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Galán Vázquez
24 min readApr 14, 2021

IN SEVILLE (1960–1980)

Manuel Osuna was the pioneer of Andalusian ufology, he did a great research work in extensive reports, data and comments. Most of the following cases were investigated or directed by him. This Catalog is a synthesis and an attempt to scrupulously collect the fundamentals. We have not wanted to expose the theories of D. Manuel or express our own, it seemed better to leave them free of possible conditions so that each one can obtain their own conclusions.

Case Nº 94. Date: April 1960. night

The observation area. Los Villares (Córdoba) Image @galanvazquez

Villares (Córdoba). Rafael Haro Morillo, his sons, and a rancher named Victorino, also with his sons, when they worked on fumigation tasks the machine stopped. They transferred the product to another and it did not work either. At that time an intense reflector blinded them and they saw a kind of burning basket pass very close by, which silently disappeared, seeming to fall behind some trees. They went to see what had fallen but found nothing. When he returned, the machines worked. The next day, at the same time, they saw a balloon-shaped object, elongated, silver, glowing with the last rays of the sun. He was going very high, slowly, and in the opposite direction to the one the basket had worn the day before. The observation lasted about 45 minutes. (Case investigated by Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos).

Image: @galanvazquez
“An intense reflector blinded them and they saw a kind of burning basket pass very close by, which silently disappeared …” Image:@galanvazquez
“The next day, at the same time, they saw a balloon-shaped object, elongated, silver, shining with the last rays of the sun”. Imagen: @galanvazquez

95. July 11. 1961.
Cantillana (Seville). José G. Darnaude felt a strange itchy discomfort in his body, especially in his head. He saw a luminous disk about five meters in diameter, in the shape of two overlapping plates, with a confused outline, without being able to notice a defined structure. He appeared from the southwest and hovered at eye level. He turned on himself and changed color: from white to red, from orange to purple. Other witnesses also saw him for a few minutes, until he disappeared. The field fell into a surprising ABC silence. (RNC).

UFO observation data in the ABC newspaper

57. Summer 1963. 10pm.
Mairena del Aljarafe (Seville). The Marvizón couple were returning from the cinema when an orange-red object appeared in the sky to their right and grew larger, believing that it could be a meteorite. It reached an apparent size of about 4 meters, seeing it as oval, perhaps rotating on its axis. He came to be about 200 meters from the witnesses. The observation lasted for about a minute. (M. Osuna).

31. January 18. 1968.
Finca La Dehesilla, 3 km. of Umbrete. Isidro González Porrúa, Rafael (his son), Pedro Salado Pichardo, Martín Manzano and José Arcos students, the last two of D. Manuel Osuna were hunting thrushes. On their way back, over some olive trees, they saw an oval-shaped object about a meter in diameter and an intense orange color. He made a 45º turn and quickly set off towards the direction of Bollullos de la Mitación. On the opposite side of the olive grove was José Arcos, who compared it to a cake of a color between yellow and red, stating that his flight was very low, almost touching
the treetops. While for the first witnesses the duration of the observation was one minute, that of José lasted about five, approximately. (M. Osuna)

93. July 2, 1968.
Villanueva del Arzobispo (Jaén). Miguel Medina Bedmar and the corporal of the Civil Guard of that locality saw a circular object pass by, twice the size of the lunar disk, silver in color with an intense metallic shine and marching at an altitude of about three thousand meters. ABC. (RNC).

3. July 1968. 10 a.m. 30 m.
Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). A young lady and her relatives, one kilometer from the aforementioned town, in the “La Lapa” area, on a clear and cloudless night, saw in the air like a church dome, white, bright but without glare, the size of half full moon. The object rapidly approached in a straight line until it stopped about a hundred meters from the witness and at the height of a two-story house. She screamed to warn her relatives but, before they left, the object disappeared. Although the young woman did not hear noise, her family, from the inside, perceived a sound similar to that made by a very heavy airplane that takes time to pass. Looking in the opposite direction, everyone could witness a second object, round, orange, evolving to blue and white, about a kilometer away, very high, motionless, the size of a car bulb. He walked away without making noise, slowly, until he lost himself in the direction of the “Las Canteras” military camp. (I. Darnaude).

32. July 17. 1968. 20 h. 30 m.
Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). Francisco Ramírez was sitting al fresco in the facilities of a radio station. Suddenly he saw a plane without wings, elongated, shaped like a cigar, silver-white in color. It was going quite high in a northwest to southwest direction and its movement was slower than that of a jet, and silently, without leaving a trail. That same day, around 9:00 p.m., a similar object passed through the station’s facilities again, making the same route. This time the glow was golden. The cylinder ended in a point and was flat at the rear. He was surrounded by black dots that approached and receded; others disappeared. The witness entered the facilities at the moment the announcer announced: “It is twenty-one hours.” When leaving, accompanied by other people to see him, he had disappeared. (I. Darnaude)

UFO observation data in the ABC newspaper

96. August 23. 1968. 11 a.m. 30 m.
Olivares (Seville). A group of people observed an object moving in a northeast-southwest direction, shaped like a plate, flying at the height of a conventional airplane. Above the object was a kind of spinning green beam of light. He was carrying great speed. (M. Osuna).

97. August 24, 1968. 0 h. 30 m.
Seville. Mr. Oña, a police inspector, observed a rounded object, larger than a star, white, and from which rays of different colors came out: red, green and blue. He was motionless for about thirty minutes. Then he moved without leaving any trail. ABC. (RNC).

1. September / October 1968. 4.30 h.
Portuguese coast, from the Canary Islands to Vigo. Francisco Suárez, 27 years old, bridge officer, along with the first officer and the helmsman, were on the merchant ship “Campanario” and observed at a very low altitude, approximately one meter above the sea, a round object the size of a full moon at its zenith. emitting a strong white glow. Its speed was enormous and its trajectory was straight. When passing parallel to the ship there was a blackout in the ship and a stop in the engines. They did not think it appropriate to leave a record in the Navigation Book. (M. Osuna)

98. September 2. 1968. 20 h. 30 m.
A TV technician from Guadalcanal, on Mount Hamapega, observed an orange object, high up. It was circular in shape, shaped like a tray. It moved slowly, without making a sound. ABC (RNC).

UFO observation data in the ABC newspaper

102. September 4. 1968. Early morning.
Málaga. From many neighborhoods of the aforementioned capital, five objects were seen at great height, immobile, the apparent size of a match head, producing white flashes. Before sunrise they disappeared. ABC (RNC).

103. September 5. 1968.
Palma del Condado (Huelva). José Romera Cárdenas when he was on the Valverde highway saw an object in the shape of a large truck wheel cross the sky, emitting intermittent flashes of two colors: green and red. It was moving at high speed and at an altitude of about two thousand meters. Manuel Reyes Hernández observed the same object when he was in his car near Bollullos. ABC (RNC).

ABC September 7, 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

104. September 6. 1968. 23 h.
Seville. Two luminous objects that emitted bursts of red color at the bottom and silver-green at the top, were observed by numerous people for about twenty minutes, the first one was immobile for a long time before disappearing. The second, located in the vertical of the Plaza de la Magdalena, moved in a northeast direction. The news was provided by the Saint Paul Airport Observatory. ABC (RNC).

ABC September 6, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC September 7, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
Newspaper “Arriba” September 6, 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

105. September 12. 1968.
Alcalá del Río (Seville). Jesús Sancho Älvarez de Onandía observed two concave plates placed one on top of the other at a height of about two hundred meters, about ten meters in diameter, orange on the lower part and intensely white on the upper part. The upper light bulged and spun like a beacon. ABC (RNC).

84. September 14. 1968. Night.
Guadalcanal (Seville). Two technicians from the TV station, while on guard duty, saw an unidentified object pass by. Another Mr. Méndez, a RENFE employee, when he was returning from the Torrehermosa farm along the Malcocinado to Guadalcanal road, accompanied by his family, noticed anomalies in the engine of his cooche and observed at the bottom of a trough, almost over the tops of the olive trees, an object the size of a cargo truck, dome-shaped, orange, blindingly bright, illuminating the surrounding countryside, which rose and fell very slowly. Shortly afterwards they observed that some appendages came out, like antennae. When they left the dome it flattened, to return to its initial position when the mentioned protuberances were retracted. Two other cars were returning by other routes, one of them saw the light from a distance, and the other, in addition to seeing it, stopped his radio from working. (M. Osuna)

101. September 17. 1968.
Ayamonte (Huelva). 20 h. 30 m.
Rafael Villa Levia, accompanied by his wife and the rest of the family, saw on the horizon, towards the south of Faro, while on the beach, an oval object that moved slowly, orange, giving flashes similar to those of a lighthouse, oscillating pendulously. They watched it for about three minutes until it disappeared as if it were slowly fading. ABC (RNC).

ABC Sevilla September 12, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC Sevilla September 17, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC Sevilla September 17, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC Sevilla September 17, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC Madrid September 18, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán

58. October 3. 1968
Highway from Mairena to San Juan de Aznalfarache (Seville). A guard observed that he was heading towards a luminous object of great proportions. He ran out full of great nervousness and crossed the road to take refuge in a large house that had the door closed. He began to bang it hard with the intention of opening it, startling the neighbors and telling them that a large flying bus had passed over his head. When they came out they could see the aforementioned light in the distance. (M.Osuna).

October 30. 1968.
Highway from Cortegana to Aracena (Huelva). A man was traveling alone in his car when, when he reached the intersection of these roads with the one that goes to San Juan del Puerto, he observed in front of him, and to his left, a light that emerged from among some olive trees with smooth mobility. The approximate size was that of a lighthouse and was located at a distance of about eighty meters. He also saw how the light, despite being very bright, did not illuminate the surrounding grounds. (I. Darnaude)

2. Autumn 1968. 9pm.
Bollullos (Seville). The wife of Francisco Cuesta Valladares and some boyfriends, leaving the aforementioned town in their car, over a pine forest, saw something round purple descend, like the coloration of an autogenous weld, as big as a full moon. He remained motionless on the top of a pine tree and then made a horizontal movement until he was in the vertical, in the center of the road, some ten or twelve meters high. The Lady asked her husband to stop the vehicle, but he replied that she would continue to see him better. When he reached about fifty meters he sped toward the bottom of the landscape, shrinking to the size of a tiny dot. (M. Osuna)

ABC Sevilla November 23, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán

4. 1968. Night.
Padul (Granada). A 28-year-old college boy was returning with his mother in a Citroën 2 CV car from the aforementioned town to Granada. About 4 km. they observed a large orange light that intermittently turned blue, larger than a full moon, at a low altitude, moving from east to west. He decided to go up to the so-called “Suspiro del Moro” to observe her better. When he had traveled about 4 km and his vision of the object had improved, he disappeared. He stopped, leaving the engine running to look down some hills and investigate something else, but to no avail. He headed back again and, suddenly, he saw a dazzling, ovoid object approaching him at full speed, thinking it would crush him. He braked without taking his eyes off it for a few seconds, long enough to notice that the center part was spinning vertiginously. When he recovered, he stepped on the accelerator and observed that the engine was stopped, an unusual fact in a car that had an automatic clutch. Her mother suffered such a nervous breakdown that she was in bed for two weeks.

100. December 1968. night.
Alcalá de Guadaira (Seville). Antonio Macías Muñoz, accompanied by his wife, on a cold night, sitting in the brazier, they observed a body the size of an orange, luninous, which entered his house through the open crack of the street door . It moved producing a pendulum sway, heading towards the patio of the house without producing noise and later disappearing behind the wall. ABC.

85. December 12, 1968.
El Garrobo (Seville). A Mr., a chemist by profession, was traveling with his wife in his car to the aforementioned town, when a large object crossed him on several occasions. When he got to town, he called the mayor and the doctor to tell them about the event, while other people also found out, looked for high places and saw it. He quickly set off down a dirt road to climb a farmhouse tower and still saw him heading towards Gerena. (Laffitte)

106. Winter. 1968. 0 h.
El Ronquillo (Seville). Three witnesses, one of them named Ruiz, a traveling laboratory, went hunting and when the car rounded a curve on a hill, they observed three large white lights, as if joined in a straight line, immobile, but oscillating. without making noises. They decided to go down to get a good look when they approached them at a distance of about fifty meters and then move away. These maneuvers were repeated several times and at high speed. They went to Guillena’s doctor, Doctor Antonio González, in a state of nervousness, listening to the account of what had happened. (M. Osuna)

10. February 16. 1969. 22 h.
Highway from Fuencaliente to Ciudad Real. A man accompanied by his wife and a sister were traveling in his car to the capital. In the place known as Vega Ancha they saw some glows on the ridges of Peña Rodrigo. They believed that it was a fire made by hunters, but it was a luminous object that rose and fell vertically. They stopped the vehicle and noticed great flashing red lights for a few minutes. Its size was, at times, that of a soccer ball, varying according to the brightness. Its background was orange, revealing a black point followed by an appendage of the same color. They heard no noises. When restarting the trip, about 4 or 5 km., The object accompanied them for about 15 km., Moving along the profile of the mountains. It was hidden behind some peaks to reappear with great brilliance. He followed them throughout the Alcudia Valley and when he reached Puertollano he oscillated, taking the western direction. The event lasted about 45 minutes over 50 km. (M. Osuna)

ABC Sevilla November 29, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán
ABC Sevilla May 28, 1968. Archives: José A. Galán

86. February 20, 1969. 10pm.
Castilleja de Guzmán (Seville). A.M.R., an artist, as he walked down a path to his secluded home, he spotted a great light about 60 degrees above the horizon. He believed it was the Moon, but soon found that he had it behind his back. He entered without turning on the light, took some binoculars and observed that the object was in the shape of an ensaimada, domed above and flat below. He conically projected a strong bluish-white light onto the field. Scared, finding himself alone, he ran and screamed to alert the distant neighbors of him. Several attended, climbed to the roof and could still see how the object began a trajectory towards Valencina while its light diminished and intermittent red flashes appeared. Three nights later he saw another luminous object, silent, still, in the same position, smaller, with a blue halo in the style of the ring of Saturn. (M. Osuna)

6. July 6. 1969. At dusk. Aracena (Huelva). Ms de M., de L. and de C., along with two service girls, were: the first two in one chalet and the third in another, about 60 meters from the first. Both houses were located on the outskirts of the aforementioned town, about 800 meters away. The moon had not risen and the sky was covered with stars. The first two watching a TV show saw interference and immediately there was a power outage. They found that Aracena had been left in the dark. After 10 minutes the fluid was restored and they heard that Mrs. “C” asked them to go looking for her. Before getting into the car, they observed on the horizon a luminous object of about 80 cm. in diameter, white, with violet edges, shaped like an inverted convent cup that descended slowly, without noise. When asked the reason for their call, she stated that she had felt a strange shudder and chills accompanied by a slight paralysis. She did not want to spend the night alone with her daughters even though the electrical fault had been corrected. Mrs. “L” asked her if she had not observed a rare object in the sky, manifesting itself negatively. Also Mrs. “N” had strange sensations, like being watched. They all concentrated on one of the chalets and decided to observe it with a small telescope from the roof. But the object became invisible. However, they saw with amazement that a light bulb, about 20 cm. it was moving in the air from the place where the object had landed. He changed direction and continued parallel to the road, stopping in front of the chalet for about 20 minutes. As the light froze, Mrs. “C” focused on it with the telescope, but a coherent beam of light of about 30 cm. long and the thickness of a pencil, directed towards her position, blocked her vision. She dazzled she left the optical device, giving her time to see him with the naked eye. They observed that the beam of light made a night butterfly perfectly visible. They closed the door to the roof and entered the house, scared. But curiosity prompted them to look through a window, seeing a lighted, red rectangle with its frayed, flickering ends. They did not leave their amazement when they perceive a second focus of about 7 cm. which was apparently inside one of the trees that lined the road, about 30 m. It was 3 o’clock. 30 m. Mrs. “C” proposed to go towards the light, but her initiative was not accepted and they decided to withdraw. At around 5 am, this last witness and her maid saw in the distance a dome of apparent great proportions, on the lower edge of which there were separate and intermittent lights that made the aforementioned dome perceptible. The Aracena reservoir had been finished in those days. (M. Osuna, F. Laffitte, I. Darnaude).

Newspaper “La Mañana Lleida” September 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

8. Summer 1969. 3pm.
Highway from Alcalá to Villanueva del Río and Minas (Seville). An electronics technician, driving a motorbike, when he turned a curve observed on the ground, or something high on it, a light of definite shape that glowed like molten iron. Its size was considerable. He was able to see it with pleasure because he had stopped his vehicle and had no obstacles. Immediately the light began an ascent in an almost vertical trajectory and with a great acceleration that did not prevent it from seeing its progressive decrease in size. He did not notice noises or odors. He experienced discomfort that was attributed by the doctor to logical distress. (M. Osuna and J. Mateos)

5. August 1969. At dusk.
Cadiz. Five years ago, four sisters, aged 18, 17, 16 and 12, spent the summer in that town. Cristina, the eldest, was on the terrace of the apartment and she saw an object over the sea that was strange to her: she was moving, rising and falling in the air, abruptly and irregularly. It was orange and shifting in brightness, the size of a moon. When it was covered by some buildings, they climbed to the roof and observed that it made a 90º turn, with its repeated ascents and descents, remaining immobile a short distance from the surface of the water until it disappeared into the distance. The observation lasted about five minutes. Confidentially, we learned that in the same month an object was detected on the radar of the Rota base, performing improper maneuvers for any aircraft and at incredible speeds. (M. Osuna)

7. November 1969. 7 a.m. 10 m.
Highway from Huelva to Seville. Rafael Julio Jiménez, a commercial expert, and Manuel Infantes, a farm worker, observed an object shaped like an oval disk, the size of a full moon refracted on the horizon, and whose periphery was enameled with small fixed lights, some reddish in color. and others in yellow. In the center they appreciated a flashing light higher than those at the edge. It happened after the town of Espartinas, after crossing the Pudio river valley, near some high voltage lines. They did not appreciate noises. It was moving over olive trees at moderate speed. It was not yet dawn but the visibility was remarkable. The observation lasted for about two km. Its trajectory was rectilinear with a tendency to ascend. When they reached some eucalyptus trees, they lost sight of him. His course to continue without changes was to pass through S. Juan de Aznalfarache, Coria, and not far from the Tablada aerodrome. (M. Osuna)

Newspaper “Sur Málaga” 23 November 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

9. November / December 1969.
Night flight from Las Palmas to Villa Cisneros. The pilots of a SPANTAX plane, fOKKER f 27, shortly after take off they spotted an object. They inform the base and tell them to try to establish communication. Failing to get it, Gando orders them to return immediately. They take off again and it appears again, becoming visible at intervals until landing at Villa Cisneros. The same thing happens on the way back, this time being seen by the passengers and the personnel from the Gando base. The pilot and copilot are taken almost immediately in a military plane to Madrid. After a long time they returned to their destination. Despite the attempts made to specify many unknowns, it was not possible, given the special characteristics of this case. (I. Darnaude)

18. March 1970. 12 noon.
Road from Seville to Bollullos (Seville). A lady, a neighbor of Aznalcázar, and her son, were returning to her town. Before passing through Bollullos de la Mitación they could see a large circle of red light the size of a stretcher table. They believed that it was the brightness of a nearby fair but they had doubts because, after the town, always on their left, the object accompanied them. When they arrived at Aznalcázar they calculated that it would be flying over the hermitage of Ntra. Sra. De Cuatrovitas. They immediately went up to the roof of his house but it had disappeared. (M. Osuna)

89. March 27. 1970.
El Garrobo (Seville). Many neighbors saw an object on top of some oaks for several hours. (M. Osuna and J. Mateos)

22. Good Friday 1970.
El Garrobo (Seville). 16 h. 30 m. On a clear day, around 7 am, with a light drizzle, some residents of Calle Sevilla in the aforementioned town saw “something” of light butane color swaying at the foot of an oak. Later, throughout the day, other neighbors of different ages also observed it. Some children decided to go down to the road, but the older ones told them not to come near, stopping about 100 m. At that moment, what looked like a sack moved by a light breeze began an upward movement at an angle of 45º at a great speed, without the slightest noise or smoke, and changing the color towards an undefined tone, like dirty. It was 4 p.m. 30 m. They appreciated real dimensions of 2 m. high by 1 m. in diameter as it seemed to have a cylindrical shape. All regretted that they had not inquired further due to 9 a.m. available to them. Five or six months later, Mr. Cisneros, the owner of a villa in Garrobo, calls the attention of his neighbors to see an object that has been chasing him for a few kilometers. He brought the case to the military authorities and closed all private investigation. (M. Osuna)

Newspaper “Sur Málaga” 24 November 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

17. April 5. 1970. 6 h. 45 m.
Left bank of the Guadaira River (Seville). A technician who years ago worked at the Morón Base, welding by the cobalt method, and who was contaminated by radioactivity, was on commission that night clear of clouds but foggy. At dawn, he was surprised by the flight of a helicopter-speed device that suddenly appeared, at about 20 m. away. Its metallic appearance with a roof that was not entirely domed, of a matt dark gray, with a small platform and the discharge of effluvia, made her think that he was carrying out fumigation work. He made a turn so close to where he was that he swore at him and at that moment he thought he was receiving an electric shock. Furious, a man of strong character tried to throw a stone at him but when he raised his head the object had disappeared. (M. Osuna)

90. from May 10 to 11, 1970.
Morón de la Frontera (Seville). Mr. Gordillo, owner of a sunflower farm called “Rancho Maestro Oliva”, reported to the Civil Guard the appearance on his property of two exactly equal circumferences at a distance of about thirty meters, surrounded by deep holes, symmetrically located at about thirty centimeters from each other and of exact diameter. In the center of the circumferences there was another hole, deep, of a larger diameter. A crown of about twenty-five meters surrounded these circumferences and, within them, it was noted that the plants were dead, without any peasant having an explanation as to what had been able to mark them, since their leaves seemed burned but were green, while the stems presented a dark color. During a storm, Juan, a farm worker, heard a thunderbolt that lasted longer than usual during the night of the events. Numerous investigators and technicians inspected the site. The news was widely reported in the press.

24. May 16. 1970. 16 h. 30 m.
Utrera road (Seville). Adrián Delgado Candela and a friend, both 15 years old, were returning from Palmar de Troya in the company of their parents when they saw an object in the form of use, silver in color, something like an airplane when it receives sunlight and that was moving on the right side of the road. It looked nothing like an airplane. They estimated its speed at about 800 km / h. He passed the car, crossing the road in front of it, at a low altitude, making a very sharp turn to lose, as if falling, to the left. They did not give importance to the fact, but since the strange event of the sunflowers in Morón had occurred four days before, and they had disappeared in the direction of that town, they made him think about the possibility of being related. (M. Osuna)

87. July 1970. 4 h.
SPANTAX plane on a flight from Barcelona to Madrid. Only the two pilots and the two stewardesses were there, when they realized that to the left they were accompanied by a white-yellow light, without a defined shape, like a beam. He zoomed in and out until he managed to get in and out on several occasions. The pilots called the flight attendants to go to the cockpit. Its luminosity was so intense that nothing could be seen inside the apparatus. They called Madrid for guidance but they did not pick up anything abnormal, nor did the Radio Faro de Calamocha detect abnormalities. They did not perceive any disturbance. Approaching Madrid the light disappeared. The commander ordered absolute silence.

88. First of August of 1970. 4 h. 30 m.
R.M.H., a university student, was traveling in his car to Valladolid. Between Plasencia and Béjar he began to see a luminous, spherical object, with three dangling legs, of a red coloration, with a green ring surrounding it, nothing comparable to the colors of our world, of a pleasing purity, of about 90 cms. in diameter, it was about 20 kilometers away. He had the impression that she was not flying, given her gentle movements. He slowed his vehicle quite a bit, but he wasn’t able to tell if the object was moving. At about 200 meters he crossed the road, angled, and headed for a nearby pine forest, as if hesitating, until it descended vertically, fading to the ground or next to it. (M. Osuna)

19. August 1970. early morning.
Highway from Pilas to Aznalcázar (Seville). Mr. Sánchez, a regular driver, saw a small luminous cloud that seemed to be playing with him. On one occasion he got out of the car and followed her as he drove away, but as soon as he stopped doing so the car headlights would go out. The information came out on ABC. (M. Osuna)

Newspaper “El Noticiero Universal” 7 November 1968 Archives of: Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido

16. August 5. 1970. 23 h.
Top of the Sierra de la Grada (Granada). Juan Luis García Merino, 25, a farmer, left his house that rainy and windy night to observe the sky, which became very frequent, given his activity when he observed a gigantic and immobile light at a distance of about 4 km., Close to the horizon. He called his family and his mother and sister came out, since the father was already in bed. They all saw the intervals of white intensity and its passage to the reddish color. Scared they enter the house. Half an hour later her mother comes out again and sees her again in the same place. Two years earlier another object with strange characteristics was seen in the same region. (M. Osuna)

11. August 5. 1970. 10 h. 45 m.
Cazalla de la Sierra (Seville). In a country estate, called “El Vizcaíno”, about 3 km. From the aforementioned town, two peasant families heard their dogs barking very excited, they went out and observed a luminous rectangle, about two meters long by one wide, matt white, which suggests a screen. It could be said that more than luminous it was illuminated, in a stable way. It was hiding an oleander. The position of the object was strategic since it dominated all the dependencies of the farm. The men advanced up to ten meters, taking cover behind a cart. They yell at it but get no answers. The same fear produces aggressiveness and a nephew goes to the house for a shotgun but when he returns the rectangle has disappeared, as if it had gone out. (M. Osuna, I. Darnaude and F. Laffitte)

23. August 24. 1970. 9pm. 30 m.
Umbrete road. The worker Antonio Marín Montes, 19 years old, left the Torquemada farm on his motorcycle towards the aforementioned town, when he observed at the foot of a willow tree, about 2 m away. from the ground, two lights of about 20 cm. in diameter, parallel, one red and one green, about 3 m apart. The boy associated the vision with an ABC story about some “playful” clouds. His mother also observed, as her son left on the motorcycle, a red light from the aforementioned farm. Antonio returned and returned accompanied by the son of the manager but they found nothing, except a green light that, somewhat distant, was over some olive trees, which he illuminated with a phosphorescent tone. Scared, they returned to the farm and, this time, they returned in a car without seeing anything else. That same night, when two other workers, brothers, Benito and Julio López Bernal, were returning by bicycle, around 12 o’clock. they saw a red light a few meters above the ground, motionless, illuminating their surroundings. But since it was far away they did not stop. The next day they learned that it was possibly the same sight in the willow. On August 31, around 10 p.m. 30 m., Rafael Villa Amador, 21 years old, boyfriend of a sister of the previous witnesses, when he was going towards the village he saw a red light the size of a gas cylinder, located about 2 meters from the ground, in the middle of a olive grove, to the left of the road. The red was so bright it was blinding. It was still and without noise. He was able to specify that it was flat below and with a kind of hemisphere at the top, from which three rays of white light emerged, one of which was directed towards him. He had a lot of difficulty riding the bike and he attributed it not just to normal excitement. (M. Osuna)

This catalog has been made possible thanks to Manuel Filpo Cabana’s page “Catalog of UFO cases in Seville (1960–1980) investigated in umbrete by Manuel osuna Llorente”
Other Andalusian researchers who have participated in this research:
Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos
Manuel Filpo Cabana
Joaquin Mateo Nogales
Antonio Moya Cespa
Daniel Guerrero Bonet (ADIASA)
Enrique Campos Muñoz (ADIASA)
José A. Galán (ADIASA- C.E.I. Center for Interplanetary Studies)
The graphic contributions belong to the archives of:
Claudia M. Moctezuma and Moisés Garrido
ABC of Seville
ABC of Madrid
José A. Galán UFO Archive



Galán Vázquez
Galán Vázquez

Written by Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE

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