An extraterrestrial living being, captured and studied eighteen years ago

Galán Vázquez
9 min readAug 12, 2019


This article appeared in the print edition of “El País” Friday, October 13, 1978

Lisbon October 13, 1978 Nicole Guardiola

The I Iberian Congress of Ovnilogía has taken place last weekend in Porto. Challenging official disbelief and popular irony, dozens of Portuguese, Spanish and French specialists have debated, for two days, reports and communications whose technicality and absence of fantasy have nothing to envy to other scientific seminars. Of all the interventions, Raúl Berenguel’s was expected with greater interest on the observation of a microscopic living being, of extraterrestrial origin, captured in Portugal eighteen years ago. On more than one occasion, the dossier of “unidentified flying objects” was accompanied of abundant white gelatinous filaments, long enough to be observed in the naked eye. Several samples of these filaments were collected in different parts of the world and their examination in the laboratory has allowed us to establish that the substance that forms them, called “fibrine”, is made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, tin, boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium.

On November 2, 1959, after the passage of a UFO, an abundant shower of “angel hair” was recorded in the Portuguese city of Evora. Several fragments were collected and subjected to laboratory examination, but for about eighteen years the reports corresponding to these experiences and others undertaken from July 1960 by a biologist who proceeded to another capture in the same area, have been kept secret by the authorities The report, which supports the thesis of a biological intervention of the ONVI, is signed by four scientists linked to the Center for Astronomical Studies and Unusual Phenomena of Porto, whose name is not disclosed. However, the story of the experiences and the photomicrographs made have been observed by numerous scientists from different countries, arousing the greatest interest because in one of the fragments examined it was identified as a «strange being, totally unknown from terrestrial biology, which can become the first detected test of extraterrestrial life ».

The “Evora alien” measured four millimeters and was endowed with enormous strength and resistance.
The organism was placed between two sheets of glass for microscopic examination and then said, the report explains, “quite strong defensive reactions,” projecting against the sheet a network of tentacles in an apparent effort to break free. “Later experiences showed that the body was able to withstand pressures of 350 grams,” say the authors of the laboratory tests.
«… Initially observed the preparation presented various colorations: the central body was yellow, egg-colored, while the tentacles showed a rather intense red color. Over time a sharp alteration of the colors was observed, the contrasts disappearing to give rise to a brown-yellow tone, which became increasingly dark.
«The tentacles are formed of parallel filaments, joined together by a gelatinous substance. Each filament or strand is transparent, showing inside corpuscles whose number was increasing over time (…), these filaments projected strongly on the glass sheet, drew in it a perfectly defined contact line where certain seem to emerge cultural formations (…); In the middle of the central body there is a mouth-shaped opening, around which there are very fine drawings, corresponding, perhaps, to existing folds or fissures in the substance that composes it (…).

You can also see dark and round spots that draw a pentagonal shape that became increasingly regular. »
“The observations were made for about two years, at the end of which the tentacles, and then the central body, disintegrated, progressively fraying.”
It is likely that the account of these observations, and the book on the list published by Raúl Berenguel (Biological Interaction of UFOs. An unscientific test) is not able to alter the judgment that each one has made on the existence or not of UFOs , a phenomenon about which many are those that close in an attitude of exacerbated mysticism, but it constitutes a new phenomenon to add to the already very long series of facts “inexplicable in the current state of scientific knowledge.”

In December 1978, the Portuguese Air Force Staff released a statement confirming the “angel hair” event at Evora on November 2, 1959.
10 feb. 2019 — El 2 de noviembre de 1959 una sustancia pegajosa y fibrosa cubrió parte de la ciudad portuguesa de Évora

The strange being of Evora
By Cryptozoology in Spain
On November 2, 1959, after the sighting of two UFOs as it passed through the Portuguese city of Evora, it produced an abundant rain of strange filaments. Among the fragments collected, a curious being totally unknown to biology was identified. The creature measured four millimeters and presented disproportionate strength and endurance for its size.
Excerpt from the program “El último peldaño”, presented and directed by Joaquín Abenza last December 7, with the participation of Javier Resines, from the web
Spanish language

El extraño ser de Evora

Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980
Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980
Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980
Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980
Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980
Coordinadora de estudios sobre el fenómeno ovni
Vimana 3º trimestre 1980

Mysterious angel hair phenomenon often reported after UFO sightings Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov

A cobweb-like and jellylike substance which is also slightly radioactive often falls to the ground shortly after UFO sightings. The substance dubbed “angel’s hair” evaporates without a trace several hours after the sighting. The “hair” was reported to either disintegrate or turn into cottony tufts with an offensive smell when held in the hand. American ufologists refer to the material as “angel’s hair”; Italians call it “siliceous cotton”; and the French use the term “the Madonna’s present” to describe semitransparent threads that fall from heavens.

Ufologists first began discussing the phenomenon in 1954. Two men, namely Gennaro Lucetti and Pietro Lastrucci stood on the balcony of a hotel located in St. Mark’s Square of Venice, on October 27, 1954. The men suddenly saw two “shining spindles” flying across the sky. The objects left a fiery white trail as they zipped along. Both objects flew at high speed, one of them at some distance away from the other. Then the objects took a U-turn and flew away in the direction of Florence.

There were reports on an unexpected break in a soccer game played in one of the Florence stadiums on that afternoon. The players, referees and about 10 thousand spectators just stood there gazing at two objects which flew over the stadium. A couple of unidentified objects flew over the city thrice from 14.20 to 1429. A number of strange cobweb-like threads started to drop to the arena once the objects disappeared.

The substance was quick to disintegrate if held in the hand. Alfrede Jacopozzi, a student, was the only one who managed to pick up a few threads of it and sealed them in a hermetic test tube. Jacopozzi then handed the tube to Professor Giovanni Canneri, a director of the Chemical Analysis Institute under the University of Florence. Professor Danilo Cozzi, a colleague of Prof. Canneri’s, carried out a series of tests of the mysteries find. “It’s a fibrous material, which is highly resistant to tension and torsion. Once subjected to heat action, the material grows dark and evaporates, leaving transparent sediment that melts away. The sediment was found to contain boron, silicon, and magnesium. Hypothetically speaking, the substance may be some kind of boron-silicon glass,” said Prof. Cozzi.

American ufologist Charles Maney suggested that the material was “the UFO excess energy which materialized.” According to him, “the treads return to their dimension or some other space-time continuum while fading away.” A British ufologist suggested that “angel’s hair” was a variety of ectoplasm emanated during a spiritualistic session.

B. V. Lyapunov, a Soviet-era researcher who did a lot to popularize science, received a sample of “angel’s hair” from New Zealand in 1967. A tightly sealed tube contained some unknown stuff measuring less than one-tenth of a cubic centimeter. A comprehensive analysis of the substance was conducted by a team of scientists. Physicist L. V. Kirichenko, a specialist in radiometry, concluded that the substance “is a fine-fibered material; some of its fibers are less than 0.1 micron in diameter. Most fibers are tangled in the bundles or separate “threads” measuring 20 microns in diameter. The threads look somewhat whitish and semitransparent. There aren’t any known analogues to the analyzed substance.” Summing up the study of the material, Academician I. V. Petryanov-Sokolov said that “the sample is of considerable interest as a material with extremely fine fibers. It is unlikely that the material was formed by nature.”

Unfortunately, the entire amount of the substance was used up during the research. No new samples of “angel’s hair” have ever been obtained though the phenomenon was repeatedly reported in this country.

According to reports spread by the British Society for UFO Studies in August 1998, mysterious cobwebs fell to the ground shortly after an UFO sighting in North Wales. The 60-year-old Mrs. Stanfield and her daughter-in-law saw “about 20 silver balls in the sky” prior to taking note of cobweb-like material which descended to the ground.

There are times when “angel’s hair” falls out from a clear blue sky. Residents of the city of Montgomery in the United States reported the fall of “flying web type substance” in 1898. According to the description provided by eyewitnesses, the threads of the material resembled somewhat fluorescent asbestos fibers. On February 10, 1978, a large number of sticky fibers were falling from the sky for two hours in the vicinity of the coastal city of Samaru, New Zealand. The fibers appeared to be “considerably finer than cobwebs” yet clearly visible against a clear blue sky.

Some of the fibers looked like knots the size of a tennis ball; they were slowly unwinding across the air. Others were floating in a cluster which resembled a jet plane’s heat wake. “I’ve never heard about anything like that,” said a spokesman for the Department of Science and Industry Research of New Zealand.

Angel Hair UFOs in Oloron, France

It was the strangest sight to ever grace the sky over Oloron, France. In the early afternoon of October 17, 1952, according to one of the many witnesses, high school superintendent Jean-Yves Prigent, there appeared a “cottony cloud of strange shape. . . . Above it, a narrow cylinder, apparently inclined at a 45-degree angle, was slowly moving in a straight line toward the southwest. . . . A sort of plume of white smoke was escaping from its upper end.”
In front of this “cylinder” were 30 smaller objects that, when viewed through opera glasses, proved to be red spheres, each surrounded by a yellow ring. “These ‘saucers’ moved in pairs,” Prigent said, “following a broken path characterized in general by rapid and short zigzags. When two saucers drew away from one another, a whitish streak, like an electric arc, was produced between them.”
But this was only the beginning of the strangeness. A white, hairlike substance rained down from all of the objects, wrapping itself around telephone wires, tree branches, and the roofs of houses. When observers picked up the material and rolled it into a ball, it turned into a gelatinlike substance and vanished. One man, who had observed the episode from a bridge, claimed the material fell on him, and he was able to extract himself from it only by cutting his way clear-at which point the material collected itself and ascended.
A nearly identical series of events occurred in Gaillac, France, ten days later.
Such “angel hair” is reported from time to time. Laboratory analysis of authentic material (airborne cobwebs are sometimes mistaken for angel hair) is impossible because the material always vanishes. In the summer of 1957, when Craig Phillips (director of the National Aquarium from 1976 to 1981) witnessed a fall off the Florida coast, he collected samples and placed them in sealed jars. But by the time he got to his laboratory, they were gone.

Article appeared in HowStuffWorks, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave. Suite 8500, Atlanta, GA 30308



Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE