The 5 strangest phenomena at sea


Galán Vázquez
10 min readNov 3, 2020

The marine environment has always been the scene of myths, legends and various fabrications often linked to a lack of knowledge. However, the true mysteries remain and remain unexplained to this day. On the occasion of Halloween this Saturday, October 31, discover our top 5 of the most mysterious events listed in the seas and oceans.

© Pexels

Ghost ships

The most famous and intriguing case of a “ghost ship” is undoubtedly that of the Mary Celeste, a commercial ship that left New York for Europe in December 1872. A month after its departure, the ship was found almost intact. from Haiti, her alcohol cargo still on board, but empty of passengers and crew. With a life raft missing, we can think that some of the passengers tried to flee from a threat … but which one? Speculations abound since 1872: from simple pirates, to aliens, including the attack of a giant squid, or a climatic or seismic event…. The mystery remains unsolved. Historical writings report a large number of disappearances that led to the discovery of ghost ships still intact, but without passengers. between 1840 and 1855 … But a more recent example occurred in northern Australia: in April 2007, a nearly 10 meter yacht, the Kaz II catamaran, was found empty 5 days after its departure. The three men disappeared with a computer screen on and the table set for dinner.

The most famous and intriguing case of a “ghost ship” is without a doubt that of the Mary Celeste. © Pexels
Charles Edey Fay book
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
Charles Edey Fay book document
A monument to the crew of the Mary Celeste, who disappeared without a trace (
Book of Brian Hicks
“A Brig’s Officers Believed to Have Been Murdered at Sea,” title of a newspaper article published in The New York Times on February 24, 1873

Unidentified marine objects

UFOlogists (UFO specialists) estimate that around 50% of observed UFOs come from the sea: they are observed in water or on water. In 1963, the US Navy detected in its sonar an unknown circular object that was moving … at a depth of 8000 meters. At that time, the submarines were unable to descend that low. More recently, the Baltic Sea has been cited in numerous UFO sightings: in 2011, a Swedish treasure hunter discovers an object very similar to a flying saucer, barely buried in the ground. His photos look like something out of a science fiction movie, but they are very real. The diver also announced that his electronic equipment (lights, cameras, cameras …) suddenly turned off when he came within 200 meters of the object … No one could find the object in question afterwards, but the photos were authenticated without special effects: sonar was captured images of the object showing that it is 60 meters in diameter. Regardless, Star Wars fans were impressed by the object’s close resemblance to the ship from the movie, the Millenium Falcon. Extraterrestrial machine, rock formation, secret plane resulting from the cold war, meteorite or simple ice deposit…. the hypotheses are numerous and remain mysterious. Regardless, Star Wars fans were impressed by the object’s close resemblance to the ship from the movie, the Millenium Falcon. Extraterrestrial machine, rock formation, secret plane resulting from the cold war, meteorite or simple ice deposit…. the hypotheses are numerous and remain mysterious. Regardless, Star Wars fans were impressed by the object’s close resemblance to the ship from the movie, the Millenium Falcon. Extraterrestrial machine, rock formation, secret plane resulting from the cold war, meteorite or simple ice deposit…. the hypotheses are numerous and remain mysterious.

Annex to this article

The Manises case
On November 11, 1979, a commercial plane with 109 passengers on board, was heading from Salzburg to Tenerife, with a stopover in Mallorca. Halfway through, and when passing through the vicinity of Ibiza, within the aforementioned triangle similar to the one in Bermuda, the pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his crew observed a series of red lights, a UFO, which were heading towards the same aircraft.
To try to avoid these lights, which turned out to be three, the pilot increased the altitude to the height of Ibiza, but the strange lights did the same. After requesting information from the Madrid and Barcelona control towers and after the ignorance and danger that the lights could cause, the pilot decided to make an emergency landing at Manises airport (Valencia), moments before the UFO disappeared. It was the first time in history that a plane had to make a landing of such characteristics because of a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).
The UFO had been sighted by the crew and passengers and also from the ground, so it was a fact that was verified and that generated great expectation in Spain and in Ibiza in particular, since the first time the UFO was seen was in the island sky.
The next day an army fighter came out and found the UFO three times, but could barely see a shape and some lights before it disappeared completely.

The triangle of silence

The triangle of silence
This is how the area between Es Vedrà (in Ibiza), the Peñón de Ifach (in Calpe, Alicante) and the southwest coast of Mallorca has come to be known.
It is said that, as in the Bermuda Triangle, ships and navigation systems suffered from failures and strange interferences.
The founder of what is today the parish of Es Cubells (in Sant Josep), Father Palau, was already writing about strange phenomena and UFO sightings in 1854!

In 1979, one of the most intriguing events occurred regarding place. A commercial plane flying from Mallorca to Tenerife was chased for 8 minutes by a UFO when flying over Es Vedrà. The experienced pilot decided to divert his route for safety and make an emergency landing at Valencia airport.
UFO specialists estimate that around 50% of observed UFOs come from the sea. © Pexels
Illustration for article titled Is This a UFO On the Bottom of the Ocean? ( disappearances )

Unexplained disappearances

Unlike ghost ships, which are empty, other devices (ships, but also planes) disappear for no apparent reason, never to appear again. In 1918, a ship containing 306 United States Navy sailors disappeared at sea. The USS Cyclops disappeared near Barbados in Latin America, in the Caribbean Sea. The event occurred during the First World War and some historians are convinced that the ship would have been sunk by a German submarine because the Americans were carrying 11,000 tons of manganese ore, which was used to produce ammunition. German authorities at the time denied this hypothesis and the United States Navy Command concluded that the ship had likely disappeared during a storm.

The “crop circle” of the Japanese island of Anami Oshima. © Credit: Yoji Ookata
Strange structure on the seabed of Costa Rica

The unknown structures of the deep

Near the Bermuda Triangle, in the Bahamian archipelago, there is an amazing rock structure, of which no one has been able to comment on its origin, natural or human: the Bimini Highway. Measuring 70 meters long and 10 meters wide, this “path” appears to be built in large blocks of regular stones assembled with a kind of cement. Some believe that these are vestiges of the mythical city of Atlantis, others that they are Roman megaliths, and others are based on wedges erected by the Chinese hundreds of years ago. years of repairing their ships, and some other scientists believe that this is a natural structure created by underwater earthquakes. But it is Japan that has the golden palm for the most supernatural marine structure: in the waters that border the island of Anami Oshima, a “circle of crops”, a geometric circle of the same type as those that appear in the wheat fields , fascinates divers. It is 24 meters deep and is decorated with multiple shells. When some see it as the ancestral work of aliens, others are convinced that it was simpler erected by a puffer fish (Tetraodontidae) to hide their eggs there away from the currents.

Annex to this article:

The following pictures are from a student site on Atlantis (see here), and reported there as being of the underwater road and some columns taken from a book of Jacques Cousteau; this cannot be confirmed; more on the history of the discovery of the Bimini road here.
The rectangular stones all lie in an east-west direction, signifying they are related to each other. (natural stones would be arbitrarily orientated; the first three pictures are of the same section). Click on the thumbnails for enlargements and explanations. The regulaties between the individual blocks shown there, are confirmed by their large scale pattern, see the maps.

Photograph of the Bimini Road from a diving expedition
Stephen Frink Collection/Alamy
Stephen Frink Collection/Alamy
Snorkeling the Rocks South of Bimini Sands, Bahamas 4K GoPro (Remnants of Old Marina!?)
Giant squids have fueled myths and legends since the beginning of navigation. The species, little known because it is rarely observed, reaches a maximum size of 10 meters including body and tentacles. © Wikipedia

Giant sea monster attacks

Giant squids have fueled myths and legends since the beginning of navigation. The species, little known because it is rarely observed, reaches a maximum size of 10 meters including body and tentacles. However, there are quite a few accounts of squid that far exceed this size: in 1878, a 16-meter squid was found in Newfoundland. In 2004, an 8.60 meter specimen was captured on an island off the coast of Patagonia. In 2005, the Melbourne Aquarium in Australia paid a fisherman $ 100,000 to retrieve the body of a 7-meter squid and the creature is now on display at the Museum of Natural History. Some sources report the record discovery of a 18-meter-long specimen with 25-centimeter eyes, without this having been verified. The rare observations have made it possible to observe particularly aggressive hunting techniques, which tend to confirm the not-so-far-fetched testimonies of attacks on boats, fishermen and divers. Unlike the generally peaceful giant octopuses that only attack humans if provoked, there are many reports of squid attacking ships and their occupants. Few of them could be verified, but recent studies on the behavior of these intelligent mollusks tend to show that these animals are particularly reckless hunters … Unlike the generally peaceful giant octopuses that only attack humans if provoked, there are many reports of squids that attack the ships and their occupants. Few of them could be verified, but recent studies on the behavior of these intelligent mollusks tend to show that these animals are particularly reckless hunters … Unlike the generally peaceful giant octopuses that only attack humans if provoked, there are many reports of squids that attack the ships and their occupants. Few of them could be verified, but recent studies on the behavior of these intelligent mollusks tend to show that these animals are particularly reckless hunters …

The original article can be read at:

Annex to this article:

This image was originally featured in the Hetzel edition (1870) of 20000 Lieues Sous les Mers. Author: Alphonse de Neuville and Edouard Riou
Discovery Channel’s “Monster Squid” broadcast on January 27, 2013.



Galán Vázquez
Galán Vázquez

Written by Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE

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