J. J. Benítez
Juan José Benítez López (Pamplona, September 7, 1946), better known as J. J. Benítez, is a Spanish journalist and writer, known for his works dedicated to ufology. In his novel saga Caballo de Troya he recounts a journey back in time to the time of Jesus of Nazareth supposedly carried out in the 1970s by the United States military.
FOR YOUR EYES ONLY: 3 Truths and 4 Thousand Doubts
Yes, the UFO phenomenon is a physical phenomenon, real, absolutely certain. I had a lot of problems because that conviction based on information was not shared by many people, by the majority, it was not shared. It went against many principles established at that time.
But, well, it’s one of those things that when you are aware and certain that you are on the right path and that what you are doing is correct and has a solid foundation, you have to be coherent, you have to be consistent, even if it is later shown that you are wrong. And that was what I did. I realized that I was consistent and that I was going to continue being that way.
But problems came one after another, they cornered me, the newspaper forbade me to write about UFOs. Opus Dei had jumped on the bandwagon of the newspaper’s management and dominated and controlled it, and so they said that the UFO issue should not be included. So I found myself in the dilemma of saying, well, gentlemen, in 1979, I have four children, I only have this salary, which was about 30,000 pesetas a month, but what I like is to investigate this.
And how do I do it? They had already published two of my books, I think I remember, or three, with considerable success, and then they took advantage of it, of course, and I had to sign a contract that I still have for six books in one year. That meant traveling, writing, in short, the whole story. They gave me 330,000 pesetas at that time per book delivered without royalties.
I had no choice but to accept, of course. I wrote and delivered five. I couldn’t handle the sixth.
And in those moments, when I was already desperate and I didn’t know what to do, what to do or how to continue, because my thing was to investigate and chase UFOs and go to the mountains at night to see if I saw something, etc., etc., it’s in all my books, a man named José Manuel Lara appeared, from Planeta https://www.planetadelibros.com, and well, in view of the success of some of these books, he called me and said to me literally, do you want to run in my stable? And of course, I said it depends. Very Galician, right? And that’s how I began a long marriage with Planeta, which has been going on since May 1, 1980, so I’ve been together for 36 years. And I’m not getting divorced anymore, because I’m not interested.
Well, the second certainty that I came to relatively early on, because the UFO phenomenon occurs, and the researchers I know, there are some here, know it well, the multiplying effect in the investigation is terrible, it is geometric. Then you begin to realise that the cases you are investigating are not only about aircraft, about objects that go down, that go up, that are pursued by fighter planes or that are next to tractor drivers or fishing boats, no, there are crew members. There are constantly beings that are next to the craft or near the craft and that interact with witnesses or not.
And I started collecting hundreds of cases. In my files right now there are probably 2,000 to 3,000 cases of crew encounters around the world. And I have almost nothing.
I realized that they were mostly humanoid, taller, shorter, with large skulls, with more or less important morphological differences, 80% had these characteristics, 20% did not, different. And that is the second certainty that I have, that is, they are not human. They are not human.
Where are they from? We do not know. This galaxy is possible, it is certain. Other galaxies are possible, it is almost certain.
Other dimensions, other unknown places to which we do not technically have access yet, it is more than probable.
Judging by the behavior of these ships and these beings, that suddenly you see them and according to witnesses a second later they disappear, they are annihilated. They do not go away, they are annihilated.
Well, the interpretation we give it is that they have some lever that they pull and they are no longer here. They are I don’t know where. Man, the day that we control that, maybe we will have many answers, many more answers and we will be able to know what is going on there, that millions and millions of unknown universes are there and maybe we don’t even have to travel, but they are right here.
But we ignore it, in the same way that I always give the examples of Columbus and Napoleon. Poor Christopher Columbus was there for three months sailing with many difficulties and hardships, and by the way he saw a UFO aircraft when he was arriving at the island of Guarananí. And then, if I say to Christopher Columbus today, no, look, don’t worry, you get on a plane, I’m not going to explain what it is, and in eight hours you cross the ocean.
But how is that? It took me three months. By sail. Well, I can do it in eight hours or less.
He wouldn’t believe me. And Napoleon, well, if I told him, look, listen to me carefully, I’m going to give you five mobile phones, and I’m not going to explain what they are either, so that you can be in touch with your generals and I guarantee that you won’t lose the Battle of Waterloo. Well, he wouldn’t have believed me.
And it hasn’t been more than two hundred years. Well, what do I mean by that? That we know absolutely nothing. At least I don’t.
And the more I investigate, the less so. But there has to be a system of transfer, there has to be a system of travel, which we are not even capable of intuiting. We have the concept of linear travel, forward, on horseback, by train, by boat, by plane, by rocket.
But what if that were not necessary? What if everything consisted of changing dimensions, dematerializing this and making it appear on that wall over there or in Australia? The concept of travel would be completely out of the question. That is to say, no. But we still cannot mentally assimilate that.
We need a lot of time for that. And so when scientists tell you, it’s impossible, UFOs don’t exist because they can’t come, because the alpha centaur is four light years away and you would need four years at the speed of light. Well, okay.
That’s what today’s science thinks.
The other day, talking to my good friend Cristian Galvez, we were talking about Jordano Bruno. And the poor guy, well, gosh, he ended up very badly.
Why? There was a science of that time that didn’t accept Bruno’s parameters. And there was a science that, well, they didn’t burn poor Leonardo because God didn’t want it.
And there was a science in the 8th century, which didn’t either, and the science of the 4th century BC, well, it didn’t accept anything other than under the concept of divinity that Alexander the Great was helped to win the battle of the siege of the city of Tyre because two flying shields appeared in front of the city of Tyre and opened the wall with a kind of light.
And Alexander came in and annihilated the people who were there. For the scholars of that time, I repeat, 4th century BC, it was divine intervention. To a certain extent they were right.
How do you explain to Alexander the Great that there is an object capable of overcoming gravity that flies and that has a weapon, I don’t know what to call it, that is capable of knocking down or collapsing the walls of a city? Well, it’s very complicated. You would have to start explaining to him what gravity is, what electricity is and many other things. That’s why I want to say that whatever science says and what scientists say should always be taken with a grain of salt.
Scientists don’t usually go out on the roads to investigate, to investigate the UFO phenomenon. I don’t know any scientist who has spent a month straight, except for Hynek, investigating the UFO subject. And maybe some others that I don’t remember now.
But the scientific community doesn’t care about that, it doesn’t interest it, and it makes fun of it because it’s the established way. If the curriculum of scientists doesn’t increase and it doesn’t mean money, it’s useless. But everything will come.
That is to say, one day history, I think, will take its toll on them. And they will laugh, as we have laughed now, at the science of Galileo, at the science of Jordano Bruno, at the science that condemned all this. Well, perhaps the third certainty is that they have always been here, since the most remote night of time.
Cave paintings, legends, mythology. Well, in the cave paintings in Tanzania, 29,000 years old. In Algeria, 14,000 years old.
In Utah, another 14 or 20,000 years old. We have seen figures in diving suits, individuals with wings. In Utah, for example, there are some individuals with wings.
And it turns out that when you start to investigate around the world, there are many people who tell you how they have seen individuals with wings. I remember a case in Vietnam, of three American soldiers who were there on a hill at night standing guard with their lanterns lit on the ground. And suddenly the three of them, for some reason, looked up and saw an enormous silhouette approaching.
And when they were very close above them, they saw that it was a naked, black woman, with bat wings four metres wide. She came down to practically where the three soldiers were, who were stupefied, and she took off and disappeared. The poor soldiers made a report, but the laughter reached Washington.
In Cornwallis and in other places in the British Isles, in France, in the 60s and 70s, there were also beings that look like owls with wings, flying over one of the town’s churches. Exactly like the paintings in Utah. Well, and we could go on like this for a long time.
What does this mean? Well, 14,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago, 29,000 years ago, someone saw these creatures, saw these objects, and painted them. I go even further. I go further.
And, for example, in the case of Tassili, in Algeria, there are many paintings. There are about 5,000 cave paintings and in some of these paintings there are individuals with diving suits and puffy suits, with boots, with gloves and with strange objects next to them. There is even one of them who is attached with a belt to an object on the ground and is dragging some naked black women, supposedly dragging them towards the alien aircraft.
Well, you say, first possibility, the people of Tassili saw something 14,000, 12,000, 10,000 years ago and painted it. First problem, how did they know 14,000 years ago, 10,000 years ago, what the connection between a diving suit and a spacesuit was? Today we do have the concept of what a diving suit is and what the connection is, the gear to connect it to a spacesuit, but back then I don’t think they even had the idea or the conception of this, or even of what a inflated suit was. Where am I going with this? When a group of Italians from the University of Rome analyzes the paints themselves, the ingredients of the paints, they are in for a surprise.
They are indeed normal elements of nature, except for one, which is casein, which is an ingredient of milk and which serves as a binder for paint. My question is, let’s see, were the cavemen able to separate the casein from the milk? How? In what way? Also, why waste it if they used the milk to feed themselves? How did they know it was a binder? Where am I going to end up? Probably, theory, pure theory, some of these paintings were not painted by the natives. But by the astronauts themselves, to leave a record of many things.
And we could transfer that to other places, to other paintings from other places in Europe and the world. But well, it is a hypothesis and I simply leave it there so that it can flutter a little in your minds and can broaden your brain a little more, which I believe is already very broad, very open. And they are here from all eras.
I remember a case that had a great impact on me. In a small town in Ireland, in the year 1214, although it is not very certain, it could be 1212, historians tell how in the church of that town they were at mass in the morning and they heard a noise, a series of knocks. They went out and found that an enormous anchor was hitting the walls of the church.
An enormous rope went up to what they called a flying ship and they were perplexed. And suddenly a man appeared in a dark, very tight black suit, who went down the rope to where the anchor is to try to remove the anchor from the rocks and he did not succeed. The chroniclers then say that they tried to capture the individual, but the priest or bishop who was there at the time in charge forbade it.
And we could transfer that to other places, to other paintings from other places in Europe and the world. But well, it is a hypothesis and I simply leave it there so that it can flutter a little in your minds and can broaden your brain a little more, which I believe is already very broad, very open. And they are here from all eras.
I remember a case that had a great impact on me. In a small town in Ireland, in the year 1214, although it is not very certain, it could be 1212, historians tell how in the church of that town they were at mass in the morning and they heard a noise, a series of knocks. They went out and found that an enormous anchor was hitting the walls of the church.
An enormous rope went up to what they called a flying ship and they were perplexed. And suddenly a man appeared in a dark, very tight black suit, who went down the rope to where the anchor is to try to remove the anchor from the rocks and he did not succeed. The chroniclers then say that they tried to capture the individual, but the priest or bishop who was there at the time in charge forbade it.
And the guy took advantage of the opportunity, climbed up the rope, they cut the rope from above and the anchor remained below and the ship disappeared. XIII century. They grabbed the anchor, melted it down and made a wonderful grating in memory of that divine vision that according to the chroniclers appeared there one day.
In the XIII century, as far as I know, nobody flew yet, except for birds. I mean, they have always been here, always. Any testimony that we can see in the history of Egypt, of Mesopotamia, of the fish men, of the Dogon a thousand years ago, the cave paintings, the mythology itself, I always say that mythology has to be taken very carefully.
Investigating in many places around here I have found testimonies of crew members who only have one eye. In Brazil there is a case where there are three boys who go out at night after dinner to the garden of the house, they find an enormous sphere very close to the house, on top of some trees, and they see four guys sitting inside the sphere. The four of them only have one eye here.
One of them goes down, stands near a well where these boys are and they see it perfectly, very close. As far as I know, there are at least a dozen cases. And I ask, is Ulysses really a legend, what about Polyphemus and the Cyclops? Well, maybe it is not such a legend or someone simply bases it on some real fact and uses it to write this wonderful work.
One-legged beings. Cristian and I were talking about the Vikings the other day. Around 800, 900 after Christ, there is an expedition of some Vikings who arrive at the North American coasts and in one of these they see some metallic reflections on the coast and they realize that they are beings with only one leg and they start shooting them with arrows and hitting them.
They go down, they go down. Let’s see, what reason did the Vikings have to tell such a thing? And how did the Vikings know? They didn’t know. In the 20th century, in other parts of the world we were going to investigate similar cases of people who are driving their car on the road and suddenly the car’s engine stops, very strange lights appear and next to them there are some individuals with only one leg.
We don’t know if they are robots or what. But it’s curious that the Vikings, long before that, are telling you something that coincides with this. Well, and that’s where the certainties end, practically.
Everything else from now on is suspicion and doubt. Why are they here? Obviously because they are interested in something, but they haven’t told us, at least I haven’t found out. They investigate, collect samples, kill cattle, take cattle, take human beings, kidnap them, of course, kidnap them, return them or don’t return them, they approach tractors, airplanes, cities, nuclear power plants, everything we can imagine, they are there before earthquakes, above the place where the earthquake is going to occur, hours before or days before.
Not one or two, but dozens of objects. Are they scientists? Are they astronauts? Are they military? Are they angels? Are they the sowers of life on Earth long before human beings are what they are? Well, it could certainly be. All the hypotheses seem interesting and possible to me, because we don’t know what it is.
Well, are they aggressive? Are they peaceful? Well, look, in the second volume of For Your Eyes Only, in a certain chapter, which is the second chapter, I ask myself this question, right? Let’s see, are they peaceful, are they aggressive? What happens? So, in most cases, what we understand and know is that they don’t hurt anyone. They come closer, they approach, they explore, they investigate, they talk to witnesses or not, etc. There are many cases, and I mention it in that book, there are many cases of healing, that is, of people who we don’t know how or why, because suddenly they come to a ranch in Brazil, in a remote place, where there is a family that has a little girl who has rampant cancer and whose days are numbered. And a ship comes down, a small ship, some very short guys come out, with big heads, they go into the house, like Pedro, through his house, to the stupefaction of the father, the mother and the maid, who is the one who tells it. The girl is in bed. And one of them goes up to the father, puts his hand on his forehead, and they think, they think, it is just a deduction, which transmits to the little man the problem that the girl has.
Then, they go to where the girl is, they do a series of maneuvers with the body, they pass her a device, I don’t know what and such, and when they finish, five minutes, one of them takes out a bottle with some medicines, or something that looks like medicines, they give it to the father and they transmit to him, not verbally, but mentally, by telepathy, which is a very common system of connection between the crew and the witnesses, that he should take, I don’t remember if it was one a day or two, something like that. And the girl recovered. When he returned to Sao Paulo he was cancer-free.
The doctors were absolutely baffled. They never told the story, except for the maid, on condition that they not give names. Well, there are many such cases.
In France there is a doctor who was injured in Algeria, in the war, and had a problem with his leg. It is a case that is much better known to investigators. This doctor, one night, in his house in France, gets up to go to the bathroom and when he is coming back, he sees through the window in the darkness of the night that there are some lights.
He looks closer and sees that they are two discs that throw headlights, spotlights of light towards the ground. One of them, one of the discs, comes a little closer, lights up the house, lights up the room, and lights up the doctor, the doctor, and then they go away. When the man returns to the bedroom, he wants to tell his wife what he has seen.
He was stupefied. And the wife is even more astonished when she sees that her husband is not limping. The doctor, as a result of those injuries, had a very sensitive limp.
He never got caught again. Nobody knows, nobody is ever told how the hell this happened. But I also came across contrary cases during my research, of assaults, and brutal assaults, cases that resulted in death.
I made a statistic, a statistical study. I am not very fond of this type of statistics because I know that almost all of them are false, because we do not have enough information. But well, within the cases that I was able to locate of aggressions and healings, I made a statistic, a percentage of aggressions, and I was stupefied.
It was 54%, which is a lot. For example, a man, perhaps the most graphic of all the examples, in Colombia, is driving a car towards his city. He is driving a boy, the father next to him, in the passenger seat, an aunt behind, a cousin and the aunt’s husband.
And suddenly a light appears on the right and the typical discussion takes place that perhaps some of you have been involved in at some time or have left someone who has a light appearing and they start to argue. It is a UFO, it is not a UFO, it is a UFO. The light suddenly accelerates, it is in front of the vehicle, on the road, above some trees.
And the boy, despite the fact that his family doesn’t want him to, parks the car, opens the car door and the aunt does the same, the one in the back seat. And they get out. The rest stay inside protesting, shouting and scolding the driver because they don’t want to stay there, because they sense that something is going to happen or they are simply afraid.
And suddenly the boy, the driver, does this, he puts his hand on his forehead like a visor because he probably couldn’t see well with the sun or because of the light of the object itself, I’m not sure about that.
And a light comes out of the object, hits the boy’s head, knocks him backwards and opens a hole about 10 centimeters in the base of his skull and kills him. And all the brain is scattered on the dress of the aunt who is immediately behind. The ship leaves and disappears.
There is no justification that I know of for doing something like that, not even remotely. Well, then the second part of the story begins and it is that when the relatives tell what happened to the authorities, nobody believes them. The autopsy was never given to the family and the matter was buried.
Well, it is one of the many, I don’t want to exhaust them either, one of the many examples of aggression that there are. That is why I always say, sometimes someone asks me, well, what do I do if I see a UFO? Well, well, it depends, right? But as a precaution, as a precaution, don’t do anything crazy, keep yourself at a certain distance or well protected, because you don’t know what is going to happen or the effects that the proximity of the ship can have. There are cases where, well, not only the ship but also the crew.
I remember a security guard who was on night watch at a cement mixer and from the cabin where he was, he was calling his boss on the phone and saw a very small creature, barely a metre tall, walking between the trucks that were parked at the cement mixer. So he told his boss and went after the creature and chased it, he stopped it several times, the creature didn’t pay any attention to him, it kept walking between the trucks. The other one told him that it threatened to shoot him, he said, no, it was a lie, it didn’t have a gun, but oh well.
And suddenly, after 2, 3, 4 minutes of pursuit, the other one, already furious, shouts at him and the creature stops and looks at him. Then the other one was disconcerted because he had enormous, gigantic, black eyes, and was very short.
It was a few seconds, he kept walking.
Imagine a guard, he was perplexed. It was the least he expected, he thought it was some thief, I don’t know, someone who had come in to steal. He left the cement mixer and at the entrance he met up with two others just like him and disappeared into the mountains there.
A few minutes later the civil guard arrived, they began to check everything, there was absolutely nothing there. The guard was in a state of shock and the sergeant who arrived asked him, without further ado, let’s see, are they the tall ones or are they the short and wrinkled ones? The poor guard didn’t know what to say or what to do, but then he told me about it in his own cold mind. Well, from that moment on this man had serious medical problems, he had to undergo surgery on several occasions, nobody knew or understood the secret of the medical problems that this man had until after some time he got better.
We have always, always thought that it could have been the proximity of this being that upset him, because he was a healthy man, an athlete, etc. There are also many cases like this, many similar ones. Well, and there are many more doubts that claim that technology has magic.
We cannot even imagine how far the technological level of civilizations that are probably thousands of years older than us can go. I remember the case of a surveyor who was looking for minerals in Argentina and suddenly, in the middle of nowhere, he came across a building. He thought it was a building, looked at the plans, the maps and saw that there was no building there.
Then he thought, rightly according to him, that it could be a military installation. And at that moment he saw a periscope coming out of the top and then a very tall individual, two meters tall, wearing a suit like the astronauts who went to the moon, with a square helmet, who approached him and he said to me, well, at first I noticed in my mind that it was a group of birds. And then I started to hear a voice.
And the guy said to me, well, who are you? And I am so-and-so, the surveyor, I am here, I don’t know what. And who are you? Well, the dialogue begins and at a certain point the surveyor, plucking up his courage, says, well, can I go in and see the ship? And the crew member says to him, he says, it wouldn’t do any good because there is a 50,000-year difference between your civilization and ours. What you are going to see in there is not going to be of any use to you.
It is impossible for me to explain to you what is there. Well, this is one of the many examples. By the way, according to this man, among other things, they had a long conversation, he says, we have always been here.
One of the expeditions that visited the Earth at the time, testimony of the surveyor, landed in Egypt, there was a very serious epidemic and the woman who led the expedition, our expedition, helped save many lives. He says, in memory of that act and of that woman, the sphinx was built. Well, I don’t know to what extent that can be true, but anyway, I leave it there as the surveyor receives it.
Well, this is the big picture. What do I mean by all this? Well, what you already know. Field researchers, not researchers of the UFO phenomenon on the Internet, nor armchair researchers, are the ones who are truly making history, they are the notaries of this phenomenon, I repeat, the most important, I would even say of science, to quote a phrase from my good friend Andreas Faber-Kaiser, now deceased, when a field researcher, who is truly a field researcher, has it injected into his vein, he does not care about the suffering, the expense, the money, the time, he does not care, he does not care that the books on UFOs are ruinous, which they are, because the expense that you have had to make all these trips is never covered, but it does not matter, these researchers are the ones who are making history, in their small plot, in their small region, in their province, wherever, in their city, that does not matter, that will remain as a record. These books, God willing, one day, and many others by other researchers, will create history, they will be a necessary, obligatory source of consultation. Here Mr. Benitez says a series of things, cases, I don’t know what, I don’t know when, as these people will probably be dead, well, how do they do it? That is to say, field researchers are doing an absolutely necessary job, often misunderstood, but it doesn’t matter, there have been many other professions throughout history that have had exactly the same or worse happen to them, so far we haven’t been burned, although some have been close, but oh well. And then there are the detractors, the deniers and all these people who, well, those who are a little involved in the world of the UFO phenomenon, know perfectly well who we are referring to.
At first I was very angry and I would fight and argue and try to convince them and I would say, there is evidence, there is thousands of pieces of evidence, until I realized that it was useless, because first of all they were not honest, they were not defending a healthy skepticism, which is what you have to do, always, and the first one who has to be skeptical is the researcher, then we will see. No, some work for the intelligence services, I have said it many times, some are professional poisoners and some are just fools, nothing more. Well, what I mean by this is that you should not pay too much attention, that is, you follow your path, they bark, then we ride.
You follow your path and be consistent with your principles and with your anxieties and with your dreams and with your vision and with your intuition, in whatever field, the rest is fine, if they are constructive criticisms, listen to them, of course, you will always learn something. But I, at least from my experience in this matter, have realized that it is a waste of time and energy to first argue with anyone and then try to convince anyone of anything. People are intelligent and know, so when someone sees a case, whatever it may be, they realize it.
Point. Well, I think that the figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the UFO phenomenon that we are talking about here now, just skimming over it, we haven’t gone into much depth either, they have a huge relationship. What happens is that in the supposed sacred books they talk about angels, they talk about the glory of Yahweh, they talk about the chariot of fire, they talk about the whole column of fire, etc., etc., because they didn’t have any other ideas on how to express this, right? But today it doesn’t cost me any work to think that these creatures, not all perhaps, but many of these creatures, can be at the service of divinity.
It doesn’t cost me any work, in fact, I understand that it could be like that and it would enter into that spiritual area that covers many things, right? Look, I’m throwing out a crazy idea and it’s because I’ve already mentioned it a little before. When a major cataclysm occurs somewhere, whether it’s an earthquake or a major flood, UFOs appear beforehand, days or hours beforehand, some of these aircraft, some of these objects, at the exact point and, of course, we researchers say, well, they know, they have extraordinary technology and they know what’s going to happen there. Yes, surely, but it could also be something else.
They can also be soul collectors and you will say, he has completely lost his mind. I leave the idea there, planted. The spiritual issue is very important, but I have enough work and the researchers have to show, not convince, show people that it is a physical phenomenon that, of course, has a very important importance, that enters fully into what we understand by the spiritual world, which covers many things.
It is possible that one day I can write something about it and give my opinion, although I do not know. There is a finished book since I would have liked to never write and I can tell that much. And I wanted to say something that for me is super magical.
This Mr. José Luis Gil, researcher, lives in Panama and today, coincidentally, is here. This man is the one who informed me first hand of the UFO that Fidel Castro saw. That is to say, the information was given to him by Fidel and to those who were around him.
That is to say, he did not invent anything. Well, I pursued a UFO at that time in the area of Extremadura to Portugal in vain. Why do I say uselessly? Because I spent days chasing a large mother ship, which had been seen by all the villagers.
Wherever I stopped, they told me that a huge ship had just passed by. And I continued on, poor me. Until, of course, I reached Portugal and said, this is as far as we go.
Yes, I do remember that adventure, yes. I slept in incredible places, incredible, very similar to chicken coops. But I took it for granted, I mean, I was so enthusiastic.
And I said, I’m going to find them, I know they’re there because these people are telling me about it. And in the area of Cala and then the other town, I’m not exaggerating, but I went through ten or fifteen towns. With my old car behind me, some hellish roads, with terrible heat.
And I didn’t see anything. But at night I slept like a baby. It’s happened to me many times.
It’s happened to me many times to go to the places where these ships have appeared. I’m remembering, I’ve told it once, Pusilibro in Huesca, where there was a mini wave, they came out, these objects were seen, they were photographed. There are some beautiful photos of a large ship with some small ones that enter.
And so, without further ado, I said, well, I’m going, I’m going with my car to the Pyrenees, I’m hiding in the woods at night. I remember that I had a bottle of wine and a sandwich. And at three in the morning, already half asleep, in the absolute silence of the forest, I hear a noise behind my car.
I turn around and see some eyes in the right rear window. Eyes like that, I just saw the eyes. I said, ah, these are the little ones.
Incomprehensible reaction but real reaction. I grabbed the bottle, I got out of the car with the bottle and now I ask myself, what the hell were you doing with the bottle in your hand? And when I turn around and drive around the car I find a poor dog that was on his hands looking out the window. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds and I said, this guy is crazy.
Well, let’s continue. I was remembering an answer from Jesus of Nazareth in one of the Trojan Horses and I more or less remember that the master says, he says, well, leave something for the afterlife. Don’t try to absorb everything now.
You have enough with what you have. So I think that trying to resolve all the doubts, all the… is very difficult, it’s almost impossible. I mean, as you go along you will resolve things or not.
But that doesn’t have to worry you too much either. I mean, your mind is open. That’s what counts.
Your mind is open. And there is a wonderful hope after death. That’s what counts.
What I’m going to find later, well, it’s better for me because I’m going to have great surprises. And indeed the path is very convoluted. Why? Because we humans have taken care to complicate it.
I mean, the military, for example, in the UFO issue, have everything. For at least 70 years. They have the crashed ships, they have the captured creatures, they have all the evidence we can imagine.
Recently, following the Roswell theme, which fascinates me and which I have published practically nothing about, I had the opportunity to speak with an American engineer who had been at an American base trying to test five pieces taken from the Roswell ship. He only got results with one piece. The other four were useless.
They put it on a plane that was inside a hangar in the air, held up by cables, and he tested the parts. And one of those parts, through the computer, made the fuselage of the plane change at the pilot’s will. Without cables, without a hydraulic system, it hasn’t come out yet.
What do I mean by this? They have everything, but they don’t want to say it, because they would be in the background. Can these technologies beat us? Yes. Can we, the military, cancel them? No.
So, the UFO phenomenon doesn’t exist. Period. We were talking earlier about a magical technology, which we can’t understand, comprehend, or even approach.
They control time, they control space. It doesn’t surprise me at all that they can get close to where they want without touching a single cable, without knocking anything down. We do knock down the light bulbs, the cables, whatever it takes.
I remember a security guard in the Coto de Doñana, in Huelva. In broad daylight, this man was riding a horse. You have it here, in case you want to read it more carefully.
And suddenly, a red sphere appears and approaches the guard who was riding, I repeat, and it gets to his height, two or three meters from the ground, and the guard accompanies them. He told me, I was frightened, because it didn’t make any noise and it wasn’t a balloon, it was enormous. The horse gets scared, the other one gets even more scared, and he puts it into a gallop. And they are galloping. He told me, look, I can’t calculate the time, but at least half an hour, after half an hour or so, the object, the ship, moves away and goes away. And finally the horse stops, the rider stops it, and he tells me, sweating, terrified, the horse too.
He says, we hadn’t moved from the spot, we were in the same spot, not two meters further, not two meters behind. The man couldn’t explain it, and neither could I. But what does that mean? Well, that they are able to distort time, I don’t know how they do it.
And, of course, space. I remember, you will remember a very famous case, which is that of Cabo Valdés, in Chile, April 1977. This man was with a patrol in the north of Chile, in a nearby, filthy area, 15 degrees below zero, watching some horses, a light appears, the corporal goes forward, disappears for 15 minutes, reappears, the light goes out, and the corporal appears with a five-day beard and the calendar clock set forward by five days.
Well, very well, a classic case in world ufology. In one of the investigations that I did in Chile, I already knew the case of Cabo Valdés very well, I had spoken with him many times, I came across a case in the south of Chile, in September of that year 77, that is, May, June, July, August, four months later, a family that is on a farm, at dusk they see a silent object arrive, they go into the house very scared, a married couple and seven children, I think I remember. And then the light is placed on top of the house and the light filters through the cracks and through the roof.
And then the family holds hands, terrified, they don’t know what’s happening and it turns out that at that moment, all nine of them holding hands, they see all old people, old people. And they see the bones, they see the skeletons. When the light goes out, the family is not very aware of what happens next, but in the morning they appear asleep, I think I remember two in a bed, two girls in a bed and the rest in another bed, mixed up.
And then the boys, the father and I think I remember three brothers, I don’t remember well if there were three or four brothers, all had five-day beards. Exactly the same as in the Valdés case.
Nobody knows or is familiar with this second case.
For me it confirms what happened to Corporal Valdés, not even Valdés knows it, nor do the investigators.
It is the first time I have told it and for me it is shocking because what technology do they have for someone to see themselves as an old man or see their brothers, their old parents? Gosh, the oldest was 15 or 16 years old. And how can you see the skeleton of a person who is alive? There is a magical technology that we cannot even guess at.
Look, the Vatican is as difficult to open as the Pentagon or worse. The Vatican intelligence services are among the best in the world thanks to the CIA. So they have a lot of information, of course.
Keep in mind that there have been, at least that we know of, two popes who have had meetings. Pius XII, who saw a very large ship, and John XXIII, who had, it seems, a meeting in the company of his personal secretary with a ship and a crew member and they talked. So, what I am getting at is that they have delegations all over the world, that is, spies all over the world.
And therefore, they have a lot of information. But the Catholic Church, like other religions, has a big problem. And if they accept and recognize the reality of the UFO phenomenon and all that it means, you already know it, you intuit it, at least, they would have to close the business.
And the multinational would be in serious trouble. Therefore, they do not speak out. Can some bishop or some monsignor do so in a personal capacity? Yes, they can do so, naturally.
But the Pope ex cathedra, in an encyclical, or in… I don’t know what that thing is called on Wednesdays, well I don’t think you will hear him say, yes sir, they are there, they are not interested.
“If the military admitted the reality of the UFO phenomenon, their business would collapse.
"Source: ANDRÉS GUERRA. «LA Vanguardia». 09/13/2016
The most internationally renowned Spanish ufologist publishes his masterpiece: ‘Solo para tus ojos’ (For Your Eyes Only), a volume that compiles the 300 most fascinating cases in 44 years following UFOs.
Juan José Benítez (Pamplona, 1946) was forced to leave the newspaper where he worked as a journalist due to the stubbornness of the UFO phenomenon. He has never regretted it, although at the beginning he had very difficult times. His success is attested by millions of books sold and his reputation, which is why an important official of the General Staff turned to him to give him a dozen files for declassification. This year, J. J. Benítez turns 70 and wants to celebrate his anniversary with the publication of Solo para tus ojos (Planeta), a selection of the 300 cases that have had the greatest impact on him.
-It is almost impossible for him to select just one case from among the many he has investigated, but if the credibility of the phenomenon depended on just one, for example, convincing me, which one would he choose?
Indeed, it is very difficult because there are thousands and they are very interesting. Look, I remember one that occurred in Caracas, involving a renowned doctor, Dr. Sánchez Vegas. It was in the 60s and the local press reported it as a strange case, of how an individual who was just over a metre tall with very peculiar physical characteristics (no ears, only one lung, the heart in the centre of the thorax, etc.) and who was wearing a metal suit showed up at his office. His origin was unknown. The reality was even stranger than what the press reported, as the doctor personally told me years later: he was called to treat a wounded man in a slum and when he went there he found a man with serious wounds, fever and a serious infection in one leg.
He was wearing a shirt and trousers and was barefoot and had three fingers in front and one in the back; he had six fingers on his hands, arranged like pincers; a disproportionate head, very large black eyes, dark blood… He verified that he had only one lung divided into two. He was caring for him for weeks in that humble house where they had taken him in. He ate and drank normally. When he began to speak, he told him in bad Spanish that he had to leave because they would be looking for him. He only managed to tell him that he came from “far away”. He asked him to take him to a certain village in the centre of the country, where an Indian family would take him in; they would know what to do. Before that he took him to his office, where he gave him some medicine and that was when the news leaked to the press.
The doctor preferred to invent a story to get out of the situation. With some friends, they took this creature to the coordinates he had given them, the town of San Fernando de Apure. The Indian family welcomed him and took him to a clearing. A disc-shaped object descended, the individual entered the craft and it rose until it disappeared. All in absolute silence. Before leaving, the being told the doctor that, if he did not die, it would return in 2027. This case seems very interesting to me because the witness is first class, both because he was a doctor and because of the time he spent with the creature and what he was able to see.
-A single X-ray of that being would be enough to prove to the most skeptical that the phenomenon is real.
-That was the first thing I asked him when I met him. He answered me that no, it didn’t occur to him at that moment, that he thought of curing him. His story seemed credible to me because there were many more witnesses: the house where he stayed, the neighbors of the small town who accompanied him for seven hours by car…
-Do you think that a sufficiently advanced technology is capable of solving the now insoluble problem of the distance between one star and another?
-Of course. It is a technology that we cannot even imagine. Allowing for the differences, it is as if we were to tell Columbus that the journey he made in three months we can make today in 8 hours and by flying. These civilizations evidently have a level of technological development on such a scale that the arguments of science become obsolete. Can’t they come because it is physically impossible to exceed the speed of light? 21st century science says that, but we don’t know what 31st century science will say, from the use of teleportation to traveling from unknown dimensions that we cannot technically access.
-If there is not just one type of UFO, it is logical to think, even for the uninformed, that there is not just one type of crew member. So, do they come from everywhere?
In my files I have collected more than 2,000 types of beings. The morphology of the beings that have been seen is not one but diverse. And I have a small part. There is not just one civilization but thousands.
-If there are countless stars and miles of galaxies, what is so special about Earth that it attracts so many intergalactic visitors?
-I imagine we are very primitive. García Márquez said that we are the most provincial planet in the galaxy (laughs). We are violent, constantly involved in wars, but we live on a beautiful planet. I imagine that makes us interesting for scientific, exploration, adventure or even tourist visits.
-There is a classic but also basic question that anyone interested in the phenomenon asks, not just the skeptics. Why are they so elusive?
-I suppose there must be some kind of universal rule for not interfering in planets that are, let’s say, inferior from the point of view of development. When we have done so, for example with colonizations, the result has been a disaster. They always ended badly. I bet these people know this and are forbidden to do so: you cannot intervene in a world in which they continue to wage war.
-I once read a comparison that is illustrative: human scientists do not talk to laboratory rats either. Are we in a similar situation?
-It would be something like that. When humans have gone into the jungle to explore and have found monkeys, they do not ask who is the boss of the monkeys. And I also think that these civilizations do not care: they study, investigate or watch, we do not know what their objective is. Meanwhile, we humans try to understand what they do here, the military shoot them down with their missiles and… Well, they have already achieved it.
-Shoot them down? Are we talking about the Roswell incident in 1947, or more recent cases?
-Both. I have had the fortune to investigate the Roswell case in depth, although I have not yet published anything about it, and I contacted one of the engineers who was in charge of testing or testing some of the parts removed from that ship on military aircraft. Of the five parts, he only managed to make one work. What he did was deform the plane’s fuselage without the need for cables. This has never been published. The engineer was amazed. He managed to move the plane’s flaps using the part without hydraulic systems; that alone was already something revolutionary. One day we will see it applied to commercial aviation and we will say “Oh, what an invention the Americans have come up with.” No way.
-I understand that a few decades ago, when there were no current recording systems and people did not carry a smartphone with them, obtaining irrefutable evidence was very difficult. Why does a witness or an investigator like you not go on television today with one of those pieces of evidence? Does it not exist?
-Yes, it does exist. A few dozen. But they are in the hands of the military, starting with crashed vehicles and captured creatures and continuing with radar evidence, photographs, etc. We investigators also have some but even if you take them to a plate, it will never have the same probative value as if it were done by an authority. And they are not going to do that; they are not interested.
-Why? What would collapse?
-Business. The military, of any country, is supported by taxes. If I am the Army and I tell the taxpayer that there are civilizations up there that are fifty thousand years ahead of us and against which we cannot do anything, the taxpayer can rightly ask me why he is paying me a salary.
-To protect us from a possible attack by DAESH?
-Yes, they are already doing that. And it is a big business for the arms manufacturers, isn’t it?
-Have they tried to control or discredit you? I am referring to human powers, of course.
Of course. I have suffered phases in which public opinion has been poisoned by saying anything but nice things about me and I have had the suspicion of a physical attack. But it is logical, I am an annoying person who is there prodding and calling the military liars.
The hidden face of Mexico
The new book by one of the most influential authors in the Spanish language, author of the successful Trojan Horse saga.
Category: Research
Publication date: October 2, 2024
Number of pages: 256
Binding: Hardcover with dust jacket
Publisher: Luciérnaga