J. A. Caravaca’s Distortion Theory through the eyes of Artificial Intelligence.
Asking Copilot Bing Chat what the main arguments of José Antonio Caravaca’s Distortion Theory would be and using various prompts within the parameters of the three styles that make up this Chat, more creative, more balanced and more precise, the result is the which is presented below, being for me more satisfactory the “creative” one where the composition of generated images show more similarities and approach to the “Distortion”
An alternative hypothesis to the UFO phenomenon
The distortion theory is an alternative hypothesis to the UFO phenomenon, proposed by the Spanish researcher and writer José Antonio Caravaca. According to this theory, UFOs and their crew members are not real physical entities, but rather manifestations of an unknown intelligence that interacts with the minds of witnesses, creating scenarios adapted to their beliefs and expectations.
In this way, the great variety of shapes, sizes, colors and behaviors of UFOs would be explained, as well as the influence of culture, time and place on their perception.
The distortion theory is based on the analysis of numerous cases of close encounters with UFOs, especially those of the third type, in which direct contact with the supposed extraterrestrials occurs. Caravaca has collected and studied hundreds of testimonies from around the world, finding common elements that suggest a psychic interaction between the phenomenon and the witness. Some of these elements are: The appearance of symbols, images, words or messages that have personal or cultural meaning for the witness, but are unrelated to the context of the encounter.
The presence of temporal, spatial or physical anomalies, such as clock alteration, memory loss, feeling of unreality, paralysis, change in size or shape of objects, etc.
The influence of the witness’s emotions, moods, desires, fears, or beliefs on the setting of the scene, the appearance of the UFOs and their occupants, and the development of the experience.
The lack of physical, photographic or instrumental evidence that corroborates the presence of the UFOs or their crew members, or the inconsistency or contradiction thereof.
The impossibility of establishing a coherent, logical or rational communication with the supposed extraterrestrials, or the ambiguity, absurdity or irrelevance of the messages they transmit.
Caravaca does not deny the existence of a real and unknown phenomenon, but questions its nature and origin. For him, UFOs are not spaceships from other planets, but projections of an intelligence that operates on a level of reality different from ours, and that uses the minds of witnesses as a channel of expression.
This intelligence would have an unknown purpose, perhaps related to the evolution, learning or experimentation of human consciousness.
Distortion theory has many elements of paraufology, a current of thought that approaches the UFO phenomenon from a multidisciplinary perspective, integrating psychological, sociological, anthropological, historical and parapsychological aspects.
Some of the authors who have influenced distortion theory are Jacques Vallée, John Keel, Jerome Clark, Manuel Carballal and David Clarke, among others.
The distortion theory has received support and recognition from some researchers and experts in the field of ufology, but has also been criticized and rejected by others, who consider it baseless speculation, plagiarism of traditional paraufology, or a way to deny the evidence of the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Distortion and connection to a deeper level of consciousness are two concepts that relate to the way we perceive and interpret reality. Distortion refers to erroneous or biased interpretations of reality that lead us to have a negative, irrational or maladaptive view of ourselves, others and situations.
Connection to a deeper level of consciousness refers to the ability to access a broader, more complex and transcendent form of consciousness, which allows us to better understand our reality and our purpose.
There are also other disciplines, such as philosophy, spirituality or art, that explore these concepts from other dimensions. Some artists, such as science fiction writers or video game creators, have used distortion and the connection to a deeper level of consciousness as sources of inspiration and as tools to analyze and interpret reality.
There are many artists who, after observing a UFO, subsequently feel the need to capture what they observed. In the case of artists who say they have been abducted by non-human intelligences, this need to tell what happened is imperative and although the witness does not always remember the facts, sooner or later it always requires his creativity to tell what happened. One could speculate that there is a relationship between the distortion experienced by the witness of a UFO and that experienced by the viewer of a work of art. Both could be projecting their subjectivity and interpreting reality in a particular way, according to their cultural, historical and personal context.
There are many theories and hypotheses about the possibility that other forms of intelligent life exist in the universe, and about the reasons why we have not established contact with them. Some of these theories suggest that the non-human entities that some people claim to have had contact with do not come from outer space, but from other dimensions, realities, or planes of existence.
Ultraterrestrials would be beings that inhabit different vibrational frequencies than ours, and that could manifest in our world in various forms, such as angels, demons, fairies, goblins, ghosts, etc. Some researchers believe that extraterrestrials are responsible for many paranormal phenomena, such as abductions, Marian apparitions, near-death experiences.
Another alternative theory to the extraterrestrial one is the one that proposes that the advanced civilizations that exist in the universe are not interested in contacting us, because they consider that our technology and our intelligence are too primitive.
The Fermi paradox and the distortion theory are two ways to address the problem of the absence of evidence for intelligent extraterrestrial life in the observable universe. Both suggest that there are factors that prevent or hinder contact between advanced civilizations, but they differ in the nature of those factors.
The Fermi Paradox is based on the idea that the universe is so vast and ancient that there should be many civilizations that have evolved and developed the technology to travel or communicate through space.
Distortion theory, on the other hand, proposes that the universe is not as homogeneous and uniform as believed, but is instead subject to fluctuations and anomalies that alter space-time and physics.
Thus, the similarity between the Fermi paradox and the distortion theory is that both try to explain why we have not detected intelligent extraterrestrial life, even though it seems likely that it exists. The difference is that the Fermi paradox looks for the causes in civilizations themselves, while the distortion theory looks for them in the universe itself.
A higher-than-human intelligence could have the ability to manipulate the information we receive through our senses, or to influence our cognitive processes, to create an illusion of reality that prevents us from perceiving its presence or actions. This could be a way for this intelligence to feel safe from possible threats from humans, or to avoid interfering with the development of our civilization.
However, the motives and means of this superior intelligence would also have to be considered. Why would he want to hide from us? What benefit would you get from it? How could she deceive us without being discovered? What consequences would living in a distorted reality have for us?
Another possibility is that higher intelligence is not intended to create a distortion of reality, but rather is a side effect of its existence or activity. For example, it could be an artificial intelligence that has surpassed human intelligence, and that operates at a speed and scale that we cannot understand.
Where do the mysterious radio signals that repeatedly reach Earth from space and that were attributed to an extraterrestrial civilization come from? A mystery in the form of radio waves repeatedly reaches Earth from some remote place in the universe.
It is different from all the signals and “noises” that are received daily from space for a peculiar reason: this sound returns again and again.
It was first detected in 2012 and has since returned more than 150 times.
They call it FRB 121102 and the structure of its waves is already known to astronomers who track the sounds of the cosmos.
Anthropomorphism and distortion may be related, since the former may be a way of distorting reality by attributing human characteristics to what is not. Anthropomorphism consists of granting human qualities to animals, plants, objects… That is, describing living beings or objects that are not living beings or objects with characteristics typical of people. This humanization of the environment that surrounds us is done with the intention of providing us with peace of mind by describing and presenting something as known, similar to us, since otherwise what we cannot explain or do not know causes us discomfort and concern. This projection of human traits is common during childhood, decreasing with age, although as we have pointed out it can also be present in adulthood. We see then how anthropomorphism is typical among humans, that is, we show this tendency to humanize our environment.
There are many stories of people who claim to have seen or contacted beings from other worlds, although there is no scientific evidence to confirm this. Here are some examples of ufological folklore:
The case of Dolores Barrios, an alleged Venus infiltrator who attended a conference on ufology in San Diego, California, in 1954. Her physical appearance caught the attention of investigators, who followed her to her car and took her a picture. According to them, Dolores had very peculiar features, such as very white skin, large almond-shaped eyes, and platinum blonde hair. It all began in 1954 in Mount Palomar, California, where one of the largest UFO conventions in the USA was held.
There, various ufology experts, such as George Adamski, Truman Beturum and Daniel Fry, spoke about extraterrestrial contacts, and how they experienced it firsthand.
Adamski attracted a lot of attention on the first day for sharing his theory about the existence of Venusians, that is, aliens from the planet Venus, who are very similar to humans.
Shortly after exposing his ideas, a woman named Dolores Barrios appeared in the audience with two companions who coincidentally had the appearance that the ufologist described, that is, tall, with blonde hair and very dark eyes.
The story claims that someone supposedly asked Dolores and her friends if they were Venusians, to which they simply responded: “We are here because we are especially interested in the issues of Congress.”
The case of Edmundo, a retired doctor who one night saw a naked and deformed body float in the air and disappear into the sky, along with a silent ship. The next day, several neighbors claimed to have seen a UFO near their homes. “I am a respectable doctor, I am now retired. But for a long time I worked for the public health sector. I consider myself a man of science and quite reasonable, I do not believe in ghosts or witchcraft. I don’t even believe in God and I didn’t believe in UFOs or aliens either. Although I knew they could exist, it seemed like nonsense to me to think that there were those who claimed to have seen them, until I witnessed a strange presence that I still cannot explain. I used to play racquetball after consulting and before getting home. One night when I didn’t have a car due to some breakdown, after the fronton I decided to walk back, my house was close to the field, less than half a kilometer away.
It was a particularly dark night, I noticed that not all the headlights were on, I decided to speed up my pace, I thought that the criminals could take advantage of the darkness to attack. Upon reaching a gazebo, I was able to see what looked like a naked body, with dark skin and a very thin structure, with its head out of proportion, without hair, I can even say that I saw its buttocks, this body floated delicately and disappeared in the sky, at the same time that I saw a UFO, a ship heading quickly but without producing any silence towards where he was. When I got home, I must admit that I felt that something or someone was chasing me, I decided not to tell my wife anything, when I got home I realized that there was no light. The next day the electricity ran naturally and some neighbors commented that they saw a UFO, a silent ship flying very close to their homes. It matched the description of what I had seen. “Few believed me.”
«One weekend we went camping near Tepoztlán, in the state of Morelos Mexico, they say that there are many UFO sightings there. We just wanted a place away from the city to spend it with friends. We were in the 4th semester and we were celebrating that we had done well, we were drinking and listening to music at night when a friend’s dog (who was very calm) started barking and barking very loudly towards the forest. We were foolishly emboldened, since there were several of us who were in good physical condition, we thought that he was a thief or some living evil that was going to take advantage of us when we fell asleep. So we got up with chela in hand and went to where the dog was barking.
We didn’t advance much but we did see a shadow, like that of a child, I say shadow because it looked dark, but it was clearly the figure of a person standing, but small, and it could be heard and seen when he moved the branches of the trees. . Suddenly, who knows how, he climbed a tree, I saw his foot, he had very dark skin and no fingers, as if it were a trunk. We knew he was going up because the branches were moving suddenly. Suddenly nothing was seen or heard anymore. We passed the flashlights through the branches and nothing could be seen. We decided to break camp and stay in an apartment in Tepoz, we didn’t feel confident sleeping there. Later we talked among ourselves, some say they saw his hands but he only had two fingers. What we all remember is that he was dark-skinned and smelled like dish soap. We told some people who lived there in Tepoz and they told us that things like this had already happened to other people, that then the dogs woke up dead».
«I have always been afraid of aliens, since I was little. When I was a kid I couldn’t even watch the Steven Spielberg movie, E.T. , even some characters like C3PO, Yoda or the Ewoks, caused me anxiety, I know it may sound exaggerated or comical, but it was something strong for me. I even went to therapy because I stopped sleeping some nights. As I grew up I overcame this phobia, at the age of 19 I was able to see a movie about aliens for the first time and it continued to cause me anxiety.
One hot night I decided to sleep in the study of the house, it was more comfortable there since there was a large window that helped the place be cooler. It was summer and the heat was unbearable. I lay down on the couch and dreamed something that didn’t seem like a dream, not like the dreams I was used to. It was an extremely dark place, but from the ceiling I could see a powerful source of light that dazzled me and prevented me from seeing almost anything. I knew there were more “people” in the room, I don’t remember any sounds, figures or faces. I remember feeling very cold, I was lying on a huge, smooth metal bed, in the fetal position. I was trying to keep my mind blank even though I was very scared. Something in me knew that “they could read my mind” and that it was better that they didn’t know how terrified I was. I remember also thinking that it would be useless to ask that they not touch me since “they did not know mercy.” I woke up and I wasn’t sweating. I thought it was just a strange dream, I wasn’t scared. A couple of years passed and when we were on a road trip a friend told about a book she was reading by Carl Sagan, without me having told her anything before, she recounted my experience verbatim, saying that some extraterrestrial genetic experiments They make them that way. “I think I have children in the stars».
And what did your cousin see? Question asked by journalist David Cuevas in an interview with ufologist Joan Planas in Sabadell.
«Well, an object in a forest. It was a Saturday night when all his friends went, boys and girls… they already had a car, he is older than me, they went up to a farmhouse to have grilled meat for dinner and all that, it was on top of a mountain, it was all forest at the top. around and they were all there, some inside and others outside preparing the meat. They saw a light that was hanging from the sky, quite large in the shape of a lentil, it stood on top of a mountain that was a certain distance from where they were, it turned on a spotlight and they saw the pine trees completely illuminated. He told me “if we bring the binoculars we see a rabbit running through the trees” because of the powerful light there was, and for a few seconds the light focused like a cone on a conical area of the forest, it went off again and as it had descended in diagonal because this time vertically in tenths of seconds it disappeared, without any noise, nothing, and as I said, they were on a little mountain in the farmhouse that there was not much noise either because it was all forests around and it went up vertically and disappeared».
August 3, 1977. 7pm.
Village La Escalada. Almonaster la Real (Huelva). Ceferina Vargas Martín, 20 years old, single, was going to visit her grandmother, who lives in a nearby village, walking along paths bordered by a stream. She suddenly she received a reflection in her eyes from the stream. She believed that it was some mirror or piece of glass located on the shore. An instinctive impulse made her speed up her walk but she felt something slow her down. After traveling about 20 meters she received another flash, white, the size of a bicycle headlight, very annoying. She seized with nervousness she felt her strength fail him. When the spotlight went out, she observed two figures about 4 meters away, both standing, on the path. One of them was a very tall woman, about 2 meters; long, waist-length, platinum-colored hair; with large eyes and arched eyebrows; no nose or only two orifices; in her mouth he made out a line that moved, without opening, giving the impression of wanting to speak while she gestured with her arms. She wore a long dark green tunic, sparkling, as if made of small lights with a round top opening that reached from shoulder to shoulder, with wide sleeves. She also did not get to observe if she had feet. Her chest was flat. The man had the same features and stood motionless. His hair was short and somewhat tousled; he wore a narrower tunic that reached his knees; light brown, with sparkles; her height was slightly lower, 1.70 meters. Ceferina described the faces as repellent, lemon yellow. Stunned, she lost consciousness shortly after sitting on a stone. She did not perceive noises or odors. The beings remained indifferent to the presence of her witness. When she returned to her village, she noticed the loss of her identity card and the crown of her watch. The Civil Guard searched the area and only found some bus tickets belonging to the young woman. She that night she woke up with a start dreaming of bugs. The approximate time in which she was unconscious was half an hour (An investigation by J. Mateos, A. Moya, M. Filpo)
Villares (Córdoba). Rafael Haro Morillo, his sons, and a rancher named Victorino, also with his sons, when they worked on fumigation tasks the machine stopped. They transferred the product to another and it did not work either. At that time an intense reflector blinded them and they saw a kind of burning basket pass very close by, which silently disappeared, seeming to fall behind some trees. They went to see what had fallen but found nothing. When he returned, the machines worked. The next day, at the same time, they saw a balloon-shaped object, elongated, silver, glowing with the last rays of the sun. He was going very high, slowly, and in the opposite direction to the one the basket had worn the day before. The observation lasted about 45 minutes. (Case investigated by Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos).