infrared communication device
It has been designed by Xerach García with the aim of communicating with extraterrestrial biological entities (what they call in cryptozoology “atmospheric beasts”)
The EBECOMM Project, an initiative by Miguel Navarro and Xerach García that aims to fulfill one of the greatest dreams of the human being: contact with the Biological Energy Entities, those strange luminous spheres that cross our night skies, and that many identify with Unidentified Flying Objects .
This project starts from the idea that most of the lights that move through our skies are bioluminescent living entities, with the ability to vary their color tones. These entities remain in normal conditions in the infrared spectrum and as such are invisible to the human eye. At certain times, and like certain animals such as cuttlefish or gobies, it seems that they have the ability to vary their pigmentation and emit illumination within the spectrum visible to the human eye. It is in these cases when those lights appear in the sky that move abnormally for human artifacts, and that are better known as UFOs. If, as we have shown, such entities have intelligence, it would be possible to contact them using infrared pulses.
Thus was born the EBECOMM, a device that emits a powerful beam of infrared light that can be encoded to send intelligent messages, in such a way that, now, it is possible to interact with these types of energy entities.
Waiting for more information about this device that I will update soon on this page
To request more information, you can contact enigmasaldescubierto13@gmail.com
On Twitter @EnigmasAlDescub
Gatherings without edition Vol 225. Details of the first EBE alert. https://go.ivoox.com/rf/75368374