A work of fiction based entirely on real events. Registered in the Intellectual Property of the Community of Madrid nº M-004511/2007

Galán Vázquez
37 min readDec 23, 2020

Sunday, September 17, 2017

(Extended synopsis)

Through official secrecy and ridicule,
many citizens are led to believe
that unidentified flying objects are nonsense.
The Air forces, to cover up the facts,
they have silenced their staff.
First Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
The New York Times,
February 28, 1960

After World War II, the United States found itself in the middle of the Cold War and President Harry Truman recognized that gathering intelligence on the activities of other countries — in particular the Soviet Union — was of vital importance to national security. In January 1946, he established the Central Intelligence Group (CIG) and the post of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). In 1947, as the Cold War intensified, President Truman selected Rear Adm. Roscoe Hillenkoetter to become the third DCI.


Someone cut the brake fluid tube on Victor’s car,
in a frantic race, his car hurtles down a ravine.
Victor comes out of the accident unscathed.
Seconds before falling, you think you see and feel two bullet holes in your windshield,
As a result, a sharp turn and your car is destabilized causing the descent to the bottom of the ravine.
Víctor is an accredited journalist, he maintains a relationship with the also journalist Rocío, wife of the director of the newspaper for which he works. Relationship that goes beyond the professional.

After the accident. When Victor arrives at the newspaper office
Find an anonymous courier envelope.
Inside there is a security key with a plastic label where you can read: C.P.T.


Who wants Victor to have that key? What guard or custody?

From the beginning Víctor believes that his accident is related to the key, together with a young scholarship holder from the newspaper they initiate a thorough investigation.
Investigation that leads Victor to enter a dark world full of intrigue,
where every minute that passes his life is in danger.
Ignacio, the young fellow fellow of Víctor
he is dedicated to the journalistic investigation of paranormal cases.

At first Victor gives little credibility to Ignacio’s work,
but little by little Victor is attracted to the enigmatic world of Ignacio,
clearly sees that he himself is part of a macabre game
where it is a key piece for the resolution of a great enigma.
Together with Ignacio, Jorge Vázquez collaborates in the investigation,
a former policeman and detective who selflessly helps Victor.

The INSTITUTE OF PSYCHO BIOPHYSICS TECHNOLOGY It is directed by Dr. Manuel Fernández.

Although not officially recorded, this Institute belongs to the Army,
a special department of the Ministry of Defense where, in collaboration with another North American department under the CIA and the Pentagon, they carry out top secret military investigations.

Dr. Manuel Fernández, is a psychiatrist, former commander of the Air Force with studies at the Tavistock Institute in London for brainwashing.
A few years as a researcher in the USA
in a top secret department for the Pentagon and the CIA,
returns to Spain and works in the Military Hospital of Seville.

Before long, thousands of citizens contract the toxic syndrome.
Later, he founded INSTITUTE OF PSYCHO BIOPHYSICS in Catalonia. Victor finds a case parallel to his of another dead journalist
in strange circumstances when also investigating the work of Dr Fernández.

This journalist was suspicious of Dr. Fernández’s relationship with bacteriological weapons for chemical warfare and its secret application to part of the Spanish civilian population.

Victor passes him reports from another investigator and journalist of an event that apparently could also be related to his suspicions.
This new investigation is whether Dr. Fernández brought a “strain” from the US and whether this “strain” was related to Rapeseed Oil Toxic Syndrome.
The following writing arouses curiosity in Victor:

“While science at three months already knew that it could not be rapeseed oil,
the Power accused and imprisoned the rapeseed oil manufacturers.
While Science at eight months already knew how to cure those affected,
Power hid from more than sixty thousand patients the possibility of their cure.
Silence pact…?

In the spring of 1981, more than 60,000 Spaniards were poisoned.
More than seven hundred of them died.
Since then and until today, the governments of the PP and the PSOE have focused their efforts on preventing the real criminal from coming to light.

Thus, a dark assembly of the different sectors of Power and the intelligence services was reached, to form the (pact of silence) that should prevent it from being known that a new chemical combination was applied here to human beings, applicable in the future to a possible chemical warfare “


Victor investigates on the Institute of Psycho-biophysics,
he meets Dr. Fernández and the enigma of the key is just beginning. The key belongs to room 51 and in it is an agent of the CNI (National Intelligence Center) with a strange mental illness. Some self-referential delusions, a paranoia of indecipherable origin together with strange hypnagogic hallucinations.

Dr. Fernández says he has a gem for clinical research in this patient.
Victor investigates the background of this peculiar patient of Dr. Fernández and what he encounters accelerates the imminent danger to which he is subjected since the key came into his possession. It’s a covert kidnapping.
The patient manages to get Victor to contact a British M16 agent
and this shows you the way to go to discover the “Diary of Nostromo” written by him.

The strange bacteriological “strain” that Dr. Fernandez has is of “non-human” origin and the patient who is abducted has all the documents and information that prove it.

The British agent suffers an accident and Victor’s suspicions increase.

In the patient’s apartment,
Victor finds a USB stick with recorded data that shows what the Pentagon and the CIA hide
and its relationship with the project that these Dark Forces have for humanity.

For decades entities of non-terrestrial origin have coexisted on earth and secretly cooperate with governments of different countries.

According to the investigations contained in the journal of the CNI agent, patient of Dr. Fernandez. These entities coexist and pass undisturbed among the population of our cities. Although the purpose of their interests is unknown, everything suggests that they are not beneficial for the population of planet earth.

A power in the shadows that controls the future of humanity at will.
“They” finances the work of Dr Fernández
Victor finds himself immersed in a spider web from which he will no longer be able to escape.

(*) &copy; Andreas FABER-KAISER<br /> fuente:
<a href=”">Web AFK</a>

In the spring of 2021 the first part of this story will be concluded

Barcelona December 2020
Jose A. Galán

Some data to complement this story

Roscoe Hillenkoetter on the UFO cover-up. New York Times article


Pamphlet by the Inspector General Called Objects a ‘Serious Business’

WASHINGTON, Feb. 27 (UPI)–The Air Force has sent its commands a warning to treat sightings of unidentified flying objects as “serious business” directly related to the nation’s defense, it was learned today.
An Air Force spokesman confirmed issuance of the directive after portions of it were made public by a private “flying saucer” group.
The new regulations were issued by the Air Force inspector general Dec. 24.
The regulations, revising similar ones issued in the past, outlined procedures and said that “investigations and analysis of UFO’s are directly related to the Air Force’s responsibility for the defense of the United States.”

Committee Reveals Document

Existence of the document was revealed by the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena.
The privately financed committee accused the Air Force of deception in publicly describing reports of unidentified flying objects as delusions and hoaxes while sending the private admonition to its commands.

Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter (Ret.), a committee board member and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said in a statement that a copy of the inspector general’s warning had been sent to the Senate Science and Astronautics Committee.
“It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings,” he said.”

The Air Force confirmed that the document had been issued. A spokesman said it was put out by Maj. Gen. Richard E. O’Keefe, acting inspector general at the time, to call attention to revised Air Force regulations concerning unidentified flying objects.
The statement was included in an “operations and training” pamphlet circulated at intervals to bring commands up to date.
Pentagon aides said the new regulations covering seven printed pages, made no substantive change in policy but had been rewritten as a matter of course.
The Air Force has investigated 6,132 reports of flying objects since 1947, including 183 in the last six months of 1959. The latest Air Force statement, issued a month ago said, “no physical or material evidence, not even a minute fragment of a so-called flying saucer, has ever been found.”

Admiral Hillenkoetter said that “behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFO’s.”
“But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense,”
the retired admiral said. He charged that “to hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personnel” through the issuance of a regulation.

UFO Cover-up

Apollo 14 Astronaut, Edgar Mitchell, Ph.D., sixth man to walk on moon

Edgar Dean Mitchell (Hereford, Texas, United States, September 17, 1930-West Palm Beach, Florida, February 4, 2016)

Yes, there have been ET visitations. There have been crashed craft. There have been material and bodies recovered. There has been a certain amount of reverse engineering that has allowed some of these craft, or some components, to be duplicated. And there is some group of people that may or may not be associated with government at this point, but certainly were at one time, that have this knowledge. They have been attempting to conceal this knowledge or not permit it to be widely disseminated. … People in high level government have very, very little, if any, valid information about this. Most have no more knowledge than the man in the street. … [As to] the question, “How could it be kept secret?” It hasn’t been kept secret. It’s been there all along. But it has been the subject of disinformation in order to deflect attention and create confusion so the truth doesn’t come out. … I believe it is a very important effort that we get Congressional oversight of all this.

US Navy Pilot, Lieutenant Frederick Fox

Navy pilots from the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” unit on the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt in 2015. Members of that squadron began to see strange objects after the radar systems upgrade.Credit … Adam Ferguson for The New York Times

There is a publication called JANAP 146E that had a section that says you will not reveal any information regarding the UFO phenomenon under penalty of $10,000 fine and ten years in jail. I never reported anything to FAA or the military. A lot of pilots just did not want to get involved in this because of peer pressure and ridicule. So the secret has been kept.

Deputy Chief of the Belgian Royal Air Force, General Wilfred de Brouwer

Image from Belgian Voices from Heaven

The Air Force has arrived [at] the conclusion that a number of anomalous phenomena have been produced within Belgian airspace. Not a single trace of aggressiveness has been signaled.

Wilfried De Brouwer Image from Belgian Voices from Heaven

Vatican Theologian, Insider Close to the Pope, Monsignor Corrado Balducci

Monsignor Corrado Balducci, after completing his higher studies in theology at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy in Rome in 1954, assumed important functions in the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, which under Pope John Paul II became the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples.

We can’t anymore deny that something is happening here in this field of ufology. Not just flying saucers, but there might be actual people, beings, extraterrestrial beings. Many clergymen, unlike in the past, accept that earthly man is not alone in the universe. The head of the Vatican astronomers, the Argentine Jesuit José Gabriele Funes, 45, with a double degree in theology and astrophysics, affirms: “It is possible to believe in God and in extraterrestrials. We can admit the existence of other worlds and other lives, even more evolved than ours, without questioning the faith in creation, in incarnation and in redemption ”.
Father Raimondo Spiazzi, a Dominican, and Father Gino Concetti, a Franciscan, expressed similar ideas to those of Father Funes. Even Padre Pio, a great saint but certainly not a theologian or a scholar of astrophysics, was said to be a possibility in the matter. To those who objected once, he replied, “Would you like God’s omnipotence to be limited to little planet Earth?”
These ecclesiastics have limited themselves to admitting the presence of another humanity in the universe. Father Balducci, on the other hand, officially spoke about the possibility of an extraterrestrial presence on our planet. He was a very prominent personality in the culture of the Catholic world

FAA Division Chief of Accidents and Investigations, John Callahan

IMDB image

This particular incident started with a phone call from the people in Alaska. … I said, “What’s the problem?” He said, “Well, it’s that UFO. The UFO was bouncing around the 747 here.” … They brought in three people from the FBI, three people from the CIA, and three people form Reagan’s scientific study team. Well, I’ve been involved in a lot of cover-ups with the FAA. When we gave the presentation to the Reagan staff, they had all those people swear that this never happened. But they never had me swear it never happened. … For those people who say that if these UFOs existed, they would some day be on radar and that there’d be professionals who would see it, then I can tell them that back in 1986, there were enough professional people that saw it. What I can tell you is what I’ve seen with my own eyes. I’ve got a videotape. I’ve got the voice tape. And I’ve got the reports that were filed that will confirm what I’ve been telling you.

Mercury & Gemini Astronaut, Colonel Gordon Cooper

Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr., Gemini-5 command pilot (NASA photo)

At Edwards Air Force Base I was having some of the cameramen film precision landings. A saucer flew right over them, put down three landing gears, and landed out on the dry lakebed. They went out with their cameras towards the UFO. It lifted off and flew off at a very high rate of speed. … I had a chance to hold it [the film] up to the window to look at it. Good close-up shots. There was no doubt in my mind that it was made someplace other than on this earth. … In my opinion they were worried it would panic the public if they knew that someone had vehicles that had this kind of performance. So they started telling lies about it. Then I think they had to cover it with another lie. Now they don’t know how to get out of it.

Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper Jr., Gemini-5 command pilot (NASA photo)

US Air Force, Sergeant Chuck Sorrells

Sgt. Chuck Sorrells / Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive

Chuck Sorrells is a career Air Force military man who was at Edwards Air Force Base in 1965 when not one, but at least seven UFOs appeared over Edwards Air Force Base airspace, moving in extraordinary fashion at enormous speeds, making right-hand turns and other maneuvers which no known aircraft was capable of at the time. They appeared on multiple radars, were seen visually by several people, and a special UFO officer scrambled and authorized a jet to intercept these objects. This event lasted for five or six hours. An edited transcript of the audiotape of the event follows his testimony.

US Air Force, Sergeant Michael W. Smith

Michael Smith was an Air Traffic Controller with the Air Force in Oregon and, subsequently, in Michigan. At both of these facilities he and others witnessed UFOs tracked on radar and moving at extraordinary speeds. He also confirms that personnel were expected to maintain secrecy concerning these observations, and that NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command, was fully apprised of these events.

Michael Smith was an Air Traffic Controller with the Air Force in Oregon and, subsequently, in Michigan. At both of these facilities he and others witnessed UFOs tracked on radar and moving at extraordinary speeds. He also confirms that personnel were expected to maintain secrecy concerning these observations, and that NORAD, the North American Air Defense Command, was fully apprised of these events. In fact, in one event in Michigan, NORAD was fully engaged, and steered B-52s returning to base around these UFOs. My name is Michael W. Smith. I was in the Air Force from 1969 to 1973 and was an Aircraft Control and Early Warning Operator, which was basically an Aircraft Control person. Our job was to track and give altitudes for military aircraft, and to detect and identify any incoming aircraft coming into our airspace. In spring of 1970, while I was stationed in Klamath Falls, Oregon. I came up to the radar site on the evening shift, and where there [were] normally two or three people in the radar room, there [were] quite a few, from the cooks to maintenance — all kinds of people. I asked what was going on, and they said that they were watching a UFO on radar. I immediately was stunned and asked if the Pentagon [had been] notified or if we [had] called the President. They said no, they don’t do that. And I said, well, we should call the news media or, you know, call somebody — this was Earth-shaking news to me. And they said, “No, just calm down.”

NORAD [North American Air Defense Command] knows about it. They had called NORAD. The senior NCO pulled me to the side and said that NORAD knows about it — that’s the only people we notify. We don’t talk about this. We don’t tell anybody about this. The people that know, know. We just watch, see what happens, and that’s it. That’s our job. I insisted there has to be a report filed or something filed, you know? And he said that there is a report that you can file — it’s about an inch thick, and the first two pages are about the sighting. The rest of it is basically a psychological profile of you, your family, your bloodlines, everything. When the Air Force goes through it, they can discredit you completely by either saying that [you were] on drugs, or your mother was a communist, or anything to discredit you. You’d never get a promotion, and [you’d] spend the next three and one-half years up at the North Pole, living in a tent, checking the weather balloons. You know — no hope for promotion. So, the message was pretty loud and clear: you just shut-up and don’t say anything to anybody.

This UFO was stationary, wasn’t moving at all. Then it would slowly lower itself down until it got behind a mountain so that you lost radar contact. It would stay down for about 15 minutes, and the next thing you knew, it was right back up there at 80,000 [or] 90,000 feet. Then, [in] the next sweep of the radarscope, it would be 200 miles away, stationary — completely stopped. It would hover there for 5 [or] 10 minutes, and then slowly start descending until it dropped off radar. Then it would come back up. It did this three times, that I saw. This happened one more time that I know of. I heard that it’s not an infrequent occurrence out there. They have them quite often, but I’ve personally seen it twice. There’s no aircraft that can accelerate and decelerate that fast without having the pilot’s face go through the windshield. I mean it is impossible to operate that way with gravity… So, it was obviously something we didn’t have. We never scrambled interceptors on them, so it was obviously something the Russians never had. It was a UFO. That’s the only explanation there was for it. NORAD knew about it and they just handled it like it’s just a UFO — watch it and see what happens. Don’t take any actions, don’t tell anybody, don’t write it down, and don’t disclose it.

NORAD is in charge of all of the air space of the United States and North America. It’s their job to identify any incoming aircraft, any threats — Russian planes or any aircraft at all. The first thing they do is check it with the flight plans of airlines or private carriers or whatever. Everything is identified, so when something like this just pops up on the scope with no flight plan and doing erratic behaviors, it’s their job to identify it. They have a tie-in with all the radar stations in North America. It all goes to Cheyenne Mountain, CO [NORAD HQ]. They have a big screen and they can see any area of the country at any time. Another experience I had happened on third shift. I was on the radar, and NORAD called me and informed me that there was a UFO coming up the California coast and it would be in my area pretty soon.

I said what do you want me to do? And they said, “Nothing, just watch it, don’t write it down.” We have a log book in which we are supposed to keep track of anything out of the ordinary. But they said, “Don’t log it or anything, just watch it. We are just letting you know — heads up.” NORAD was well aware, obviously, that these UFOs were around, and the action of the people when I first saw the UFO on radar was as if it happens quite often. The first time you see a UFO on radar you realize the Government knows about this, so why aren’t they telling the press? But when I was pulled to the side, it was explained that, yes, there are UFOs. Yes, we know [about] them. Yes, NORAD knows about them. But that’s it. This is a secret. You are not supposed to talk about it. Don’t tell anybody about it. Don’t make any reports. Don’t write it down. Just shut-up and you’ll get your next stripe, and you’ll be promoted, and we’ll go on from there.

Another encounter happened while I was stationed in Michigan. It was in 1972 — I believe it was in the fall of 1972. I was working alone that night. By then I was promoted to a Sergeant. I got a phone call from the switchboard operator, and he said he had the State Police on the phone and they wanted to talk to me. He was real frantic when he got on the phone, and said that there [were] three UFOs over the north tower of the Mackinac Bridge. Mackinac Bridge connects the upper peninsula and the lower peninsula of Michigan.

I immediately turned on the radar, but my immediate reply to the officer was [that] they are not on radar, and I hung up the phone. It’s just something that’s programmed into you — that’s what you are supposed to say, “There’s nothing on radar”, even if you see something. But actually, the north tower seemed to be a little bit bigger, and then I realized that they were the UFOs. One took off, left the other two, circled Mackinac Island and came back to the other [two]. Then all three started going along Interstate 75, north from St. Ignace. In the meantime, I got calls from the Sheriff’s Department. They were frantic, saying, “We are chasing these UFOs up the highway.” My response was, there’s nothing on radar. Several people called — several civilians. I believe there was a newspaper person that called. In the meantime, I called NORAD and told them. They looked it up and they said, “Oh, they are going up I-75?” I said yes, at about 70–80 miles an hour. Now, about halfway between St. Ignace and [unintelligible], there is Kincheloe Air Force Base, which is a SAC base [closed in 1977]. They have B-52 bombers. They had two that were on final approach, and that crosses I-75. Apparently, they diverted those two bombers because they didn’t want — [whether] they have nuclear weapons or not — to take a chance on them meeting UFOs about the same altitude, crossing the highway. So they diverted the two B-52s.

As the UFOs came closer, I realized that they were coming this way — following the highway right by my radar site, which is up on top of a hill. Then I saw a bright bluish glow go by silently, followed by the flashing red and blue lights of the police cars that were chasing them. If I had said, oh, yes, I have them on radar, then the next thing I know, newspapers are going to be up there wanting to talk to me and I’d probably get courtmartialed… It was just instinct, saying there’s nothing on radar when there actually was. I was watching them come up the highway. They were so close together, they looked like one return. In other words, it looked like it was one aircraft and it was very low. It doesn’t matter if he’s wearing a badge or not — you don’t talk about it. In the log book, [I] wrote this down, and I told my Senior NCO the next day about it — but that’s all you are supposed to do. Don’t tell anybody else. Don’t write it down, although I did write it down. But, I doubt you’ll ever find that log book. The government, they cover up. They don’t want anybody talking about it. But this is such remarkable technology. These people come from who knows where. I would think you’d want everybody to know… On a personal note, after the first event happened in Oregon, I came home on leave and told my Dad about it. He was red, white, and blue through and through — an old WWII hero and all that, and very patriotic. I was explaining to him about these UFOs that we routinely see out there, and he said, “No, the Government says that there are no UFOs.” I’m saying, Dad, I’ve seen these on radar with my own eyes. And he says, come on, the Government would never lie to him. You know? But here’s his son; I would never lie to him. So, he just didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t until years later, until after Watergate, that he said, “Hey, sit down and tell me about this. The Government is lying to me about a little thing like Watergate, so obviously they are out lying about something big.”

It’s a Government cover-up that doesn’t need to be here any more. There is no more Cold War. I believe the same thing Dr. Greer does, that the technology they have could enable us to stop burning our fossil fuels and stop the damage to the ozone, etc. These people have technologies — they must have something. And the Government knows about it. They have these aliens, they have these spacecraft, they have this technology, all this. There’s a lot of back-engineered technology, that’s pretty obvious. Who are they to cover this up when other Governments are coming forward, admitting, and showing their files — why isn’t our Government? While I was in the Air Force, there were a number of other people that had witnessed UFOs on radar, also. A number of pilots I’ve talked to had chased them or come close to them or flown in formation with them. For example, a friend of mine was in a tower and there was a flight of three interceptors coming in. And he said, “No, there’s four of them.” And the Captain is going, “No, there’s three of us.” And he said, “Well, look around.” Sure enough, there was a UFO flying in formation with them.

When Dr. Greer brought us down to Washington, D.C. for the Congressional briefing [in April 1997], I was very nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. However, there were about 12 other people there that really amazed me. My story is very tame compared to what they’ve experienced and what they’ve encountered. It was a real eye-opener, how deep this secrecy goes, how deep the cover-up is — everyone from astronauts to senators who know that there’s something going on.

US Navy, Commander Graham Bethune

On February 10, 1951, Navy pilot and commander Graham Bethune was flying with his crew on a routine mission from Iceland to Newfoundland. On the final leg of their flight, a strange and unexplained incident took place, one that would mark the young Commander and his squad for the rest of their lives.

Cmdr. Graham Bethune is a retired Navy commander pilot with a top-secret clearance. He was a VIP Plane Commander who flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians from Washington D.C. In his testimony he explains how he was flying a group of VIP’s and other pilots into Argentia, Newfoundland when they all witnessed a 300 foot UFO that traveled 10,000 feet straight up in a fraction of a second toward their plane and was on radar. He has documented the event extensively. A selection of those documents follow this testimony.
GB: Cmdr. Graham Bethune SG: Dr. Steven Greer
[Note that this case is also described in section 6.5. It occurred on Feb. 10, 1951. SG]
GB: My name is Graham Bethune. I am a commander, retired pilot from the Navy and I went through the regular Navy program of training pilots. I graduated in 1943 from Pensacola, the Academy Air. And of course all Navy pilots are trained navigators, which is very important when you are going to talk about what we’re going to discuss here, because we had to know all of the star systems and we had to know these types of things. I navigated maybe 13 years around the planet with the stars. And when I first graduated from Pensacola in 1943 I went to the South Atlantic and we were hunting German submarines. This was all night flying. Everything we did was at night in patrol planes.
I was transferred to Air Transport Squadron One in 1950. I was sent to Keflavik, Iceland, along with two other officers after a meeting that they had in Washington, D.C., where Iceland was involved in seeing UFOs over Keflavik, Iceland, and they wanted troops up there to protect them.
During our meeting they were explaining to us why they had requested the troops and what they were seeing. And we asked them if they could really go into more detail about the type of craft that they were seeing. And their explanation was that they were seeing most of them at night — lighted craft, circular. And we knew coming from a naval air test center, we tested everything there, that we had nothing like that that we had tested.
So I asked them, well, what did our government tell you that they were? And they said, you’re government said they were experimental, probably experimental Russian bombers (laughter).
The flight was normally about ten hours. But this particular night we had a 16-knot head wind. And about maybe 300 to 400 miles outside of Argentia, Newfoundland I saw something below the horizon, on the water, that looked like approaching a city at night. It was just kind of an ambient light, no definition whatsoever. But it looked like the same thing that you would see if you were approaching a large city at night. So I watched it for a while. It was about 1:00 am.

And then finally I called Kinden’s attention to it, who was sitting in the right seat. He was route checking me. And he took a look at it and he didn’t know what it was. We couldn’t figure out … there was nothing out there. We had passed over the guard ship already. In those days, they had a guard ship that was between Iceland and between Newfoundland. The guard ship had given us the latest weather. The weather was clear. There was no Northern Light activity, which they give as part of the weather report. And we had ship plots. There were no ships plotted in that area. So we asked control if he could give us another fix and find out if we were really on course. We thought maybe we had drifted, that we were seeing Labrador or maybe the tip of Greenland. So he said, no, we were right on course.
So we watched it for a while and we were drifting to the right of it. Our heading was 222 degrees, 225 degrees. We were at 10,000 feet, I would say it was 40 miles away originally. When we were about 25 or 30 miles away we could see defined lights and there was a pattern on the water. So, with that pattern we couldn’t figure out what was going on. Maybe the Navy was doing something that was highly classified, recovering something down in the ocean or something of this nature, we thought. And it was a circular pattern. And it was very large.
So I sent the crew chief back to get the other plane commander, Al Jones, because they wanted to land at Argentia. There were 31 passengers and we had two VIP crews that had pilots also, and patrol plane pilots. And at the time that they came forward, the lights went out on the water. There was nothing on the water. This was about 15 miles away. I mean it was just dark.
Now standing behind me was the navigator, the radioman, and also the plane captain — the cockpit was full. All of a sudden we saw, on the water, a yellow halo that was very, very small, about 15 miles away. And it came up to 10,000 feet like that — a fraction of a second.
[Note the similarity of movement of this UFO with other accounts: It covered 15 miles in a second or so. SG]
And I thought that it was going to go right through us. So I disengaged the autopilot, pushed the nose over, because I was going to go under it at the angle that it was coming toward me.

Bethune’s original drawing of the USO encounter

So what happened, the minute that I did that, it was up at our altitude and I could see nothing outside of the cockpit but this craft. And so I didn’t know which way to go. And then all of a sudden I heard a racket. I didn’t know what it was. And I said, Fred, what the hell was that? He looked around and he said, everyone was ducking in the back of us and they collided and they are all lying on the deck back there, scrambling on the deck. So when I looked back it wasn’t there. And he said, it’s over here on the right hand side. Now it was about a mile or so away. It kind of drifted forward, maybe to a position five miles away, and that’s where it stayed with us for quite some time.
This is when we could first see it wasn’t above our altitude. It was below our altitude. But it was still above the horizon where you could see the side of the craft. You could see the dome and you could see the color around the perimeter of the craft.
And then we knew that it was a friendly encounter. We knew that it knew that we were there. We knew that it came out to see us. But we didn’t think at that time that the reason that it did this was because they wanted to show us what the Icelanders were talking about.
So we watched it for a while. And Al says, well, let him get in the seat. So I let him get in the seat and he disengaged the autopilot and was going to chase it. Now we had a head wind of about 60-knots, so our ground speed was only maybe 120, 130-knots. And so he wasn’t going to go too far in chasing this thing. But he did turn to chase it.
So I decided that I would go back to see how the passengers reacted and also talk to the doctor who was back there. And so I went to him first, I said, Doc, did you see what we saw? And he said, yeah, he looked me straight in the eye and said, yeah, it was a flying saucer. He says, I didn’t look at it because I don’t believe in such things. Well, it took me a couple of seconds to realize what he was saying. He couldn’t believe, being a psychiatrist, in that kind of thing. So I went back forward and I said, Al, whatever you do don’t tell anybody we saw anything, they will lock us up as soon as we get on the ground. He says, it’s too late. I just called Gander control, to see if they could track this by radar. So that’s how the story got out.
So when we landed at Argentia, the Air Force was there and they interrogated us. And the captain that did the interrogation did a real good job. But you could tell this wasn’t his first time that he had ever interrogated anybody as far as this type of encounter was concerned. He made a good report, which went to the headquarters of the Air Force in Washington, D.C.
Initially the color was yellow. Since then I’ve learned from the boys upstairs why we saw different colors as it was coming toward us. The colors were around the perimeter. And it turned from a yellow to an orange to almost a fiery red and then almost a purplish red. And they said that that had to do with the amount of energy being used or dissipated. It had to do with the power so to speak. And so when it slowed down, close to us, in a fraction of a second, it was back to the yellow range. And it was foggy around it to where it was like a plasma mist or something of this nature.
When we were asked about the crafts size 300 feet came to my mind. And when I got the report out of the Archives in 1991 I had never seen anybody else’s report, everyone said it was anywhere from 250 to 350 feet in diameter. And when I talked to the others they said it was just something that they knew and estimated. Now the velocity when it left us was estimated from between 1,000 miles an hour to 2,000 miles an hour. And when I looked at the report, Al Jones had estimated 1,800 miles an hour. Mine was 1,000. Another was 1,500 miles, but in that range. It turns out that the radar report, which I have never seen said it was 1,800 miles an hour
We had nothing that would go that fast. And of course I was at the naval air test center. This is where we had our test pilot training school. This is where we did all the highly classified tests of aircraft. And to my knowledge we had nothing anywhere near that speed or anything that was circular.

Commander Graham Bethune

Now this craft went 15 miles in that short period of time (one second or so). Now you could calculate how fast it came toward us. And then just like put the brakes on in front of us. You take something 300 feet in diameter, and you don’t see much out of your cockpit window.
I’ve been corresponding with a magnetic engineer for several years that’s writing a book. He’s already gotten pretty close to 100 pilot reports (of UFOs with magnetic effects on the aircraft). And I gave him, in detail, everything that happened.
When I went to set the automatic pilot back, the magnetic compass, which was in the center of the panel, was swinging back and forth. I said to Fred, I said, did you see that? He said, you should have seen it when the craft was close. He said it was spinning. And so then we looked at the other compasses. At that time the craft was sitting out maybe five miles from us. We had what we called Bird Dogs. They are low frequency radio components that will point to the station when you tune in the station. These two Bird Dogs were pointing toward the craft. We had two other compasses. We had a remote compass, which is out in the wing; it was reacting. There were a total of five different directional gyros in that airplane. And out of the five, three of them were acting up.
I was told that it was tracked by radar. He said, as far as he knew the radar report was sent in to the Air Force Headquarters in Washington, D.C. It usually goes from there to Wright Patterson AFB. But my boss found the report in the Archives in Wright Patterson in Project Blue Book after talking to Colonel Watson, and he confirmed the speed of 1,800 miles. I said where did you find that out? He said, well, it was a radar report and it said that. So something happened to the radar report before they microfilmed it. Because what I have on microfilm I got from the Archives (and the radar report is missing). I was told by a friend of mine at Wright Patterson AFB that I’ve known for years that they had allowed Steven Spielberg microfilm this, the Blue Book records or whatever for Close Encounters of the Third Kind. So he (Spielberg) had a pretty high clearance. He had to be associated with some of the … well, you know who, as far as the control group is concerned.
The other plane commander I located many years ago but he was with this company and he wouldn’t talk. After he retired, I got a hold of him again in 1996 and I flew out to where he lived and I said, what we will do is we’ll just take a tape recorder and we’ll just discuss it. So that’s what happened. In the report that I wrote, his statement is in there, several pages of his statement. His schematic of what he saw is in there. And it was amazing how they matched.
[We have this full report with the other pilot’s corroboration of events. SG]
The document that I found [See Government Documents] was the official document that the Air Force had put together. And it was originally filed under Project Grudge.
[Refer to the testimony of AF Colonel Charles Brown who was part of Project Grudge. SG]
But on the front page it says Project Twinkle where they put a lot of reports that they had to get rid of somehow.
[Note that Colonel Brown confirms in his testimony that really sensitive cases were placed in another project outside of Grudge and beyond his access. SG]

Commander Graham Bethune

There were 18 pages according to the Archives. But they only at that time, Admiral McCormick, who had relieved Eisenhower, was the NATO Commander, the Supreme Allied Commander. Now his aides had approached me. Everybody seemed to know about this event. Like Admiral Radford, who became the first Joint Chiefs of Staff, his aides knew about it because he had talked to me about it. So there were quite a few who knew about this. So this was how I learned a lot that really was not official and was really not in any books.
[Note that Colonel Corso and others relate that the very sensitive material was conveyed verbally, “brain to brain.” SG]
Later in May, I had an Intelligence officer come to the house. And he showed me pictures. The first pictures that I had ever seen. There was nothing, absolutely nothing there that looked close to it. There was one that was 100 feet in diameter. It didn’t look like it was damaged too much.
[He implies here that these were photos of retrieved or crashed objects since he can comment on the extent of damage. SG]
So he’s the one that I asked a lot of questions. I said what happens to this report. And he told me exactly what happens. He says there is a committee. Now these are his words: “There is a joint intelligence committee…” And he said, “… and they make the decisions as to where it goes.”
They were coming to me a lot of times and showing me photographs. A lot of them looked like what we would call foo fighters. A lot of them looked like just a round, bright disc of some kind.
There was a Secretary of the Navy Kimball … I was what you would call a VIP Plane Commander in the Flag Division, which flew most of the high-ranking officers and civilians out of Washington, D.C. Several of these officials told me what they had seen. For example, there were two craft flying together out in the Pacific. And a bright disc came up beside one of them and stayed with them for a while and flew around it. Our office came under the headquarters of Wright Patterson. It was a central district. You had pilot meetings. You had all these types of meetings. And I would go down there about once or twice a month to the meetings, plus I would go maybe two or three times a year for seminars … it would be a week or so.
Once, while on the flight line where we parked our plane we weren’t too far from what looked like a hanger. It looked like a corrugated metal hanger. And it was open most of the time. Every time my boss and I would go by there he couldn’t understand why I was not interested in going and looking at what was behind the metal wall back there. And he told me basically that they had a craft (UFO) back there. And he told me basically that they did have ET bodies there. Now he’s not the first one that ever told me that.
From discussions that he had had with Admiral Forney he learned that Admiral Forney (who was our missile chief and had spent time at White Sands) was convinced that craft from other planets were visiting us. He kept bringing up Colonel Watson also. He said Colonel Watson let him look at a lot of these files, plus he was the one that told him about what they had there. He saw what they had there [the ET craft and bodies], and as I said he couldn’t understand why I wasn’t interested. I said, well, really I don’t have any interest because I will never be able to talk about it. And I know enough now from what I’ve seen that I know they exist. It was a craft at Wright Patterson AFB. It was a craft that did crash somewhere.

Commander Graham Bethune

SG: Extraterrestrial?
GB: Extraterrestrial craft, exactly. Yes. And the bodies that he was talking about were extraterrestrial.
Well, I’m convinced of what I saw. To my knowledge we wouldn’t have had anything of that size. And I’m certain that it was from another planet, not from this planet. Our technology was not such at that time that we could have any kind of a craft like that, I’m sure of that.
I had a top-secret clearance. But here we get back to the need to know. And I am sure that in a lot of cases the other people had the need to know about certain things that I didn’t have. And so I’m sure that if we had anything from another planet, that some of these engineers would be involved, whether they were magnetic engineers or aeronautical engineers or whatever they were, they would be involved.

Commander Graham Bethune

Regarding Corso’s book, I was involved in some things that I’m suspicious were of the same nature. They were asking us to see if we could find a contractor in the area that could build something like this, to back-engineer something like this. And we never thought about it when he said, well, it wasn’t our technology.
Later in the ’60s, we were just moving into a new home. My son was about eight years old. And we were sodding the backyard. And I went into the house to wash up and he came into the house and says, dad, mommy wants you outside. I said, what for? He said, we’re looking at flying saucers. Well, I thought to myself what the heck does he know about flying saucers? So I go outside and here she is standing and pointing to something up above us. And you know what it was? It was a ship and there were smaller craft all around it. So I go back in the house to get the binoculars because I wanted to get a good look at this. So I come back and the ship itself had gone but I got a chance to see two or three of the small ones. So when we got back in the house I said to my wife, how did you find out about flying saucers? Because we were not supposed to tell even our wives of our encounter, which was in 1951.

Mexico City Senior Air Traffic Controller, Enrique Kolbeck

Mr. Enrique Kolbeck is a senior Air Traffic Controller at Mexico City International Airport. In his testimony he speaks about the frequent UFO sightings seen at the airport visually and on.

When you have the view of the airspace and the radar screen [and] you see the UFOs go around twenty or thirty miles a second — that is very real. They can turn suddenly almost 90 degrees in a second or half a second. The UFOs can go vertically straight up very quickly.

Mr. Enrique Kolbeck is a senior Air Traffic Controller at Mexico City International Airport. In his testimony he speaks about the frequent UFO sightings seen at the airport visually and on.

NASA Research Scientist (Gemini, Apollo, Skylab), Dr. Richard Haines


Dr. Haines has been a NASA research scientist since the mid 1960’s. He has worked on the Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab programs as well as several others. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Haines has compiled over 3,000 cases of unusual visual and radar sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena. He notes that numerous foreign cases also appear in the literature and are very similar in nature to the American reports. In one case here in America, a B-52 captain told him that he and his crew had five round spheres appear just off of each wingtip, behind their aircraft, above the aircraft, and below and they kept up with the plane at cruise altitude and speed. The captain tried to shake the spheres with evasive maneuvers but each sphere kept exact position. There are other cases where pilots look into the transparent cupola of some of the UFOs and detail can be seen inside. … In many cases, Air Force interceptors have been sent up to identify or investigate the phenomenon. And the pilot might ask for radar coverage. Did you see anything on radar? I have many, many cases in my AIRCAT files where there is good, positive, visual radar correspondence.
AIRCAT stands for Air Catalogue. This is a rather extensive library I’ve been collecting for almost 30 years now from commercial, military, private and test pilots.

Dr. Richard F. Haines (NASA)

I have over 3,000 cases. I have tape recordings or video recordings of the interviews with some of the pilots. I have FAA tapes that you can obtain as a citizen through Freedom of Information Act requests. And so this database is very large. Those cases that are not complete are usually the result of a hesitancy on the part of the pilot to disclose everything. If they are a commercial pilot, for instance, there may be concerns about job security or ridicule…
We have an interesting case involving several aircraft, compasses deviating, radio frequency interference, and radar. There is a wealth of data there. And it just amazes me that my colleagues in the physical sciences, for some reason aren’t interested in this subject…
Is there some intelligent guidance behind the phenomenon? Well that’s a scientific question. That is a valuable scientific question. And to me, where I am right now in the data analysis, I think there is. I’m gaining more and more data to make this case that there is a high degree of intelligence and control behind this phenomenon…
I had a B-52 captain tell me once that he was flying in the front left seat of a brand new B-52 from Wichita, Kansas, where it was made by the Boeing Corporation. His job was to ferry that aircraft with a light crew to an Air Force base in the southwestern part of America. It was a clear, sunny day, beautiful bright sky, and an object, a round sphere, probably four or five feet in diameter with no markings, no rivets, no seams, no insignias, no USAF on the side- showed up right off his left wing tip. Well, his co-pilot said, Captain, we have an object off our right wing tip and he described it and it was the same shape, size, everything, identical to this one on the left wing. So there are two objects now keeping up with the aircraft at cruise altitude and cruise speed.
Well, to make a long story short, he told me that an object showed up behind the aircraft, above the aircraft, below the aircraft and off each wing tip, five total. And, I said, well, what did you do. He said, well, I hit the autopilot button on the control column and went into evasive maneuvers, which is kind of standard operating procedure, to try to shake these things. He said if they were balloons, they weren’t going to keep up with us very long. If they were birds, why were they at that altitude and flying at 300 or 400 miles an hour, so forth and so on. Good, typical piloting behavior, checking off what they weren’t, you see. Well, he said, no matter what he did with that aircraft, they stayed with the aircraft, perfectly aligned. It is called station keeping. So he said, after a while of this, we are running out of fuel and I have a job to do. So he added power, got back up to cruise altitude, and put her back on autopilot. After 15 or so minutes more the objects departed from the aircraft in the exact opposite order they arrived. Intelligence. To me that’s not random. That is intelligence. That is deliberate…

Dr. Richard F. Haines (NASA)

Now the skeptics will say that these are all visual illusions. And I can’t buy that. Not all these cases, not with three sets of eyeballs in that cockpit, not with radar confirmation, not with ground confirmation by radar and even additional aircraft nearby… Pilots, being professionals, have careers at stake. And so it is easier not to report them and usually they don’t report them. My estimate is that for every one pilot who does come forward and makes a confidential or a public report, there are 20, 30 other pilots who don’t. As a result of this review of my AIRCAT files, I found a number of cases back in the ‘60’s for instance when the Air Force was still heavily involved in this subject, where they stepped in and interrogated commercial pilots. Not just their own military pilots, but also commercial pilots. The Air Force ended the interview by saying you are not to tell anybody about what you saw…
Quite often there is a little protrusion either on the top or the bottom, or both, that some people describe as a cupola or a cockpit of some sort. And very often, they are transparent. And detail can be seen inside the windows. It is very interesting for a pilot to look you in the eye and tell you that he saw this at 100 yards distance, at altitude. That has a great emotional impact on me, I must say…

Data reference obtained from:



Galán Vázquez
Galán Vázquez

Written by Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE

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