A group of researchers and fans of Astronomy and Ufology created in Andalusia Spain

Galán Vázquez
28 min readAug 10, 2022

My youth friend Daniel Guerrero Bonet asked me to write a story about ADIASA in MEDIUM and what that time meant in the context of Sevillian, Andalusian and national ufology.

Mr. director of SOMETHING:
In this letter I address all those who are interested in Astronomy, Rocketry and UFOs. My intention, like other friends, is to form a group of fans in the fields
previously exposed. The reason for this is also to address all those who have material, photos, statistical tables and information in
general in case you could send them to us in what we
We make photocopies. We promise to return everything sent to us.
D. GUERRERO BONET H.’ of Iron. Block 4th House 6. Seville. Archive: Paradig+XXI.

My response to this request was that taking advantage of its great literary quality, he would be the one to write it and I would take care of capturing it in MEDIUM with files. The writing or reflection on what our group meant in the beginning and subsequent Ufological research is the one that is fully exposed below.

Identification card of Daniel Guerrero Bonet Founder of ADIASA

Does ufology exist?

Behind this question there is a lot of backlash, I admit. I will begin, therefore, by expressing my conviction that ufology does not exist as an academic scientific discipline, even though those who believe so dedicate much of their free time to ufological research. I mean that there are ufologists, but not ufology as an empirical science. I myself was a ufologist in my younger years until more pressing vital imperatives deflated my interest. Also because I perceived that those ufological “investigations” always ended in a dead end, with no other “solution” than the collection of casuistry from which no valid, verifiable and irrefutable scientific result or “discovery” could be extracted, but rather some suspicions, intuitions and hypotheses more emotional than rational. In reality, perhaps it was that as one gets older, the innocent freshness in the eyes and mind is lost and we become skeptical and square curmudgeons. Whatever it was, it’s been decades since I abandoned that hobby of ufology, despite the dedication I showed to the effort and the sincere efforts to study it from the most empirical methodology I could or knew.

I was a disbelieving ufologist, attached to the band of unbelievers with the extraterrestrial theory, even though in ufology you always come across a residual number of cases for which you find no possible explanation with the available knowledge.
I must specify, for those who do not understand, that ufology is the study of “unidentified flying objects”, that is, “UFOs” or flying saucers, as they were popularly known.

Photograph of an alleged UFO in Passaic, New Jersey, taken on July 31, 1952. Archive @galanvazquez

OVNI (Unidentified flying object) is the abbreviation for UFO in English, the root with which the anglicism ufology is constructed, which designates the discipline or field of study, and ufologist, the expert or scholar of ufology. We are talking, then, of a concern, a “science” or a field of research that is beyond the conventional and regulated, and that enters an extremely attractive speculative zone that leads us to look for evidence, none of them convincing to today, about the existence of traces, artifacts, visions or contacts that, by elimination, we assume to be of unlikely extraterrestrial origin.
Well, attracted by the frequent news about the appearance of mysterious lights in the sky and other similar events that occupied space in the newspapers, I founded, together with other teenage friends, an association for the study of these phenomena, in the late 1960s and early 1970s of the last century, called ADIASA.

Representative card of ADIADA Ufological Center. Archive: @galanvazquez

That acronym officially stood for Association of Amateur Astronomy Researchers, although in reality it came from the initials of the names of those who had fun inventing possible research agencies while killing free time between classes. Due to the intensity with which I embarked on the initiative, ADIASA surpassed the fences of the institute and spread throughout the country. Soon he managed to bring together local researchers, occasional collaborators and partners scattered throughout the Iberian Peninsula. It became one more group of those that populated the universe of ufology in Spain and part of the foreigner. None of this would have been possible without the help of Enrique Campos Muñoz, who from the first moment was with me working tirelessly on the project. From those initial times my friendship with José Antonio Galán Vázquez was also born, undaunted continuator of that youthful impetus for ufology and who now demands these twilight notes from me.

Daniel Guerrero Bonet Ufological Researcher. Archive @galanvazquez

It is evident that ufology, as a field of knowledge about a reality to distinguish and understand it, was born from the proliferation of cases about visions of lights or strange objects that behave in defiance of the laws of physics in many parts of the world. Observations on artifacts that fly at incredible speeds or remain static in the sky, and even land, emit mysterious buzzes and rise again dizzyingly, sometimes leaving a mark or burn on the ground. It is based on the premise that, in a universe full of stars, an incalculable number of them will have planetary systems orbiting around them, like our Solar System. And that it is likely that many of them harbor life, even intelligent life. Ufology was founded on these two certainties, the “non-science” that is a source of obsession for ufologists. They believe, as I did, that there is “something floating above the world”, but they don’t know what it is and, even less, where it comes from or what or who causes it. And the most widespread hypothesis among ufologists is that they are vehicles, manned or not, of extraterrestrial origin. It seems the most plausible explanation, but it is a remote, tiny possibility, which has a lot of cosmic anthropocentrism. To think that extraterrestrial artifacts come to explore us that take hundreds and millions of years of intergalactic travel, at the speed of light, is to elaborate a science fiction story, when we are not, as a planet, neither the center of the Solar System, nor of the Via Milky, nor of the Universe, nor, of course, of creation, as the science popularizer Javier Sampedro recalls in a recent article (The first contact).

Andalusian Information Bulletin

ADIASA, after a fleeting but intense journey, died when I convinced myself to reach that “dead end” that I referred to at the beginning. Either we kept accumulating and filing cases or we recognized that there was nothing else to do. I admit that he was nice and stimulating while it lasted. Because ADIASA contributed to a large extent, at the beginning of the 70s, to consolidate and bring together what was called Andalusian Ufology, to the creation of the Andalusian Regional Archive and was responsible for the publication and dissemination of the Andalusian Informative Bulletin, supporting the initiative of the RNC (National Network of Correspondents) and other researchers in this kind of Renaissance of Andalusian ufology, in general, and Seville in particular. He also participated and organized some of the “regional meetings for the investigation of the UFO phenomenon” that began to be held at that time. And we even collaborated in the organization, under the direction of Rafael Llamas Cadaval, a public event with enormous media coverage in Seville in 1973: a series of conferences entitled “Difficult problems to be taken into account”, a “problem” that progressively It was spreading towards the esoteric, heterodox mysticism, psychophonies, paranormal phenomena, psychosurgery, etc.

Daniel Guerrero Bonet and his wife 1975. Archive: @galanvazquez

That gave the lace to ADIASA, since it meant, in my opinion, suspending disbelief to conform to a fantastic reality in which UFOs were one more component. We broke up with everyone, stopped publishing the Andalusian Informative Bulletin and, shortly after, we dissolved as an organized group. I threw myself into completing my studies, I got a job as a civil servant in the Andalusian Health Service, I got married, had children and then grandchildren, finished another different degree by vocation and immersed myself in reading (of essays, poetry and philosophy, fundamentally ) and in the writing of fiction literature, which has allowed me to publish a book of short stories. None of this has prevented me from continuing to read what falls into my hands on ufology, but without the absorbing old passion. Perhaps then we were immature or juvenile apprentice investigators of a non-existent science.
But I am sure of one thing, and that is that ufology has taught me a critical way of seeing the world and questioning what we take for granted, and that ADIASA has provided me with an extremely enriching background for my personal and professional development. Without ufology, if it exists, I would not have achieved half of what I have achieved or reached this point in a chronicle that many ufologists may surprise, coming from whom it comes from. I apologize in advance.

Daniel Guerrero Bonet and his wife 1975. Archive: @galanvazquez

The following graphic documentation corresponds to ADIASA data and research, information exchange documents with other Ufologists and written in different media.

Notice of change of address of ADIASA Magazine Karma7 nº 12 Archive E.O.C.

Mr. Director of KARMA-7 We wish to communicate to all our associates, collaborators and interested parties in general the new provisional address to which they should direct their letters, due to the change of address that has recently been made, in order to centralize all the correspondence addressed, either to ADIASA or to any of the members of its board of directors.
We ask everyone to take good note of the new postal address to avoid possible mistakes, loss and useless waste of time.
ADIASA, UFO Center. Bda. El Torrejón, Tower 1, 5, 4 Seville — Spain.

Daniel Guerrero Bonet. Letters to the Editor magazine Karma 7 nº 12 Archive: E.O.C.

Mr. Director of KARMA-7:
I have just received the latest issue of your magazine, in which I was pleasantly able to find the news about the holding of a round table on the existence of the theme “Men in black. And I say pleasantly, since at present they are taken with some incredulity those somewhat vague topics that apparently have some relationship with the UFO phenomenon, when in reality the UFO itself, despite all our attempts, is also a fact that is still, unfortunately, indecipherable and, therefore. Just as elusive as the others. Let it be known, first of all, as we have already said on several occasions, that we do not lean towards any a priori position on its existence. We only try to verify the cases indicated as such within the MIB phenomenology and we seek the possibility of carrying out an impartial and objective study of them. To say that they exist, as if they do not exist, are attitudes that do not solve anything. Our center, as you know, has been studying the theme of the “Men in Black” without power, still offer a decisive conclusion on the matter. The real progress of our investigations is in terms of verifying the fact, that is, it is in verifying the strange visits of these gentlemen to solvent researchers when they were about to disclose revealing reports on UFOs. However, to what extent does this prove the existence of the Men in Black? We wish, better to limit ourselves to responding that clandestine visits are made whose objects we ignore, just like the visitor. We cannot affirm, as many would like, that the MIBs are beings infiltrated on our planet, compatriots of the UFOs seen whose mission is to silence the witness of some important vision, or the investigator aware of revealing conclusions (?) about the UFO. UFO phenomenon. Just as we cannot say that the «Black Men are agents of some governments whose objective is the debunking — discredit of the UFO issue. O. that MIBs do not exist, being only boasts of failed clergy investigators, or in an effort to complicate the matter.
However, the MIB phenomenon continues to manifest itself in the world’s ufological spheres without anyone being able to prove its true objectives or motives to date.
In Spain, luckily or unfortunately, we also already have them, as I insinuated in the last article published in the Andalusian Informative Bulletin last Christmas. Proof of this is the strange phone call to which a well-known and great friend from Seville was the subject of a researcher whose seriousness and solvency need not be demonstrated. Attached I include a copy of the conversation with the mysterious interlocutor, which has been the subject of a meticulous study that will be published shortly in the aforementioned bulletin, announcing the results obtained.
What will be achieved with these investigations? Simply the same thing that we can achieve with UFO studies. However, what cannot and should not be allowed is that comfortable and uncompromising attitudes are adopted when it is not possible or convenient not to understand a problem. Simply, you study or you don’t study. That is why we praise the KARMA-7 initiative in trying to delve into issues as complex as the Men in Black, for example.
Daniel Guerrero Bonet President of ADIASA.

Communiqué in Karma7 magazine nº 17. Archive E.O.C.
Seville, May 14 to 18, 1973)
This cycle, which could be titled “Difficult problems to be taken into account”, has been promoted by the constituent researchers of what we have called “ANDALUSIAN UFOLOGY” (ADIASA, R.N.C. and private researchers), with several objectives, among which would be highlight: mentalize intellectual minorities and make a first contact between those interested in the UFO issue and concomitant phenomena.
Cycle of Conferences promoted by ADIASA and R.N.C. ABC May 17, 1973 Archive: @galanvazquez

He spoke on «Extraterrestrial life and the problem «UFO>
The interest aroused by the cycle of conferences that is taking place in the hall of the Colegio Mayor «San Juan Bosco», organized by Ufología Andaluza, led a large audience to that place, to listen to the conference on «Extraterrestrial life and the problem “UFO” pronounced the well-known researcher Don Antonio Ribera.
The speaker raised the question of whether extraterrestrial life is possible, answering that it can be affirmed that in the Universe there is, in addition to life, intelligent life. And he says so because life exists on our planet and we are not mere spectators, but an integral part of the Cosmos, that is, if life exists here, nothing prevents it from existing there.
Mr. Ribera explained that Astrophysics has shown us that the planetary phenomenon is not unique, but, on the contrary, we can presume that it is the rule. Nothing prevents us from admitting with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Harold Vrey that there are thousands of inhabited stars in our galaxy. Later, he referred to the three levels of cosmic civilization postulated by Professor Nikolai Kardachef, who says that there must be various levels of civilization in the Universe, based on a series of arguments.
These higher level civilizations — added Mr. Ribera — could be reconnoitering the periphery of the galaxy where we live, and in the course of these explorations they would come across our planet, which they would include in their galactic cadastre.
Seated these bases -he said-, it is almost obligatory to admit that the «UFOs» are of extraterrestrial origin. Their technology is incomprehensible to us, since they are not based on physical laws known to us. Making a simile, it would be as difficult for us to explain the theory of a “UFO” as it would be for a contemporary of Columbus to do it with the television set.

Cycle of Conferences promoted by ADIASA and R.N.C. ABC May 17, 1973 Archive: @galanvazquez
Written by Daniel Guerrero Bonet on ABC 3/23/1972. Archive: @galanvazquez

Men in Black Fantasy or reality?

For a layman in matters of “flying saucers” he almost certainly does not know what the men in black are and the mystery that surrounds them.
In order to give you a clear idea of the many activities of these individuals, and above all to inform you who they are, we will turn to a commentary on this subject that appeared in the Fall 1967 edition of James Monseley’s “Sucer News”: “According to information that has reached us from reliable sources, over the past few months leading researchers, as well as ordinary flying saucer observers across the country, are being subjected to an inexplicably complex and intensive series of acts of terror. Among them those of “silencing” are cited, some quite successfully by mysterious strangers usually dressed in black, phone calls, fantastic and threatening letters, the appearance of cars with or without inexplicable number plates that have followed certain UFO investigators during the course of their work, as well as scores of other facts so extremely fantastic that we hesitate to publish them.”

As can be clearly seen in this comment, the “men in black” are individuals who are usually dressed in black and whose mission — as can be deduced -is to try to “silence” the witness, the investigator, etc. The why?, is not known. How? Neither, but what is known is that these “men in black” exist and are hindering the investigations that have been carried out for a long time throughout the world on “flying saucers”.

But it seems that lately there have been cases where these mysterious “men” (?) have not dressed in mourning, but have dressed up as Air Force agents, insurance agents, company inspectors and even FBI agents and of the CIA, and as a Pentagon spokesman for the “Blue Book” project, Colonel P. Freeman, very aptly stated:
“Mysterious men dressed in the uniform of the Air Force or carrying printed credentials belonging to various government agencies have tried to “silence” eyewitnesses of unidentified flying objects -UFOs-. However -declared the colonel-, we have verified some of these cases and we have discovered that such men did not belong to the Air Force at all.”

So far we believe that we have given an idea of what the “men in black” are and their main activities. Now it is convenient that we go on to tell you about a typical case, one of the missions that these individuals have carried out with great success.
It has been called the Bender case (*) and has gone down in history as one of the most mysterious enigmas that exist. Here are the facts:
“The thing started a long time ago, with a series of strange things happening on the Moon, because even if it’s not in the public domain, strange things happen on the Moon.

For centuries (the first that we consider modern date back to the end of the 18th century) surprising phenomena have been observed on the lunar surface: moving lights, shadows, points…, but what triggered everything was the observation broadcast in December 1957 through a radio broadcast from what appeared to be an “artificial bridge” over the Moon.
The recently deceased Dr. H. Percy Wilkins, one of the world’s greatest authorities on selenography, later stated that he had personally confirmed the existence of a “strange” bridge, worthy of an engineer’s work, with a completely rectilinear bill and about two miles long. long and apparently metallic in nature.
All this caused a certain controversy where, naturally, there was no shortage of defenders and detractors of the theory that someone lived on the Moon. Who? Many affirmed and thought about the “Flying Saucers”.

Under these circumstances, Albert K. Bender was enthusiastic about the latter hypothesis. Bender had founded, in 1952, the IFSB (International Flying Saucer Bureau), which edited the magazine “Space Review”. as the organ of diffusion of the organization.
After a lengthy investigation, Bender suddenly announced, with much fanfare, that in the July 1953 issue he would publish a sensational article revealing, once and for all, the ultimate solutions to the great “flying saucer” problem. That’s where the whole thing started. The anticipation surrounding this July issue of “Space Review” was enormous. The number appeared…, but without the long-awaited article, nor an explanation, nor a comment. Later, in the October issue, a short note from the editor would appear that read verbatim: “The enigma of the flying saucers will no longer be so for many years. Its origin is already known to us. However, all information related to it must be concealed by superior orders. We would like to publish the details in full in “Space Review”” of this information, but we have been warned not to do anything in this regard. We advise those who deal with the study of flying saucers to be very careful…”.

A few months later, quietly, without explanation, the IFSB was dismantled and the magazine ceased publication. What was it that actually happened? There was talk of a “reorganization”, but. What reorganization is so profound that it is actually a dissolution?

The history of this case progresses along different paths. Apparently, according to our reports, shortly after making his first statement regarding the sensational article that was to appear in July 1953, Bender was unexpectedly visited by three short “little men” dressed in black who came to speak with him at his home. No one knows what his conversation was about or even the content of that interview. However, after that mysterious visit, Bender remained in deep shock for three days, without eating or drinking anything. When he recovered he absolutely did not want to talk about what had happened. He stopped dealing with the IFSB, dissolved it and to any question on the subject he always mentioned a mysterious higher authority who forbade him to speak.

Thus mysteriously ended the story of Albert K. Bender.

Given the facts, one begins to wonder: Who are these mysterious “men in black”? What are they up to? Why do they try to prevent certain aspects of the UFO phenomenon from being studied and later given to publicity? It is clear that we are not in a position to answer these questions, and I hope that in the near future these mysteries can be answered and clarified.

On this subject there are a multitude of cases as exciting or more than the one we have just commented on, and that always offer us the presence of these mysterious “men”, whether they are dressed in black or with other uniforms or clothing, but always trying to prevent the disclosure of “something” that is not convenient for them to be made public.

New and amazing unknowns are discovered as we delve into the question, but when will we reach bottom? A bottom that we have before our eyes and that we are unable to feel for different reasons.
The mission of this article is to make everyone aware of these individuals and that anyone who has information on this subject sends it to us, since we are currently conducting a serious and impartial investigation in order to touch the bottom so desired and be able to , at once, unveil the mystery that surrounds the so-called “flying saucers” or get much closer to its resolution.

ADIASA, Huerta de Hierro. Block nº 4, house 6. Seville -Spain.
(The cooperation of Antonio Moreno, Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos and José Ruesga Montiel is appreciated)
(*) A book called Flying Saucers and The Three Men was written about this case.
This article was published in ABC Tuesday March 23, 1971 Andalucía Edition page 34

Excerpt of preliminary information from ADIASA’s research to other ufologists about the landing in Morón de la Frontera May 11, 1970

Extract from the research carried out by Enrique Campos and José A. Galán for ADIASA.

<< — What did you see?
_ I can’t catalog what I saw because I don’t remember seeing anything like it in my life.
_ Did you feel any special sensation?
_ No, I was a bit nervous about the state of the road and although the rain was very fine, deep on the horizon, in my direction, the storm was very strong and thunder and a lot of lightning were very frequent. they are repeated at very short intervals.
_ How would you describe what you saw?
- I can’t explain it, at first it was like a powerful but matte light, without glare and always in an opaque but very bright tone. I drove the truck for almost a kilometer and decided to pull over to the side of the road.
_ Did you get out of the car?

_ No, I was beginning to be a little restless, the rain began to fall in greater quantities. I was very curious to see that, but I also had a long way to go to get to Seville.

_ How long did your observation last?
_ About five minutes, I can not express what I really saw because it was nothing I had seen before in my life or had references to anything similar. I can define it as a giant “suppository” but rounded at both ends.

_ The height?
_ It was approximately a hundred meters from the ground and it seemed that it was moving very slowly, as I have put in the questionnaire, from one side as if it were traveling a few meters and again returning to the starting point; So for about three or four minutes and then it began to descend very slowly, its light began to reflect on the ground. It is at that moment when I start the Pegaso and decide to resume the march. The view on the road but at the same time also looking at the place where that thing was. When I’m closer and I can see it on the far right side of the booth, “it” almost touched the ground, lighting everything up. That’s when I realize that the lights on my truck are off and I’m driving blind. Luckily I did not go off the road, that section that is already closer to the Base and was well paved >>

Excerpt of preliminary information from ADIASA’s research to other ufologists about the landing in Morón de la Frontera May 11, 1970

Manuel Ortega Sánchez (Baker)

Manuel Ortega Sanchez
Thirty-two years old, he was at dawn on May 11, 1970, driving his motorcycle from Morón de la Frontera to Alcalá de Guadaíra (A-360) when he can observe an object suspended in the air that slowly descends and illuminates the entire sector, he is in a small agricultural field and while riding his Derbi Torch motorcycle you can see this object land on the ground.

Extract from the research carried out by Enrique Campos and José A. Galán for ADIASA.

<< — What did you see?
_ I saw something similar to a “laying silo” or a tank truck but white with a very powerful light.
_ The size?
_ I don’t know how to specify the size but it was big, I didn’t stop to look at it much.
_ How long did the observation last?
_ I don’t know, very little because I didn’t stop and I got very nervous and really wanted to get out of that place.

_ Did you see someone near the object?
_ No, I was in a hurry to get out of that place and the night was not very good, the storm was very strong and the rain was getting more intense, I was drenched.
_ Did you see him perched on the ground?
_ Yes, that afternoon I was with my girlfriend fixing something at my house in Morón de la Frontera and I arrived a little late. I start working at one in the morning at the Alcalá de Guadaíra oven and I think it was already after two. I was in a hurry to get there. I ran out of Morón and when I got to the El Coroníl turnoff I could see him to the right of the road, I got scared and didn’t stop, I live in Utrera and the road I had to travel was quite long, many kilometers. I remember looking at it out of the corner of my eye without stopping and … yes, I was perched on the ground with a white light as if it came out of the whole object, I didn’t feel any noise, just the Derby and the rain hitting my raincoat.

Extract of preliminary information from the investigation of ADIASA to the CEI Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona on the landing in Morón de la Frontera May 11, 1970
Extract of preliminary information from the investigation of ADIASA to the CEI Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona on the landing in Morón de la Frontera May 11, 1970
UFO case data Amadeo Romanos. Archive: E.O.C.

28-August-1971 TUDE LA-VEGUIN
Rf: “The Voice of Asturias” 29–8–71
Re: A. Romanos (Zaragoza)
Around eleven forty minutes last night, a strange flying device appeared in the sky of Tudela-Veguin. It was of round construction with orange and blue lights. It seems that it consisted of two parts, a smaller one that separated and then rejoined the larger one, which was the one with orange lights. For more than half an hour it flew over the vicinity of the cement factory road, then headed toward Holloniego, losing itself in the distance. The UFO was discovered by a well-known Oviedo taxi driver who came from Sana and who picked up two boys in Tudeia-Veguin, also from Oviedo, who were the ones who told us about the presence of the artifact in the neighboring town. We only have to ask: Is it one of those mysterious UFOs? The news is true and the mysterious device was also seen by the Chief and several clients of a Tudela Veguin establishment, who told us about the event and arrived at the newspaper pale and distraught. There are already more who have put their finger on the sore spot. Will there be beings from other planets?
Transcript from: Foreign Relations Service
Heading of this news: A UFO in TudelaVeguin


Enrique Campos. Beginning of contact with the ufologist Oscar Rey Brea.Archive: E.O.C.

Mr. D. Oscar Rey Brea
Dear Sir:
From Seville we have been taking a special interest in his person, since Ignacio and Pepe Ruesga speak very highly of you, and of his objective methods.
I have already had the pleasure of reading the study of various observations, including the one on the Moron case that
I thought it was magnificent and that of the Cazalla case.
I have considered the contact convenient, mainly due to the possession of a case that we would like you, as a meteorologist, to study.
In the future you will receive our newsletters and the research carried out by our Center.
I beg your pardon if I’ve taken up a bit of your time, but I’ve been writing to you for months and I think this is the opportunity. For everything, please forgive me.
Without further ado and waiting for his prompt response, I say goodbye sending you a cordial greeting:
Enrique Campas Munoz

Óscar Rey Brea: the man from Coruña that he was, the first ufologist researcher in the world

(A Coruña 1923- A Coruña 1973)

The story of a “wise Galician” who witnessed phenomena never seen before and spent the rest of his life searching for their explanation. He recorded a UFO sighting two years before the flying saucer phenomenon became popular in the United States with the Roswell incident.

Letter from Oscar Rey Brea to Enrique Campos. Archive E.O.C.

Mr. Don Enrique Campos
Dear Friend:
I received your letter of the 30th, which I proceed to answer with a slight delay, a delay that I beg you to forgive, but which is a kind of illness in me.
In principle, I would like to point out that I am not a Meteorologist, even though my profession is meteorology, I am a radiosonde. Even though I suspect that Ignacio and Ruesga have exaggerated my possibilities, you can send me that observation whenever you want. In what they did not exaggerate is in the objective. Particularly I am not guided by any interest in whether or not UFOs exist, I am only moved by curiosity and that is why I am outside any positive or negative influence. Hence my objectivity, which has almost made me the Devil’s Advocate.
I am very grateful for the offer you have made to send me your newsletters and I ask you to greet Ignacio and Ruesga, Ruesga, who, by the way, I owe an answer to one of his letters, which I hope may be tomorrow or the day after.
Kind regards from his good friend.

Letter from Enrique Campos to Oscar Rey Brea. Arhive: E.O.C.

Very dear sir:
We welcome your kind letter, which I will now reply to. First of all, I am very grateful to him for allowing us to steal a little of his time, although I think the subject deserves it.
Attached I send you the report on the observation to which we alluded and which is of great interest. We have not been able to make any drawing or diagram of the observed object, however the external characteristics of the object I believe are specified in detail in the report.
The case presents details of great importance: it is, as you will see, a type I case, with EM effect (aspect only, to be studied separately). Regarding the witness, you will find the details in the report, although as a complement I will tell you that the witness made a great impression on me, his sincerity is evident and an air of credulity emanates from his statements.
Neither Pepe nor Ignacio spoke to me of their disinterested posture regarding the existence of these objects, although, as I already told you, they did speak of their objectivity. We need people like you, Spanish ufology is influenced by an aura of fantasy that the only thing that does is hinder serious and scientific research. I applauded him and I thank him again.
Nothing more, it only remains for me to say goodbye, and I greet you on behalf of our president, giving you a warm hug.

Letter from Oscar Rey Brea to Enrique Campos. Archive E.O.C.
Letter from Enrique Campos to Oscar Rey Brea. Arhive: E.O.C.
ADISA initiates investigation into the Terrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez

Once the present Bolotin had been prepared, we received the news that two researchers from Tarrassa were found decapitated on the train track between Torre Alevodra and Mascornet. The CIFRA news agency spread the news like this:
TWO MEN COMMIT SUICIDE UNDER STRANGE CIRCUMSTANCES IN TARRASA Tarrasa (Barcelona) 20. “The aliens are calling us; we belong to infinity”, is the message signed “Wktrs 88” left on their clothes by two people who committed suicide together, last morning, standing on the train track between Torre Alevedra and Mascornet, in the municipality of this city.
The bodies of the victims, J.R.M., forty-seven years old, a native of the Sevillian town of Aguadulce, and residing in Tarrassa, and J.T.V., twenty-one years old, a native and resident of Tarrassa, were discovered this morning. The two corpses appeared decapitated and lying on the road.- CIFRA.
ADIASA, due to the importance of such an event, has decided to investigate it, mobilizing, for this, all its correspondents and collaborators in Catalonia. It is still premature to disclose any hypotheses, however, the results of these inquiries will be published on these same pages.

Documents of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos provided to José A. Galán for the ADIASA investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez
Documents of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos provided to José A. Galán for the ADIASA investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez
Documents of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos provided to José A. Galán for the ADIASA investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez
Documents of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos provided to José A. Galán for the ADIASA investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez
Documents of Ignacio Darnaude Rojas Marcos provided to José A. Galán for the ADIASA investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez
Letter from Iker Jimenez to José A. Galán referring to the investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez

Jose Antonio Galan?
But man? What a surprise!! I say this to you from my heart. I am passionate about ufology and the dissemination of the seventies and through many of the writings of the time (especially in the archives related to Andalusia, Osuna, the National Correspondents Network, conversations with Darnaude…) I have known of your good work in that wonderful time.
On the other hand, I was very involved in the subject of Los Suicidas, especially with that “parallel” case six years later that occurred in Lérida in the persons of Saureu and Vargas. In this case it was all obscurantism. If you wish, I would send you the work I did in this regard.
I don’t know where I read that you did the first investigation into the matter… and that you thought there was ritual murder… if I’m not mistaken. I was also left with those shadows of doubt.
I did that report for enigmas in 1999 and I reflected it in one of my books… the place marked me a lot, the data, the last hours of those boys and, above all, the apparent silence that enveloped everything… in that So I wanted to interview you… but in the end I couldn’t find you. Things that happen.
I would love to hear about those works and your conclusions. They are two events that seem really traumatic to me and where there were many more mysteries that were overlapped. Precisely on these dates I try to reconstruct some incidents like those and the negative influence they had on researchers and ufology.
I would greatly appreciate any information on those events. A pleasure to share information with you. Let’s see if we unravel the enigma of the photo!. :)

Wednesday December 10, 2003

Iker Jimenez

Letter from Iker Jimenez to José A. Galán referring to the investigation of the Tarrassa event. Archive: @galanvazquez

You leave me frankly amazed, José Antonio:
I have always sensed that something much stranger was hidden in the whole Tarrasa-Tivissa-Lleguet plot.
What’s more, for a time, I was very obsessed with the end of Lleguet’s life, giving up the UFO subject and with quite painful personal circumstances, it seems — and other researchers who coincided at that time in the Catalonia of the seventies.
I don’t know if it has much to do with it, and with absolute confidence I tell you, but subsequent deaths of investigators such as the Argentine-Catalan Alejandro Vignati and Andreas Faber Kaiser also seem to me to be plunged into a “dark well”.
Something that seems too complicated and that made them have a really painful end… and enigmatic.
I have surveyed and spoken with excellent professionals of those years, and they all agree that yes, that Tarrassa was the beginning of a series of surprising events, perhaps with a very negative mood, and that it was a real “stick” for ufology.
Was Jose Félix Rodríguez so special? Everything seems to indicate that yes… And what relationship did they have with Tivissa? What was Lleguet really scared of?
I can only say that investigating Tarrassa, in Torrebonica and Artesa Lerida — it is one of the places where I have found the worst. As if they were watching me… I can assure you even if it is hard to believe. My own suggestion? who knows…
Anyway friend, enjoy my absolute word of confidentiality. This is something that has bothered me for a long time…
A hug

Archive: @galanvazquez

wrinkles on them. How is it possible that a note remains like this after having rolled three meters down the track due to the brutal impact of the train wheels? For Carballal and Guijarro it seems clear that a third person could have intervened, a circumstance that was also considered by other researchers. According to the ADIASA files, it was suspected that this was not an isolated case.

Josep Guijarro Revista Enigmas nº 203. 26 sept. 2012 . Archive: @galanvazquez

“There are few of us — concludes the report by Sevillian ufologist José Antonio Galán -, if they eliminate us, ufology collapses and, with it, the only possibility for the world to realize what is happening around it, behind the scenes…”

— — — — — —

“And along the same lines, there was Galán, who tried to reconstruct the tragic event. According to what I read in his report for ADIASA, two or three weeks before the “suicide”, José Félix Rodríguez called Enrique López Guerrero, the controversial priest de Mairena, author of the book Looking at the distance of the Universe, where he delves into the thorny UMMO affair”.

Manuel Carballal. “The dangers of Occultism” Year Zero 2002 It should be noted that in this writing an error has been made since I did not leave Ufology after this event, after the dissolution of ADIASA I continued as a correspondent researcher of the CEI Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona and the Swedish Research Center RIKSORGANISATIONEN UFO-SVERIGE. @galanvazquez

José Antonio Galán became interested in UFO phenomenology since 1967. A member of the RNC (National Network of Correspondents) and ADIASA, in 1972 he began to investigate the “Tarrassa case” and found important parallels with another “suicide”: that of two young people aged 16 and 18 in Lérida. Their common denominator: suicide on the train track and interest in Tivissa. After intense years of work Galán xxxxxxxx ufology. Apparently, he had reached the conclusion that José Rodríguez and Juan Turu were murdered.

Daniel Guerrero nowadays

Booktrailer of the Book — Tiny stories that reveal surprising realities. Red Point Books.

It can be followed at:

Transformation for cover. Design based on the cover of the Bulletin. Design @galanvazquez



Galán Vázquez
Galán Vázquez

Written by Galán Vázquez

Painter, Graphic Designer, Seville & Barcelona Spain, Member of the Center for Interplanetary Studies of Barcelona. Research Correspondent at UFO-SVERIGE

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