240 national road (from Huesca to Lleida), reaching the area where the Castle called Montearagón and the place called Estrecho 5º. Both in Apiés, as from the Bar called “Km. 3” or from Estrecho 5º, they saw the UFO stopped and presenting the same appearance (that is, as a gigantic luminous mass with a tapered appearance or shape, like a rocket or arrowhead).
It is noteworthy that in all the observations made on this night from April 1 to 2, 1 976, the circumstance of absolute and impressive silence concurred. On the other hand, no special physical or physiological effects were given or appreciated, possibly because the approach of the witnesses to the UFO was not on any occasion sufficient, as will be explained, to produce such effects.
b) 2nd. Witness trip:
From the area called Estrecho 5º, the three friends returned to Huesca. They went to the “Oscense” Bar, in the City Center, where members of a large group of people usually meet or meet, and there they explained what had happened to them and the events that they had starred in so far. They related their surprise when they saw the UFO, the enormous fear that little by little invaded them and their nervousness and restlessness as they tried to approach the unknown luminous phenomenon. They explained, then, in said establishment, what had happened to them and immediately afterwards they decided to go back to the N-240 road -in whose surroundings they had recently sighted the UFO (in the area of Strait 5º, specifically and as previously exposed) with The novelty is that on this occasion two more people joined the group initially made up of three, that is, on this second trip there were going to be 5 witnesses, instead of 3, all of them also traveling in the same car. Upon reaching the outskirts of Huesca, they were able to spot the UFO again with ease. They traveled again to the area of the Castillo de Montearagón, Estrecho 5º and the local road that leads to the town of Sta. Eulalia la Mayor, passing through Loporzano. The two new witnesses, of which mention was made, were called José Mª Vivián, Professor at the School of Industrial Masters, of Huesca, and A. Ciprés, of commerce, the first of them resident in the neighboring town of Siétamo and the second in the City of Huesca.
The witnesses continued in their “hunt” for the UFO, they drove along the aforementioned local road in the direction of Sta. Eulalia la Mayor, a town, the latter of which is now virtually deserted, as the vast majority of its inhabitants emigrated from there. To all this, they continued to see the UFO practically continuously, with eventual concealments or disappearances, as was the norm or modus operandi of all this series of Observations. When they reached a point on the road between the town of Loporzano and the road junction that leads to the town of Bandalies, they decided to stop the vehicle in which they were traveling to try to observe the UFO more closely, which they saw had stopped. also at a distance of about 200 meters, from the car, and whose enormous reddish-orange glow could be perfectly appreciated through and as at the bottom of an almond plantation that was next to the road in that place. At that time, as well as on several other occasions during the “persecution”, the size that they could see in the luminous mass was enormous, the witnesses fixing it, according to their personal criteria of appreciation, between 30 and 50 meters in height. (See fig. 3) Some of them have no problem in comparing the size of what they saw with a large silo for cereals located in the town of Angües, belonging to the neighboring region called Sotomontano. Said silo is of large proportions, according to can be seen in the photograph reproduced in this work (Fig. 5)
While they were observing the UFO from inside the car, that is, from the road, and through the almond trees, two of the witnesses decided to get out of the car and, crossing the field, at night, try to approach the overwhelming luminous body that they saw at a relatively close distance. So they left the vehicle and went into the almond grove in the direction of the UFO. José Alastruei, more determined, took the lead from the first moment and continued advancing at a distance of about 20 meters from Angel Llorente who was following him, gripped by an acute and growing sense of fear, fear or panic, but driven by desire not to leave his partner alone in such a critical trance. Thus, both of them advanced a few more meters in the direction of the UFO, but Angel Llorente’s fear was so growing that he could not go on, and, therefore, began to shout in the direction of his companion, whom he could not see due to urging him to return immediately, as they had to return to the car, together with their companions, thus ceasing what he could consider.
be seen as the foolish or fearsome adventure of trying to approach the UFO, which was still stopped for about a hundred meters from them (maybe 200 ms.?) and which they saw as of truly impressive dimensions in its astonishing reddish-orange luminosity. . The UFO had a slight rocking motion, both vertically and horizontally, but it was, of course, standing very close to the witnesses. José Alastruei was undoubtedly impressed by what he saw as well as by the circumstances of all this happening very late at night, it would be 2 in the morning, and hearing the anguished cries of his companion Angel ordering him to turn back he ceased approaching the UFO and began to back away. It was, of course, a magnificent missed opportunity to be able to obtain concrete data about the enigmatic UFO Phenomenon, since had it continued in its approach the outcome could have been very different, it can be assumed that, in any case, even highly revealing. At the moment of his closest proximity to the UFO, José affirms that what he saw was the enormous luminous mass, impressive in its magnificence and in the midst of an incredible silence, stopped but with a slight rocking movement, as already indicated, and giving him the optical sensation that, whatever it was, the witness was seeing it as in a lopsided position, that is, as if the UFO (object, device or whatever) was showing him its upper part, something like a species pyramidal or conical body seen from above and obliquely. The UFO had the uniform reddish-orange coloration alluded to and also the most luminous points on its edge or periphery to which other witnesses referred. Otherwise he did not distinguish discontinuities in the general brightness or luminosity of the mass he was observing, nor windows, opaque or dark areas, etc. The witness tries to indicate what he saw by means of the drawing corresponding to figure №03.
The remaining witnesses, also including Ángel Llorente, who, from a distance, tried to accompany José, as has been explained, saw on this occasion, as on others during the night what we are referring to, a huge luminous mass, in Extremely impressive due to its large size, whose shape seemed to approximate that indicated in Fig. 4 of this text. That is, as a kind of rectangle with blunt or somewhat rounded upper angles and with a clear tendency to narrow at the top. They also appreciated the existence of some brighter points, in the manner of more luminous spotlights distributed in the area of the edge of the UFO, otherwise uniformly luminous.They do not know if on that occasion the UFO was resting on the ground but they suppose that, as it did. they could see leaning over the treetops, it could be stopped, and as if floating, at a height between 50 and 100 meters. They did not see the base, as it was hidden by trees, and in the distance by bushes and some uneven terrain.
Neither in the course of this second trip, nor in the 1st, were they able to appreciate a clearly delimited outline as corresponding to a solid body, since the brightness of the complex itself prevented them, being dazzled, from observing any concrete detail. They also did not see a central or peripheral shaded area, nor did they observe the presence of a surrounding halo or nimbus. They did not appreciate the existence of sparks or trails. At the various moments of the UFO Observation, all the witnesses were very impressed by the incredible ease of maneuvering of the enormous luminous mass, since practically instantaneously they saw it change its situation in outer space that they glimpsed from the car, while the latter continued to circulate in pursuit of the UFO. They say “it seemed as if it went off in one place to turn on immediately in another”, without being able to appreciate or see the UFO while it was making the movement in question. This happened many times in the course of a night certainly full of unusual emotions and certainly not devoid of some dramatic overtones, for those who took part in the events that we are narrating. The witnesses experienced moments of anguish, fear, fear, fascination, admiration, and they also felt the desire to get closer and, with it, a better knowledge about the reality or nature of what they were seeing.
As we have said, José Alastruei finally returned to Angel Llorente’s side and together they left the almond grove, immediately entering the car that had been stopped by the side of the road and inside which they were waiting, prey of great fear and anguish. , his three companions.
They decided to turn around and return to Huesca, to the “Oscense” Bar, and they did so, because the emotional burden, which affected them all, was being overwhelming, practically unbearable.
Both upon the arrival of the witnesses to said Bar after the first trip as well as the second, those who were there observed and commented, among themselves and with the newcomers, their visible and well-apparent state of great excitement and nervousness, as really affected by something that would have shaken them, on an emotional-experiential level, much and deeply.
C) Third trip:
After so many things that had been happening to them in the immediately preceding hours, the witnesses were determined not to return to the field to persist in their attempts to follow the UFO and approach it. Despite this, the interest, curiosity or fascination exerted on them by the enigmatic luminous mass moving — huge and silent — at night and over the fields, was stronger than their fear, their prudence or their fatigue, and they decided, consequently, go out again, as if going to another appointment with the UFO. On this occasion, a waiter, a resident of Huesca, who was also in the Bar, joined the group. They decided to travel in two vehicles, dividing them at the rate of 3 people for each vehicle.
They therefore went to the area where they had recently seen the UFO, that is to say, to the local road that leads to Santa Eulalia la Mayor, and there they again located the UFO, which seemed to await them as an exciting challenge and the great unknown that they had to unveil.
They followed the UFO in its slow wandering and thus reached the aforementioned town, at which point they decided to return at the request of Angel Llorente, who was very impressed when he saw at a short distance from the car, and located as in the vertical of it, the huge object or apparatus. This appreciation was made by the witness in one of the curves of the ascending road in the direction of Santa Eulalia, on whose road and section there are steep slopes and slopes.
The cited witness assures that on that occasion it was the only time that he was able to appreciate what he defines and describes as a solid body with clear contours, the shape of which he drew as indicated in the attached Fig. 6. That is, an elongated body, large (perhaps 30 or 40 meters.?) and dark grayish metallic appearance. The UFO was surrounded by luminosity and some very strong reddish lights stood out clearly in it, located at one of the ends of the UFO, and others, similar but not so intense, located in the lower part of the unknown artifact.
This Observation lasted only a few seconds, as the car continued to run on the road, but from that moment the cited witness did not stop urging his colleagues to return, all together and as soon as possible, towards Huesca. Angel was left, apparently tremendously impressed by what he had seen, albeit briefly. His companions who were traveling in the same car could not, apparently, appreciate the brief vision of the UFO that we left transcribed, since one of them was sitting in the back seat and the other was driving and could not distract their attention from driving the vehicle. because the road is quite difficult in this section, as has been said.
The occupants of the second car, which came behind and somewhat distanced, could not see the UFO as clearly and closely as José Llorente.
In any case, the various witnesses saw the UFO on several occasions at no great distance and practically continuously throughout the trip, following the general trend of the Observations on this unique and unforgettable night for them.
They decided to return to Huesca, being already later than 4 in the morning, and there they said goodbye, returning immediately to their respective homes.
On the way back, and practically from the main road, they could observe not just one but several smaller lights located in a horizontal straight line and deployed along the side of the mountain on which the town of Sta Eulalia the Major.
Upon returning to his home, and being almost 5 in the morning, the witness José Mª. Vivián could observe it perfectly, from the N-240 road, and in the distance, it is clear that the UFO was still prowling around the area that they had traveled so intensely in the immediately preceding hours.
The next day, at night, when he returned to his home in Siétamo, he also saw the UFO in the distance. In the days that followed, he did not see him again.
It was 10:20 p.m. of April 1, 1976. Mr. Alberto Ballarín S. and his wife Ms. J. Tarrés were circulating in their car (an R-12) on the general highway N-240 traveling from Huesca to Monzón.
It had been a very short time that they had refueled gasoline at a service station that is located outside the town of Angües. The employee of said gas station insisted on cleaning the car’s windshield, stating that it was somewhat dirty and that it is always convenient to obtain maximum visibility while driving.
Mr. Ballarín claimed that it was not necessary, but at the insistence of said employee he finally agreed to allow the cleaning of said glass. We comment on this as an anecdote, because a few moments later it would be demonstrated in a very palpable way how right the efficient gas station employee was when referring to the convenience of the best possible visibility … For his quality as a medical practitioner (ATS), Mr. Ballarín was a known person at the gas station as he is also in the entire area of his residence: the City of Monzón (Huesca).
A few hundred meters from the aforementioned gas station, heading E., that is, towards Barbastro, Monzón and Lérida, there is a large metal cross that rises to the left of the road and next to it. Said cross can be seen just after having passed a slope change that exists in that place, the road extending before the sight of those who circulate along it as an entirely straight line in a long section, with a slight downward slope in the direction of travel whose Its length reaches about 3 km and its width is 12 meters (Fig. 7).
Mr. Ballarín and his wife (Fig. 8) had attended a medical consultation in Huesca and were returning to their home in Monzón.
The UFO Observation that they carried out was carried out according to the following: Once the aforementioned change in elevation was passed, and driving at about 50 km / h., Mr. Ballarín made his wife notice the presence of a yellowish light in the distance that he was moving along the road towards them and that they considered it must be a vehicle that would cross their car. The light was located at the beginning of the straight, that is, about 3 km. away, and they could see it as located in a somewhat shorter period due to the slope that the road offers in that section, as has been said.
As the vehicle (that is to say) carrying said light approached the witnesses, they slowed down and were able to observe strange singularities or anomalies in it, such as that it did not have lights on, neither long nor crossing or position, and then, with still greater surprise, they saw that it did not even have headlights. They also noticed that the strange artifact was moving, in its forward progression, making waves like movements. Mr. Ballerín, scared by what they were seeing and by the danger of a collision with a vehicle that was driving on the road in such an unusual way, made several loud exclamations and then said to his astonished wife: “ Look, if they will be beasts! They have neither headlights nor wheels, nor flashing lights. They are dragging it. Look how it sizzles “Being very close to them, and at the moment of crossing with the very rare artifact which came as we said, advancing in the opposite direction and on the same road where the car of the witnesses was traveling, they could see that from its lower part it gave off large sparks of a yellowish-white color and of other colors, whose size could vary between half a meter and a meter in length, sparks whose The presence had not been appreciated by the witnesses as they saw the apparatus coming from afar. Witnesses state that the sparks in question were similar to those produced by a pyrotechnic “wheel”.
When they were very close to the unknown object, they could clearly appreciate its large size (since it was constantly illuminated with the headlights of their car, in the crossing position), which they describe as “taller than a bus and almost as long”. say about 3.5 meters high by 8 or 9 long. Overall it seemed, of course, larger than a bus. In Fig. 8 bis the drawing made by Mrs. Ballarín is reproduced trying to represent the appearance of the UFO. Witnesses state that the object in question appeared to be metallic, “like iron, dull and with a dark blue, sooty color.” The apparatus had no light whatsoever, except for a diffuse luminosity that perceived in the upper part whose shape was like a dome, cap or “chapel” totally luminous, appreciating said luminosity of the entire upper part of the artifact as its own and fixed, with the appearance of being seen through a glass or other opaque material . The color of this light was yellowish, like a yellow traffic light.
They were able to appreciate that the object (UFO) was moving without touching the ground and as if floating a short distance from it, perhaps half a meter. The movement was absolutely silent. When the artifact crossed with the witness’s car, they could observe that its exterior structure (in what we could call, to understand each other, helmet, fuselage or bodywork) presented some like stumps, of a size equivalent to the two fists of a person together, “protruding from the fuselage” and separated from each other about 60 or 70 cms. The witness Mr. Ballarín says in this regard: “For me the lumps that we saw were escape valves”.
The aforementioned witness instructed his wife to try to see the rear license plate or taillights of the incredible vehicle. This confirms that even at that time, that is to say when they were crossing it on the road, they had not fully accepted the possibility that it was “something else” than a more or less conventional or bizarre vehicle. The wife made an effort in this task of observation, but she saw nothing, not even any apparatus, and she told her husband so. The witness insisted and the wife tilted her head back to look better, through the rear glass, and then said to her husband: “I do not see anything, except a glow or luminosity that ascends vertically towards the sky and very quickly and that has been lost in the height “. At the time of crossing with the strange vehicle, both witnesses were able to appreciate that it did not have any headlight or any distinctive or registration. That is precisely why the husband, according to what he told us, told his wife to try to see the rear license plate, which he could not do because he had to attend to the driving of the car.
All the way, from Huesca to Monzón (about 70 kms), they do not recall having crossed another vehicle, nor that one had passed them.
They arrived in Monzón at 10.50 am, the witness reminding him of having looked at his watch because he had to make a professional visit to a sick person and thought it might be too late. As a result, they traveled from the gas station in Angües to Monzón at night about 50 kms. in 30 minutes, which means having traveled the indicated route at an average of 100 km / h, which is, according to the witnesses’ own estimation, unusual and very strange, since the road has really difficult sections with steep slopes and Very sharp curves and they do not usually make such a trip at an average of more than 70 km / h, especially when traveling at night. This curious feeling, which both spouses had, of having traveled “faster”, was clearly reinforced by the following facts:
The witnesses commented among themselves, while they continued traveling in the car, not having noticed at all that they had traveled the first 10 km. that followed the fact of coming across the surprising device on the road. That is, they totally lost the sensation or contact of / with reality during the time it took to travel these 10 kms., More specifically from the point where they crossed with the unknown device (That is, in front of a group of holm oaks (holm oaks) that it is next to the road) until you reach the Parador de San Román. They remember all this well, since the wife asked him: “Hey, what are those lights that you see there?” Before answering, her husband took a good look, to be able to elucidate where they really were, and then he replied: “It is the Parador de San Román.” This establishment is located. to the left of the road, going in the opposite direction to Monzón. Somewhat surprised, then, the wife, for not remembering having passed through certain very significant points along the way, kept asking: “How did we go over the bridge? And through Lascellos?” To which the witness replied: “Well, well,” because he did not know what to say to her wife since he did not remember seeing him on this trip, and, on the other hand, he did not want to alarm or scare her. The lady continued commenting: “You have not touched the brake or the gear change” and she made some other comment regarding driving during the aforementioned section of road. Later, at home and the next day, they would comment in detail on the incidents of the trip (which they assure they will never forget) and both would admit that they did not remember at all what happened while traveling, at night, a stretch of road of about 10 km . in length, as we have already indicated, that is to say, the difficult section of the steep slopes, the sharp curves and the Lascellas bridge, over the Alcanadre river.
Both witnesses coincide in stating that the moment they finished crossing on the road, driving their car, with the strange unknown artifact, they clearly heard a “click” whose origin they do not know (they affirm a sound similar to a small metallic piece, a washer, etc. when it fell to the ground) and that it seemed to them as if it were located on the top (hood) of the car. From that moment on, they totally lost the notion of reality, as we have already said, and traveled the aforementioned 10 kms in such a state. approximately. Upon reaching the Parador de San Román they regained their consciousness and while they traveled the 12 kms. that there is from that point to Barbastro, the wife told her husband, on a couple of occasions, that in her opinion they were traveling very fast (“don’t run so much”) to which the husband replied that the speed they were carrying was normal according to the odometer indicated. During the route of this section, and also during the route of the last kms. of the previous section, the wife made a couple of strange observations to the husband, in addition to the one already mentioned about speed, which consisted of her telling the witness: “You can see a lot of stars.” She also told her husband: “Don’t run so much that my soul is left behind” and then “don’t run so much that I unfold myself.”
Such phrases had never been uttered by the wife, both witnesses emphatically affirm. All this is part, without a doubt, of a very peculiar state of mind in which the witness felt immersed and for this reason she discussed it with her husband, whom, incidentally, she held responsible for the speed, which seemed exaggerated, of the vehicle . If we add to this the words used by the witnesses to describe how they felt psychically in the hours and days that followed the Observation, we will have a fairly clear vision that, indeed, psychically this UFO Observation had unequivocal results or effects. Both consorts and witnesses say: “During three days we noticed a peace, a tremendous tranquility, a well-being, a stillness, a silence, just as when one presents oneself to an opposition, one approves it and one thinks” well, I have already taken off the weight off your shoulders and now let it be what God wants, “or many millions fall to you and you say,” Well, my life is solved, I have no problem. “ She and she did not tell me either until we started talking about it, after a few hours. She did not sleep very calm. The first night we slept great, but the second night my wife did not sleep so well. She will tell you herself. “ At this moment the wife intervened in the conversation and said: “The second night we went to bed as usual and I went to bed right away, that is, from 1 to 2, and for 3 or 4 consecutive nights, I was walking around the floor, at the same time and always the same, with a feeling, a mixture of fear and desire, that “I saw it coming.” At this moment the husband says: “I close my eyes and see it perfectly, as if it were now”, but I always slept well The wife adds: “I wanted to talk to” someone “, and this lasted 3 or 4 nights, as has been said.” The grandmother (the witness’s mother) and the very young son of the couple, who were also present while it lasted. the interview, fully confirm what the witness’s wife says.
From what has been stated in the preceding paragraphs, the reader can draw the conclusion that he likes best, but we consider that in any case, it is possible to consider that what happened had an obvious psychological impact on both witnesses.
By way of clarification and comment, the wife adds: “I don’t think they took us out of the car or did anything to us. I continued with my seat belt on, I also had some magazines on my knees, which were still there all the time” (is say how long the trip from Huesca to Monzón lasted). As the reader will appreciate, this comment is not wasted …
Regarding the consideration of possible physical effects on people or the vehicle, the witnesses affirm that they did not observe anything abnormal or special except for two observations referring to the vehicle: the first consisted, according to the witness, in the following: “I was carrying in the car, the new battery had been used for about 4 months and it was left without electricity, in the following days it could not start the car. In the morning we had to push it and we did this for two or three days, “continues the witness. He adds: “So I put the battery on charge and this was solved.” On the other hand, and referring to the car, the witness also comments: “I also noticed that the car runs better, runs finer and brakes better, since that night.”
Asked about it, Mr. Dancer replied: “Neither I nor my wife had read anything in relation to these matters. I had never read or been interested in it. I was so calm. I did not know, of course, that they were walking around the ground like that. I didn’t know ‘any details about these matters. “
With this we conclude the exposition of this singular Observation.
Witnesses to this UFO observation were Mr. Santiago Marraco Solano, Forestry Engineer, attached to Icona, and Mr. Aurelio Biarge, lawyer, both residents of Huesca. The description made by the aforementioned witnesses is as follows:
It was the night of April 1–2, 1976.
It would be 1 am. in the morning, approximately. The witnesses came in a car from Sariñena in the direction of Huesca. When passing through the Novales area there is a point on the road from which it dominates, in perspective, the entire Sotomontano (area of the plain that includes several towns and that reaches the Sierras located at the bottom, in a N. direction, highlighting among them that of Mount Guara). From that place they saw “something” that caught their attention. The observation proceeded as follows:
One of the witnesses’ said to the other: “Look what a strange thing there is there.” In the indicated direction (which was the N.-NE.) and corresponding approximately to a situation that in the distance and at night could be located in the triangle formed by the towns of Siétamo-Angües-Junzano- the existence of a very intense light whose color was similar to the dye used in caving (study of underground cavities) to determine the direction, origin, etc., of water currents, that is, an orange-butane color, bright-reflective, similar reflective materials used to mark roads.
The shape of the unusual shiny object roughly corresponded to that of a pear, that is, to a somewhat elongated body with the base wider than the top. This strong and strange light was immobile during the entire time that the observation lasted, that is, until the moment arrived when the witnesses stopped seeing the UFO because they were moving away from it, as they continued their journey towards Huesca.
It is noteworthy that both witnesses are used to traveling the roads of the Province of Huesca at all hours and in all directions, since they work on issues of land use planning, and they assure that they had never previously observed this light or anything that looked like she. Neither have they subsequently seen anything like it. These witnesses affirm that there is no light in the entire region or zone that even remotely resembles what they saw on that night.
For a moment, and given the location that on the ground seemed to correspond to said light, as already indicated, Pensaron could be a new sign placed in one of the Angües agricultural silos (see Fig. 4), but immediately afterwards They came to the reasoned conclusion that said light was located at too high a height to be able to correspond to something that had been placed on any of the buildings belonging to the Sotomontano towns. On the other hand, the luminous mass was located too low to be caused by a possible forest fire in the mountains, the latter hypothesis that they immediately discarded because it was absolutely immobile light.
The witnesses calculate that it was located, from them, at a distance in a straight line of about 7 or 8 km. They insist on affirming that the light power and the color of what they were seeing did not correspond to something that could be considered normal in the area.
The size that they could see with the naked eye, and at the indicated distance, was approximately the one found between that of a 1 €. coin and one of 5€ The luminous body or mass they were seeing was much larger than any position light on an aircraft. conventional. It was also still in the sky and, at night, no noise was heard. The color did not correspond to a position light either. The UFO had to be at a height that they calculate could be about 300 ms. ground. The light is described as “cold”, fluorescent type. The illumination or brightness was uniform on the entire surface and as for the color of the light it is already indicated that it was butane-orange, very strong and as a reflective one. Apparently around the luminous mass there was a small halo, possibly motivated by what is called haze (light fog or environmental cloudiness).
As is clearly stated, this UFO observation corresponds in date, time, place and general aspect of the observed, with what is described by the various witnesses of Huesca in their comings and goings during the same night, motivated, precisely, these displacements due to the presence of the UFO in the night sky and in the vicinity of Huesca. Both observations, totally independent in terms of witnesses, their situation, etc. — complement and corroborate each other, exactly as it happens, in short, with the other various observations studied and described in this work, in all of which there are notable and significant coincidences of place, dates, hours, aspect of what was observed, etc.
D) OBSERVATION IN SIETAMO (Huesca), on 8.4.76
A group of people was sitting in front of the Bar del Pueblo de Siétamo. It would be 9:30 or 10 a.m. At night, on April 8, 1976, and they saw “a thing” that seemed enormous to them, very luminous and suspended in the sky. Its color was reddish-orange. The UFO observation lasted a few minutes and the witnesses all got up from their seats, surprised and scared at such an unusual and unexpected appearance. The luminous mass seemed to have a rotational motion about itself.
E) UFO OBSERVATION IN PUlSO LEA (Huesca), on 5.4.76
Apparently a tractor driver saw, in the town of Puibolea -distant about 20 kms. de Huesca, (NW direction) — and on the way back to his house, at dusk, a UFO located at a height of about 80 ms., whose shape was circular and at the bottom of which you can see a smudge whose shape remembered clearly that of the letter H. “The witness does not know if it was a mark or elements belonging to the structure itself of the UFO.
Perhaps on another occasion we will return to this Observation in greater detail and once the precise data is in our possession.
(One might wonder: adulterous and late fruits of the so pleasant and voiced as ineffable and inaprehensible ummite adventure? The question remains open … joking apart).
Due to the delay in receiving the necessary data, it was not possible to previously publish the information regarding the UFO Observation that is detailed below and that is part of the set of Observations that made up the work that under this same title was published in The n. 25 of “Stendek”. Within the general context of said study, the attribution of paragraph or section F) corresponds to this UFO Observation, thus completing the exposition and publication of the aforementioned work referring to several UFO observations in the Huesca region.
Apparently a tractor driver saw, in the town of Puibolea -distant about 20 kms. de Huesca, (NW direction) — and on the way back to his house, at dusk, a UFO located at a height of about 80 ms., whose shape was circular and at the bottom of which you can see a smudge whose shape remembered clearly that of the letter H. “The witness does not know if it was a mark or elements belonging to the structure itself of the UFO.
Perhaps on another occasion we will return to this Observation in greater detail and once the precise data is in our possession.
Due to the delay in receiving the necessary data, it was not possible to previously publish the information regarding the UFO Observation that is detailed below and that is part of the set of Observations that made up the work that under this same title was published in the Nº. 25 of “Stendek”. Within the general context of said study, the attribution of paragraph or section F) corresponds to this UFO Observation, thus completing the exposition and publication of the aforementioned work referring to several UFO observations in the Huesca region.
Chronologically speaking, the observation we refer to today is the first within the set of UFO observations to which this work refers.
In fact, the events occurred at dusk on the 31st. 76 and the remaining observations belong to the first days of April 1976. In any case, the proximity in time is such that we consider it admissible to give the month of April 1976 as a general reference.
We silence the name and other personal data of the witness of this UFO observation, because that person has requested it. However, it should be noted, for the pertinent purposes, that the CEI is in the possession of the corresponding Observation Questionnaire duly completed and signed by said witness, in which there is a remarkable technical and cultural training that allows it to carry out efficiently and correctly a task of special responsibility.
What happened was the following:
It was 8:40 p.m. on March 31, 1976, when the witness Mr. B. C. was leaving, in his car, the Labor University of Huesca, where he renders his services. He was going to his home in the neighboring city of Huesca (4 km away), to get to which he had to travel a section of highway N-125 (Huesca — Zaragoza) (See sketch Fig. 9). The road or path that leads from the Labor University to the aforementioned general highway — that is, as soon as he reached the junction of both routes — he saw the witness in front of him and a little to his right some reddish-orange lights. When the witness entered with his vehicle on the main road, he continued to see said lights always located on his right, and also, of course, on the right of the car because the object carrying them was moving parallel to the road, very close to it and low altitude, that is, it followed the same route as the car and was very close to it: The witness calculated that said distance ranged, depending on the moment, between 12 and 40 meters. A confirmation of the low altitude at which the UFO was moving is found in the fact that the witness always saw it on his right -that is, through the window opposite the one corresponding to the driver who occupies in any case the window on the left. in the direction of travel of the car — perfectly defined in its contour and large, which would not have been possible if the UFO had made its movement at a more considerable height since in such a case the roof of the car itself would have prevented it from UFO visibility. As for the height at which the UFO was moving, the witness calculates it between 12 and 25 meters. That is to say, and in summary, that what the witness observed, as described in detail below, was at a very short distance from him, both horizontally and obliquely or vertically. At first, the witness thought that it could be some vehicle that was circulating on the general highway, but when the witness himself stood with his car on the aforementioned general highway, he was able to specify what it was about “something else”, that is, an object or apparatus in any way conventional of an approximate size to a railroad car (the witness calculates a length of 20 to 25 meters and a height of 8 to 10 meters, approximately) and moving (“flying” says the witness) very close to the road and already lowered the same height, being its shape similar to that of a submarine. (Fig. 10). The witness immediately thought that what he was seeing was something totally unusual and inexplicable. At a certain point, the UFO was placed a little ahead of the witness’s car, the latter being able to reaffirm himself, on that occasion, in the total strangeness of what was so close to him. As a consequence, a strong feeling of insecurity, fear, and nervousness seized him, a totally logical reaction to the presence of the unknown but at the same time evident. The witness decided to accelerate his car as much as possible to reach the city of Huesca as soon as possible. The vehicle’s engine did not suffer any alteration in its operation, which the driver, that is, the witness himself, could have seen. Said witness feared at times, and in view of the evolution of the as enigmatic as unknown apparatus, that the UFO would land on the road blocking the way, which did not happen, the strange object being limited to occasionally being very close to the car. from the witness, maybe 12 mts. horizontally and at a height of no more than 20 meters.
The UFO followed the witness’s car along a stretch of road of about 4 km. And the duration of the sighting and observation is cited by the witness in about 4 minutes in total (that is, from the moment he saw the unusual lights in front of him and to his right, before going out onto the main road, until the UFO was lost very quickly in the sky). The witness sped up his vehicle as much as he could in his desire to get to the nearby city as soon as possible, thus freeing himself from being alone and at the mercy of such an unusual and unknown, and therefore unsettling, company. When the witness arrived at a gas station located at the very entrance of Huesca, where there were more people and other vehicles, he stopped the car and then the UFO, as has been said, rises at enormous speed and vertically into the sky, disappearing from the witness view in a very brief moment.
The appearance of the object (which the witness described, in his statement and on several occasions, as “apparatus”) was like a totally solid body, with perfectly defined contours, and its color was metallic-aluminum. At the time when the observation is made (8:40 p.m. as mentioned) the sun had long since set, at the time the twilight of dusk existed without being, therefore, closed night. The weather was good, with a light wind and some scattered clouds. Neither the moon nor the stars were visible at that time.
The speed of the UFO was the one that emerges from the detail of the Observation, that is, the one required to enable the car to be followed and also perform the observed approach, distance, elevation, descent, overtaking movements, etc….
The size of the UFO is calculated by the witness at about 25 meters. in length and its height in about 8 mts., being as a whole its wingspan like a large wagon of
railway and its appearance like that of a submarine. The witness does not know the other possible characteristic dimensions of the UFO, since he could not appreciate them since he practically always saw it from a side perspective (not from the front, above, behind or below), to whose appearance the drawing made by the witness corresponds. and reproduced in this work.
The witness, driving in his vehicle, could not appreciate any sound or noise as coming from the UFO.
The UFO had on the whole a metallic luster-color similar to that of the moon. No It was all bright but only in terms of some lights that it carried in the upper front part (three or four lights) and other lights, in greater numbers (perhaps from 15 to 18) than the witness appreciated as located at the back of the UFO.
He was also able to observe some luminous stripes that, coinciding approximately with the situation of the upper lights, seemed to descend from said upper part to the lower part of the UFO. (Fig. 10). The color of these lights and light stripes was reddish orange — opaque.
This UFO observation that can really be classified as important (Type 1) — due to its proximity, duration, visibility, quality of the witness, place, etc. — is also completed by a really unusual detail among those of its kind: The witness affirms, with full certainty, that he could perfectly appreciate that the UFO was absorbing large, white discs that followed it through its back. The witness makes the following description in this regard, and literally: “The large discs outside the apparatus represent what I believe were other machines that the large one absorbed.” It is clear that the witness has no doubts. (Fig. 10).
With what was indicated about this singular UFO observation, as indicated at the beginning, the publication of this work has been completed, the result of a lengthy investigation work carried out directly and personally by the signer on the very terrain of the events, which is desirable has been of interest to the reader.